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Weekend Warriors Event

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#61 ExoForce


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Posted 22 February 2019 - 03:52 PM

10 matches, not a single voice message.

#62 Wild Pegasus


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Posted 22 February 2019 - 06:21 PM

I have to admit, seeing some of the derptastic builds people are making to try and speed through the weapon challenges has been rather amusing. So far the, uh, "best" I've seen are a Nova with about a dozen micro pulse lasers (guess how well that worked out), and a Dire Wolf that was packing a UAC 2, 5, 10 and 20 all at once. I'm sure it'll get sillier as the weekend goes on.

#63 D V Devnull


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Posted 23 February 2019 - 02:56 AM

View PostWild Pegasus, on 22 February 2019 - 06:21 PM, said:

I have to admit, seeing some of the derptastic builds people are making to try and speed through the weapon challenges has been rather amusing. So far the, uh, "best" I've seen are a Nova with about a dozen micro pulse lasers (guess how well that worked out), and a Dire Wolf that was packing a UAC 2, 5, 10 and 20 all at once. I'm sure it'll get sillier as the weekend goes on.

Yeah, these super-specific Challenges for single weapons are worse than a headache. I hope whoever wrote that part of this Event will avoid doing that in the future. Generic Ballistic (and Energy) Challenges are a lot more fun than this... :unsure:

View PostExoForce, on 22 February 2019 - 03:52 PM, said:

10 matches, not a single voice message.

Where's a quote-unquote "Universal Voice & Language Translator" when everybody needs one, eh? At least, that's my bet on what ultimate thing is holding people back from being better Team-Minded Players on the various battlefields. :(

~D. V. "Wishing the Event did not go against Team-Based Gameplay" Devnull

#64 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 23 February 2019 - 03:45 AM

I like the specific weapons challenges. They made me rebuild some of the chassis of our more mech-starved unit members. It was a great exercise. The builds I've seen in QP though....

#65 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 23 February 2019 - 08:10 PM

Only was really interested in the MC challenges - did the IS UAC with my Vulcan 5S (UAC quirk model) and the pulse lasers with my 6M (cooldown quirk vulcan). Picked up a Black Lanner for giggles and ended up using it for the clan pulse laser challenge and for the CUAC challenge I bought a Cougar H. Probably will pawn the cougar back for bay space but will hold onto the lanner for a bit longer.

#66 Lawrence Frans


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Posted 24 February 2019 - 12:45 AM

NOOOOooooo, was just after the MC , but will have to make due without getting 100MC, I don't own a mech that can use the c-UAC20, and there is not one in Trial that has the C-UAC20

dang . . is this one of those can't have your cake and eat it too, kind of thing Posted Image

well got what I could, that's good enough for me, can't complain about any free MC

#67 Pain G0D


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Posted 24 February 2019 - 03:32 AM

View PostLawrence Frans, on 24 February 2019 - 12:45 AM, said:

NOOOOooooo, was just after the MC , but will have to make due without getting 100MC, I don't own a mech that can use the c-UAC20, and there is not one in Trial that has the C-UAC20

dang . . is this one of those can't have your cake and eat it too, kind of thing Posted Image

well got what I could, that's good enough for me, can't complain about any free MC

i did not own a mech that could field a cUac 20 so I bought a discount Kodiak 3 . If I sell that Kodiak I get all my cbills back .
If you don't have cbills to buy a Kodiak , you can grind for cbills in faction play or Solaris or sell mechs and parts . Plenty of time and options bro .

#68 Mighty Spike


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Posted 24 February 2019 - 07:12 AM

Did the C uac20 Challenge with my 4meds + UAC20 StormCrow, 1match and done.Love the 104 km/h running UAC20, worked very well

Edited by Mighty Spike, 24 February 2019 - 07:12 AM.

#69 CyanEyd


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Posted 24 February 2019 - 03:30 PM

I really enjoyed the weapon-specific challenges. Because of them, I used some 'mechs and some weps I rarely take out to battle. It didn't hurt that the prizes were fistfuls of the almighty MC!

Please do this again in the future with other types of weapons. Good times...

#70 Renfis


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Posted 25 February 2019 - 08:10 AM

Agreed, I like the weapon class challenges. Spurs me to run mechs I dont normally run. Out of my 70-odd mechs I have less than 10 that I run on a regular basis. Clan weapon challenges lets me return to my previous favourites like the Ebon Jaguar (second trio of mechs after I skilled out the Hunchbacks). It also rekindled my love of tearing stuff up in my Locusts, used to run alot of lights, not so much anymore :)

#71 Grayson Sortek


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Posted 25 February 2019 - 11:43 AM

So I see a lot of mixed reactions about the events, the requirements, the time limit, the frequency, etc.

PGI: You cannot make everyone happy by manually setting up events, it just can't be done.

