3D printed dropship I financed for the Death From Above show. General idea and layout were mine; a friend did the 3D modeling and printing. We ran out of time for painting, so it went out just primed. The top and bottom are held together with magnets, and there are magnets set into the ramps and outer hull to attach minis and customize turrets (we printed three types: single-barrel, dual-barrel and missile rack). The bay doors can either be left open, have a ramp attached or have a door piece inserted to be closed. Interior is a three-ring hex grid, leaving enough room for a full company of minis, plus empty hexes next to each bay door and two hexes to represent "mech lifts" to the non-existent upper bay. Landing gear slots are yet more magnets and can be landing legs or covers. Obviously the primary influence was a Union-class, but the customizable turrets were also a deliberate choice to let DFA also use the model as their modified Mule-class. And there are enough hexes to accommodate full Trinary if they want it to be a Union-C.