Brief background: my buddy from my hometown got me interested in this game, when I visited him last Christmas vacation. I had never played a Mech game before, and only knew about the Battletech world / universe very generally (an older friend had played the pen-n-paper version back in high school, I think ?). I was intrigued by the amount of strategy the game had (plus the theorycrafting with the builds / loadouts), and the visuals are pretty cool with huge mechas stomping around blasting stuff. All in all, very nice game / presentation, I felt.
So I signed up and began playing with him, very sparsely, around the end of January. I probably did a day a week, for maybe 2 hours max - and that was it, for the first few months. So probably less than 12 hours of play in, from start to here in April ! However...something happened the last few days... We played Sunday night a bit, and then he went to bed. I however, stayed up and - on a whim - decided to tweak the loadout on my Annihilator (the 1st mech I actually bought, with all the credits from the Training Missions and such)... and I put on 4 LB-10x 'shotguns' (I think I was inspired by this video the famous Mech YT'er Baradul did where he jokingly said "I just wanted to blast some mechs with shotguns today").
To my shock ...this actually turned out amazingly for me...I suddenly started doing crazy damage (600, 700, 800, 900, etc) - and getting lots of credits (I saw some games with like 10 components destroyed, 12, etc). Instead of going to bed, I actually stayed up throughout the evening, and kept playing (I work nights and was off work that day, so it was not as crazy as it might sound at first) !
My wins kept going (for the most part) and I actually went and bought another mech (a Mauler)... and actually invested a bit of "real money" for the MC's that I was able to use to pick up a Mech that I'd heard about a few times in Forum talks and such, which sounded great to me (I love Dakka in this game / most games that allow for it, so ballistic setups really appealed to me). The mech in question was called "Ultraviolet", but everyone was calling it "Ultra-Violence", lol. It has the ability to mount 8 of these LB-2 shotguns, for devastating massed fire-focus, at great range (900+).
With these 3 mechs, I played several more matches, and eventually by the time I stopped and went to bed, I somehow had risen through Tier-5 and into Tier-4 ! (I forget how far up the Tier-5 progress bar I was). Some of these matches were crazy - damage of 1000, 1100, 1200...etc. One game I KO'd 15 Components. Really fun / impressive stuff, for my having just started out, I felt. I am after another morning of playing, and about to go to bed again (more great results, over halfway through the Tier-4 bar, headed towards Tier-3 I guess ?).
I have several questions (apologies for the lengthy intro / explanation, but I thought it would be relevant to explain where I'm at here); I will love any advice or explanations veterans can provide to me.
1.) Premium Time: Is this worth it if I play 3-5 days a week, going forwards ? And is it considered more viable to buy it 'straight up', or (as I've read sometimes) to get it via "packs / bundles" in the store ? The reason I ask is some of the bundles cost like 3000 to 9000 "MC" ...which seems expensive. How much is the Premium in terms of MC, for a year ? I assumed it was like WOT or other games of this sort, where a year is 99$ - but I couldn't easily find a "click here for Premium" button, in the standard Garage / Bay area, so I thought I'd ask here.
2.) Is there a point to having more than one "type" of a Mech, other than just for Collector purposes ? Like, I got the Annihilator variant with the 6 ballistic hardpoints, and had orginally been running it with 6 AC-5's, I think...which was kind of fun...but honestly my results have exploded upwards / better with these 4-LB10's I've been using the last few days, so I'm not sure if one setup is clearly superior to the other.
Related to this...I got my main Annihilator...and have maxed out his Skill Points at the 91 / 91 level...and playing him more (from what I can tell) only builds up XP on his chassis, which you'd have to "convert to Free XP / GXP" using C-Bills, to make it actually relevant to the rest of your mechs, possibly, correct ? There's no real point in unlocking "every single Skill Tree node", if you already have the 91 you are happy with, correct ?
3.) Going off the above question, are there many cases where a particular mech (either normal variant, Hero, or Champion config) is considered "notably better" than the other possible purchases ? I just don't want to make a newbie mistake and buy a "Mech-X1" (made up name) and have people go "oh, you dummy, you should have gotten the Mech-X5 model, that's the one with better armor and more weapon options !".
4.) I have seen most of the Store mechs grant special "perks" / traits as part of their statsline. These can be improved armor, or better charge times on Gauss (Fafnir-5, I think)...or similar. Is there an easy link / list to an excel doc or such, that lays out all of these unique traits, so I could consider them for possible future pickups ? Are there any ballistic-particular ones that I'd probably enjoy ? LB-10, Autocannons, or RAC's are probably the guns I've had the most fun with, to date - so perhaps mechs with special traits relating to those, you can recommend ??
5.) Lastly, is there a clear benefit to some of the largest mech weapon types, like LB-20, or AC-20, or the like ? It seems (just from my brief looking over the options), that weapons in MWO sort of go "the smaller / weaker they are, the farther they shoot" and "the bigger / stronger they are, the shorter their range - in some cases, massively shorter". Given that engagement ranges are quite varied, in the matches I've played in - I can assume there's not a "clear winner"...but some of the 1000+ damage matches I've produced in the Ultraviolet mech, have seen me blasting away at enemy targets at ranges of 900+, where they (in many cases) seem not able to return effective fire on me, and I just keep blowing off components and such, with the 8 LB-2's. This 'seems' to tell me that long-range combat potential is an important part of MWO battle success ? For example, the few times I've tried out Fafnir (I bought one as my 4th and final mech, as of now)... I tend to do massively worse than in the other 3 (using the 2 Hvy Gauss setup that it's famous for, I think). The fact I have to be so close to effectively damage stuff with those weapons, means I find it much harder to get damage in (plus the Gauss charge up thing is something I'm still learning - it's much different than the other weapon types I've used).
The result is that I can take the LB-Annihilator, LB2-Ultraviolet, or RAC / AC-Mauler I have, and produce regularly between 600 and 1200 damage a match.. but when I take the Fafnir out, I think the best I ever got was 600 something. I'm sure it's user-error / new guy mistakes, but this Range question got me thinking ...maybe the longer range stuff is just more useful in the game. So I thought I'd put this in as my final question. Thanks to anyone who made it this far, and for any potential answers / advice you can provide to me ! Great game and I look forward to enjoying it for a long time to come