I'm not suggesting you get rid of them completely. I'm suggesting a hybrid. Have a daily like Heroes of The Storm that people can complete whenever they want (or skip 1 every 24 hours) in addition to main events that you manually put in. I don't know why this is so hard. I'm happy to see other devs doing this as I've recently started playing Vermintide 2 with friends and we found out that they have daily, weekly, and event challenges. I can complete dailies, being allowed to skip 1 every 24 hours, while having fun slaughtering vermin filth and heretics with my friends.

I would ABSOLUTELY love to have this in MWO. It would help diversify the types of challenges people are going for rather than clogging the queue with specific metas or builds. It would breathe new life into your game that has a dwindling population.

Please consider this.

P.S. I think the events have been pretty fun so far, but I definitely know I don't have time to complete all of them and that kind of bothers me.

#72 Kodyn


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Posted 26 February 2019 - 04:20 PM

I'm personally in the "can't be bothered to do them" camp as far as the weapons challenges, but it's only a couple hundred MC, so no big deal. What I am having an issue with is the time constraint, as I'm also in the "works weekends" camp- thus my time has been limited.

It wouldn't be a big deal as I can finish most of this even in a day, however- the solo kills. Solo kills are always an issue for me in events, especially one where I need one in each weight class. I can get them randomly all the time when I'm not trying and don't need one for an event, but when I actually need one? I can somehow only manage every other type of kill. Now I'm guessing that Solaris would be an option for the solo kills- except I've never had any interest in Solaris, never put together a mech for it(much less one of each weight class), and would love it if I could never have to. I prefer playing a team game, if I wanted to solo, I'd play something else.

Anyway, not a huge deal, just putting it out there that it can be pretty frustrating being stuck on an event metric that's hard to achieve on purpose. Kind of like victories, which in this case at least were minimal and easily done. I did already get my Assault kill, and likely will finish the others, it's just not proving to be a very fun and engaging process. I'm trying to finish the event mostly out of pride and stubbornness, not because I'm finding it all that fun. Just food for thought.

#73 arcana75


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Posted 26 February 2019 - 06:37 PM

I think it's important for people to understand that these are challenges, not participation trophies.

Then again PGI could do "Log in once: 100MC" every week and people would still find a way to complain.

Edited by arcana75, 26 February 2019 - 06:38 PM.

#74 Grayson Sortek


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Posted 27 February 2019 - 07:04 AM

View Postarcana75, on 26 February 2019 - 06:37 PM, said:

I think it's important for people to understand that these are challenges, not participation trophies.

Then again PGI could do "Log in once: 100MC" every week and people would still find a way to complain.

You must hate games like Vermintide 2 and Heroes of The Storm because they offer people challenges every single day that they can complete when they actually have time in their lives.

Despite the fact that picking up a Grimoire in V2 reduces the max health of everyone in the party and takes up a potion slot, you would still consider it a "participation trophy" because it doesn't have a time limit on it.

#75 Pureshot


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Posted 27 February 2019 - 09:38 AM

In HOTS you could complete quests against AI so it's not really a good comparison. I do like the idea of daily quests but how is that different from first win of the day exp bonuses.....or are you expecting more?

#76 Grayson Sortek


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Posted 27 February 2019 - 01:53 PM

View PostPureshot, on 27 February 2019 - 09:38 AM, said:

In HOTS you could complete quests against AI so it's not really a good comparison. I do like the idea of daily quests but how is that different from first win of the day exp bonuses.....or are you expecting more?

I'm suggesting that there be an automated system in place in addition to these manually generated events. What you are referring to with the first win of the day and double XP bonuses have absolutely no variety to them. They do not challenge you to do something like get 500 damage in a light, or shoot down 200 missiles, capture 10 points, narc 5 enemy 'mechs, etc.

Vermintide 2 is a really good example of a game that uses multiple event systems. There are daily events that require you to complete challenges, such as the aforementioned Grimoire challenge. These daily events allow you to skip 1 challenge every 24 hours, cycling to another challenge.

V2 also has weekly events and main events. I'm not suggesting that PGI attempt to implement an exact duplicate of this, but why not have a daily event that stacks 3-5 at a time in addition to these manual events? Make the rewards proportional to the challenge of the event. Add some variety to the challenge of Quick Play to encourage players to do something other than kill each other. Have you not noticed that almost no one plays to the objective?

#77 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 27 February 2019 - 02:26 PM

View PostPureshot, on 27 February 2019 - 09:38 AM, said:

In HOTS you could complete quests against AI so it's not really a good comparison. I do like the idea of daily quests but how is that different from first win of the day exp bonuses.....or are you expecting more?

Fortnites system is a bit better, having the framework in place to allow for daily 'objectives' automatically generated randomly per person is leagues above the system we have in MWO - which is basically just matt changing some values and hitting save. MWO is too far down the toilet to really develop the sort of system it needs for that, but if I had a time machine and the ability to work a PGI dev like a puppet we would have daily random objectives in the vein of "Here are eight objectives, do whatever three you like." instead of "Here are eight objectives, you have four days to do them."

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