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How To Heavy?

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#21 Renzor the Red


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Posted 30 May 2019 - 05:52 PM

View PostNecessaryWeevil, on 25 February 2019 - 12:38 PM, said:

Thanks, I appreciate it. Right now I have a CPLT-K2, CPLT-A1, and CPLT-C4. I'm tinkering with the K2 right now; looking at a 300 Engine with Endo-Steel, 2 PPCs and 2 MLs, max armour and filling up the rest of the space with DHS and a targetting computer. But I'm wondering if it's undergunned. Maybe also an LAMS.

If you're still getting your legs, PPC's might not be the best thing for your K-2. Too hot, and you might have a hard time with the minimum range? Might want to try combining some kind of dakka (LB10X, AC10's, UAC10's or 5') with some medium lasers. Your ears will fall off pretty easily because they stick out, higher than your cockpit.

#22 letir


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Posted 08 February 2020 - 09:53 AM

Most important point in the MWO: you must fine-tune your Mech' as sport car, until every possible uint of weaith are used and there is no more free space.

My advices:
1. Always take full armor tree, no exceptions.
2. Start with medium-long range builds, before you learn the game and maps. It's easer this way.
3. Be wary of LRM treats. Heavy is most profitable target for them. Always think about LRM cover. Stick with ECM carriers. "Radar deprivation" is too costly to afford.
4. Think about engines. Catapult have fairly modest side torsos and long-ranged inclination, XL engine may be very good idea (if you can afford it).

As strategy goes, many heavies - especially XL risky ones - can rival assaults in firepower, but generally lacking power to stay on the line of fire. Compared to mediums, heavies lacking mobility for fast rushes and flanking, they are more about "give as much damage as possible, share some armor and pull back". You can drop enigne in power to achieve some more dakka.

Consider your preferable fire range and think about weapons - projectile builds can be harder for a newbie, LRM need means to counteract ECM, and so on. Easest build right now is "laser womit", especially one of clan origin.

As example, this is my current version of K2 (not like i'm pro or anything):

This build have several reasons to exist:
1. XL Engine 300 is one of the best weight\quality engines, and have two additional internal heatsinks. It will be useful for many Mech's around if you decide to switch.
2. ER PPC is here for pinpoint damage. Yes, they are much less heat-efficient than PPC or Heavy PPC. But very high projectile speed, combined with non-exitant minimal range making tracking and close combat much easer.
3. Heavy Laser is effective against fast targets, and can supplement PPC' alpha strike on the mid range. They are preferable to ML.
4. Machineguns is here to supplement close combat. ER PPC are too hot for chain-firing, so zero heat weapon can help in pinch. They also bring some crit-seeking in the mix.
5. Leg armor is reduced because i've never been legged.

It's not most effiecient build. You can ditch machineguns, downgrade engine to 265 and switch to Heavy PPC, like this:

Or play some torso-centered mixed AC+Energy build like this:

Or simply become PPC:

The ultimate point of Heavy is become so specialised that even assaults start to shake in their boots from your short-term damage potential:

Edited by letir, 08 February 2020 - 09:58 AM.

#23 chevy42083


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 01:22 PM

Those of you saying SRMs on Cats... do you run around with the missile doors open? (similar to MRMS too)
Seems like the lag is enough that my aim SUCKS with them... ESPECIALLY if combined with lasers. But I thought doors open meant less armor.

For the K2... I like AC20 or 10 on one side and an LBX on the other, with some ML for backup.
RACs are fun... but never seem to really do the damage.

If you run SSRM and LRM, you can get them into that magic range where both weapons are in range... but gets risky running all weapons that require locks.

#24 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 09 July 2020 - 08:28 PM

Yes, you lose the 20% dmg reduction, but I always run flaps open on direct fire missiles.

#25 Horseman


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Posted 10 July 2020 - 05:01 AM

Open them when you're beginning your attack run and close when you're out of targets to engage. No point in keeping them open if it costs you weapons

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