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[Bug] Group Lrm Launch Spread Is Too Narrow Compared To Chain Fire, Has Inconsistent Lrm Waste

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#1 D V Devnull


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 01:22 AM

Description: When firing Multiple LRMs as a Group, the Spread is Too Narrow, causing Missile Waste to be Inconsistently Low. When using Chain Fire to Launch LRMs, the Missile Waste by comparison is Inconsistently High.

Reproduction Rate: 100% -- This is ALWAYS REPRODUCIBLE!!! :blink:

Steps To Reproduce:
  • Equip Multiple LRMs on a Mech, some large, some small. (For example, 3xC-LRM15A, or 4xI.S.-LRM10, or 2xI.S.-LRM10+1xI.S.-LRM20, or 2xC-LRM10+2xC-LRM15... I didn't have many combinations at the time to quickly check with, so I used what I had immediately available for testing both in the Live Server and the PTS's area... You'll be able to Test with far more layouts, including the dreaded 9xI.S.-LRM5 layout of an ARC-5W Mech setup... The type of LRMs does NOT matter, as it can happen with ALL of them.)
  • Go into a Match, Testing Grounds, Academy, etc. (basically anywhere you can fire them on a Target Mech)
  • Get a Missile Lock on an Enemy Mech at literally ANY Range where Damage can be done
  • Fire a Single LRM, and notice the number of LRMs that are Wasted.
  • Fire a Group of LRMs, and notice the number of LRMs that are Wasted to be LESS in Ratio than when you're firing only a Single LRM (For example, if you fire 3xC-LRM15A as a Group, you then only lose 5 LRMs. But if you fire a single C-LRM15A, you're also losing 5 LRMs. If you fire a single I.S.-LRM20, you lose on the order of anywhere from 3 to 6 LRMs. If you fire 2xI.S.-LRM10, you only lose on the order of 2 to 4 LRMs. More missiles should be lost on a Group Fire of 3xC-LRM15A or 2xI.S.-LRM10, as opposed to a single C-LRM15A or I.S.-LRM20 being fired. Try some other combos too, and find more of the same kind of things happening.)
Further Thoughts: I have ALSO discovered this Bug to be present on the Live Servers, which means that there are High-Skilled Players who are Actively Exploiting & Abusing this particular Issue as we speak. If we're trying to advocate LRMs as being a Ranged Lock-On DPS Weapon, then the Current Backend Code which handles both the Server Tracking and Client Display is causing too much of a favoring of Alpha Strikes of LRMs. It's no wonder people have been complaining about LRMageddon for a long time, because the Current Game Coding is actually promoting it in much the Wrong Way, and preventing LRMs (and knowing my luck, Other Missile Systems) from being properly used as anyone intends, as well as blocking proper analysis and balancing. Instead of allowing this to persist, we need a HotFix on BOTH the Live Server and PTS so that Single LRM Launchers should have LESS Spread than a Grouped LRM Mass Firing, and the Spread should Add properly with Additional Launchers as to prevent Exploit-Level Abuse by any High-Skilled Players, as opposed to being effectively narrowed and give them an Unfair Boost. This also means that the PTSs have been running on a Flawed Design, preventing any proper Data from being gathered through the PTS Sessions. The particular Issue which I've found should get corrected first, and then the PTSs restarted in order to get Proper Data for Analysis and later use. Heck, we may find that any Nerfing has already reached the point of beyond Overkill, and that Buffs are possibly needed to BOTH the IDF and LOS Direct Fire Modes of LRM Usage in the game, in order to get Spread Levels back in-line with everything else in MWO's Weapons Library and so forth. :(

~Mr. D. V. "Royally Surprised that such a Hidden Flaw has been allowed to exist this long!" Devnull

#2 D V Devnull


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Posted 15 February 2019 - 02:13 AM

Now that I've got the initial post up, I can give more thoughts in text imagery. Hopefully 'Chris Lowrey' stops by and reads this thread in rather short order, as I am attempting to help get MWO Development back on the right track. As a nice and useful Key, Weapons and their Intended Spread will be represented by these...
  • LRM5 = 5555
  • LRM5A = 5A
  • LRM10 = 101010
  • LRM10A = 10A
  • LRM15 = 15151515
  • LRM15A = 15A15A
  • LRM20 = 2020202020
  • LRM20A = 20A20A20A
  • _ = Good Spacing Between Missiles
  • , = BAD Lack of Spacing Between Missiles
  • + = Unnecessary Widening Of Firing Spread
...and makes this easy for many others to understand. If everyone else can use this Key in their posting below, I would really appreciate it in order to keep the Discussion on this Bug consistent. :)

Now, let's say under the Current Design (as of 2019-02-14... if it's already the next day, I'm not watching the Clock right now) you decide to launch 3xC-LRM15A, both Chain and Group. It comes out like...
  • Group = 151515,151515,151515
  • Chain = ++15A15A++
...and with 2xI.S.-LRM10 versus 1xI.S.-LRM20, you currently get...
  • 2xI.S.-LRM10 = 101010,101010
  • 1xI.S.-LRM20 = ++2020202020++
...then with 2xI.S.-LRM15A, it currently comes out like...
  • Group = 15A15A,15A15A
  • Chain = ++15A15A++
...and while I didn't get to test this one, 9xI.S.-LRM5 on an 'ARC-5W' would end up like this...
  • Group = 5555,5555,5555,5555,5555,5555,5555,5555,5555
  • Chain = +5555+
...and hopefully by this point, you get the idea of what's happening right now. Group Spread is being Buffed by the Server Backend, while Chain Spread is being Punished rather harshly. This causes Severe Chain Fire LRM Waste, and is effectively promoting the unwanted LRMageddons that others complain about. :(

If anything, Group Firing Spread should work against Oversized Alphas, so you end up on a Mass LRM Firing with something reminiscent of...
  • Group = _2020202020_2020202020_
  • Group = _20A20A20A_20A20A20A_
  • Chain = 2020202020
  • Chain = 20A20A20A
  • Group = _15151515_15151515_
  • Group = _15A15A_15A15A_
  • Chain = 15151515
  • Chain = 15A15A
  • Group = _101010_101010_
  • Group = _10A_10A_
  • Chain = 101010
  • Chain = 10A
...so that DPS is made Valuable, and Massive Alphas have to be thought about rather carefully before using. Otherwise, Single Larger Launchers are left collecting dust on the shelf because people won't recognize their usefulness. Then when you get into Mixed Firing, it should act something like...
  • Group = _101010_101010_
  • Chain = 2020202020
  • Group = _15A15A_15A15A_
  • Chain = 20A20A20A
  • Group = _10A_10A_
  • Chain = 15A15A
  • Group = _2020202020_15151515_101010_101010_
  • Group = _2020202020_15151515_101010_
  • Group = _2020202020_101010_101010_
  • Group = _15151515_101010_101010_
  • Group = _15151515_101010_
  • Chain = 2020202020
  • Chain = 15151515
  • Chain = 101010
...and we don't end up with Alpha Strike Volleys constantly being Exploited/Abused by Highly-Skilled People. Now, I'll admit that I've been not using my representation of the LRM5 and LRM5A that much in my Text Diagrams here. It's because I wanted the Scaling to be easily visible for usage in PGI's In-House Analysis & Reasoning that I'm sure they'll need to do. But, I do hope all this information helps them to get a Fix made for the problem. I would like to see all the Weapons become useful to everyone, instead of just those who can take advantage of them at the expense of others. :huh:

~Mr. D. V. "Providing some Additional Details in regard to this Issue" Devnull

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