Hey there, i would like to participate in the test runs but the client glitched out and now i am not able to join the test server anymore. I made a little protocol so you can understand what i did to "produce" that error.
Can you help me/us on fixing that error?
EDIT: I started the client via the Portal as we were instructed by PGI.
-Screenshot #1 I installed the client via the portal and straight went the the store to pick up some (+-18) Mechs
-After that i wanted to edit the loadouts but it didn't work. The client was stuck at loading the 'Mech loadout
-Screenshot #2 I restarted the client and a graphic bug appeared
-Screenshot #3: After another restart of the client Error code 63 was displayed and i can not enter the test server anymore
Screenshot #1

Screenshot #2

Screenshot #3

Edited by DaniBot, 09 April 2019 - 11:42 AM.