lately almost every game i play either some1 dc's or never connects.
in 1 out of every 2-300ish or so games i get a weird fatal error when loading the map, this sends me to desktop where it generates a log and sends it to pgi.
if i then login and try to reconnect to the match it will fail with an error again, this fatal error requires me to go into steam and do a verify file integrity, when it's done it usually downloads a 7-800mb file....and then i can open mwo and reconnect.
now that file only takes a few secs on my fiber but for ppl with lesser speeds, that's a big file to redownload............and so they missed the match entirely.
are other ppl having these more frequent than me or ?

Disconnects Galore
Started by memorandum, Apr 27 2019 01:18 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 27 April 2019 - 01:18 PM
Posted 28 April 2019 - 04:59 AM
I haven't been disconnected like this myself but I can say that a lot of people on both teams got disconnected either in the drop preparation phase or during the match, although I haven't seen people not connect in time and stay DC'd for the whole match, they usually connect when everyone leaves the dropships.
Posted 28 April 2019 - 08:30 AM
memorandum, on 27 April 2019 - 01:18 PM, said:
lately almost every game i play either some1 dc's or never connects.
in 1 out of every 2-300ish or so games i get a weird fatal error when loading the map, this sends me to desktop where it generates a log and sends it to pgi.
if i then login and try to reconnect to the match it will fail with an error again, this fatal error requires me to go into steam and do a verify file integrity, when it's done it usually downloads a 7-800mb file....and then i can open mwo and reconnect.
now that file only takes a few secs on my fiber but for ppl with lesser speeds, that's a big file to redownload............and so they missed the match entirely.
are other ppl having these more frequent than me or ?
in 1 out of every 2-300ish or so games i get a weird fatal error when loading the map, this sends me to desktop where it generates a log and sends it to pgi.
if i then login and try to reconnect to the match it will fail with an error again, this fatal error requires me to go into steam and do a verify file integrity, when it's done it usually downloads a 7-800mb file....and then i can open mwo and reconnect.
now that file only takes a few secs on my fiber but for ppl with lesser speeds, that's a big file to redownload............and so they missed the match entirely.
are other ppl having these more frequent than me or ?
With the last patch, I've been having an issue where as soon as the dropship starts to drop me, I'll get into like two visual button pushes of the startup sequence and then crash right to desktop. It doesn't happen often, but it is something new to me since last patch.
Other than that, I haven't been noticing any unusual number of disconnects than before from others in game, just an unusual number of crashes for myself (from none to some).
Posted 28 April 2019 - 12:27 PM
I haven't played MWO since 2017. And literally yesterday I decided to play a couple of quick matches. I also noticed I have collected nearly 122 days of premium time. Today I activated 30 days of premium time and almost recently I get lots of disconnections playing on european server. That sucks...
Posted 06 May 2019 - 03:15 PM
Yep - I get dropped from matches, all the mechs are walking on the spot, team voip chat still works fine. So the connection to those servers and therefore my internet connection itself must be ok.
Posted 06 May 2019 - 03:33 PM
Teut, on 06 May 2019 - 03:15 PM, said:
Yep - I get dropped from matches, all the mechs are walking on the spot, team voip chat still works fine. So the connection to those servers and therefore my internet connection itself must be ok.
The game is hitting at least 3 servers, the regional game server, the in-game VOIP server (unknown location) and the authorization server (located in Canada).
That in-game VOIP still works means you are connected to it and the authorization server. It is the connection to the regional game server that the connection was lost. Was it the server itself? Rarely, usually it is some point in between your system and the game server or the port was temporarily blocked by router software firewall/other firewall. (not by NAT). The port blocking can happen if the connectivity is not great and the UDP packets are being held up then released in a flood. The router firewall SPI can see it as an attack, temporarily closing that port.
Posted 11 May 2019 - 07:03 AM
While optimizing the user.cfg (reading cryengine manual and amazon lumberyard code), I have a little theory about the disconnections. It could be related to precaching, preloading game assets and/or shaders.
Can people with disconnect/crash issues post their config ?
- Processor
- Graphic Card
- Memory
- Disk Drive model
- Windows version
Can people with disconnect/crash issues post their config ?
- Processor
- Graphic Card
- Memory
- Disk Drive model
- Windows version
Edited by MrVaad, 11 May 2019 - 07:24 AM.
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