That they can take from the Clans whatever they want now that they know the location of our Home worlds.
That none of the Clans can stop them. Well Clan Jade falcon will send them a Message back.
We will ride out as fast as the wind....we will tell all the other Clans to come. We will tell the Grand Council that Nicholas Kerensky Calls to us... It is time to retake our lost home.
Will you fly now with me as Turkana on wings! My Brothers and Sisters. Join Clan Jade Falcon and we will show the Inner Sphere People that they can not take whatever they want from US!
That the Inner Spheres worlds are our worlds and we have come to reclaim them.....
Join the Ranks of the 79th Raptor Talon Cluster and see the Inner Sphere...…..
Edited by Harper Steel, 17 January 2019 - 03:58 PM.