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Thrustmaster T16000 Fcs Flight Pack Setup

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  • The Stalker
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Posted 28 April 2019 - 12:12 PM

Hey everyone,

I have been trying to get my thrustmaster t16000 fcs (joystick, throttle, and rudder pedal quadrants) set up and running into a few problems. it seems that the ready to go .fcf file from thrustmaster does not actually have the throttle and pedal quadrantsincluded with them its either solo joystick or daul joystick pre made mappings. Now, before I go and make a new profile from scratch and possibly drive myself insane doing so through the t.a.r.g.e.t. software does anyone have any tips to modify the thrustmaster profiles or an .fcf file that they could share? Just looking to step things up a bit and move away from keyboard and mouse. Any help is appreciated, thank you all in advance.

#2 The Lost Boy


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Posted 28 April 2019 - 12:26 PM

Um. This games support for such things is terribad. Im sure there are techies who can help. It seems like a great idea to use pedals to rotate left and right and a stick for cursor/torso control and throttle for frward reverse and then map weapons and functions to the tophat and other buttons on yer stick and throttle. But man o man, PGI dont make it easy.



  • The Stalker
  • The Stalker
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Posted 28 April 2019 - 12:45 PM

well thats what thrustmasters t.a.r.g.e.t. software is for. it blends the different devices into one usable profile that can then be mapped in game. however a basic profile is needed to get the axises identified and mapped correctly for each controller, its actually a really neat system, however there is a bit of a learning curve to understand how it all works especially when making a control profile from scratch. just really looking to save myself some headache

#4 Mystere


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Posted 28 April 2019 - 01:04 PM

You're going to need a whole lot of TARGET voodoo to make that setup more than barely usable on MWO. Your first order of business, among many, are as follows:
  • develop a fire control system to manage up to 6 weapons groups, while accounting for both chain and group firing (assuming you even want to go that far)
  • make the joystick usable for aiming (i.e. absolute vs. relative positioning), while accounting for different Mech torso twist speeds and angles
Having said that, I am not familiar with the specific layout and details of the T.16000M FCS Flight Pack (other than the rudder). I myself use a full Warthog+Rudder setup.

The scripting version of TARGET is definitely much better than the GUI version for this. Better start practicing if you want to get the most out of it. Posted Image

Edited by Mystere, 28 April 2019 - 01:05 PM.

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