Please move this topic if there is a more appropiate forum; I post it in Battletech.
I would have several reccomendations:
1- Text with static drawing of character is immersion breaking and bad. Show at least a blurry video (can be a gif, can have interference), a protocolar photo, or dont show at all. A little RPG drawing makes you feel it is less real.
2- Would it really be that hard making you see how you actually board the mech before the mission? The "black screen skip" seems like a cop-out. You are there, the 'mech is there. Make the cockpit open and get you in position. Can be a scripted sequence.
3- Betty voice (onboard computer) almost can't be understood due to distortion, also speaks very slow. Excessive distortion of voices seems to be a common problem here. It should be clear and understandable since it essentially an extension of your GUI. 4- Fields don't look convincing for some reason. Probably that all plants looks exactly the same. Also perfectly spaced. Procedurally add height variations and placement imperfection. Wreckage fire looks unconvincing as well.
5- Things like radar dishes could have dynamic damage instead of just shattering when critical. Look at Age of Empires 3 structure damage system.
Nice features:
Vehicles, aircraft, AI, destroyable buildings, appropiate paper doll schemes to look at damage (hope they get implemented in MWO, just like vehicles and aircraft with AI as NPCs, and mech AI filling in for disconnects), co-op (apparently?).

Mechwarrior 5 New Gameplay Review
Started by NimoStar, Dec 09 2018 07:01 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 09 December 2018 - 07:01 PM
Posted 09 December 2018 - 08:52 PM
Most mechs have crafted hatches but were never animated. The big issue is they plan on including an unprecedented number of me is compared to any past MW game. That's a lot of animations and cockpits to tweak. Also AAA titles still do this cop-out.
And yes MW5 has co-op. There's no benefit to players joining you as it doesn't affect their game or progress just yours as the host. They replace NPC pilots that you have hired until they leave.
Hopefully ng for multiple betties. But cab live with being able to swap.
And yes MW5 has co-op. There's no benefit to players joining you as it doesn't affect their game or progress just yours as the host. They replace NPC pilots that you have hired until they leave.
Hopefully ng for multiple betties. But cab live with being able to swap.
Posted 10 December 2018 - 04:14 PM
On the subject of the plants all looking the same. Space Monsanto genetically engineered super wheat! Able to withstands snow, hail, or stray mech fire! And if you're neighboring indigenous crops happen to be fertilized by the same bees and start producing said crop. Prepare to have mercs show up and burn your place to the ground. Probably what's happening in the video!
Edited by MechaBattler, 10 December 2018 - 04:15 PM.
Posted 14 December 2018 - 10:04 PM
Where can I follow the development and participate in discussion for MW5?
Posted 14 December 2018 - 11:21 PM
I love cardboard civ buildings, they are the bestest.
Posted 02 May 2019 - 01:04 PM
torso reticule needs a dot in the middle since the line is gone...
Posted 02 May 2019 - 07:51 PM
NimoStar, on 09 December 2018 - 07:01 PM, said:
Please move this topic if there is a more appropiate forum; I post it in Battletech.
Some things I've just realized..
They say they haven't rescaled any mechs.. but Thunderbolt perspective compared to a Spider....and the Spider looks gigantic.
Spider is 11 meters tall in MWO.. To the cockpit of the Thunderbolt is about 14, more if you go up to the top of the launcher.. that's about right for those heights, but damn...its almost like the Thunderbolt's head is much lower.

Side note: Spider isn't all that big. Unlike most mechs, there's no toilet, fold-down bed, or any kind of leg room... in fact the mech doesn't even have an ejection system; its bare bones than most Clan mech cockpits... and the scale offered here, while it does make it about as big as a Shadowhawk is scaled to be...still makes it a really small machine when we consider MWO/MW5's presented scale.
>.> Sadly fixing scales is probably going to be beyond what I could do....since I'd have to change a lot of things.
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