Check this out. This is a random image I found somewhere since I didn't have any screenshots of myself playing with someone else targeted. (Below)
Note that the enemy's paper doll is faced the right way. His back has his left side on the left and his right side on the right. His front side has his right side on the left (since he's facing us), and the left side on the right. This is good. It's instinctual.
However, when you look at the player's paper doll in the lower left corner, the back is correct (in terms of left/right), but the front is backwards. It says left under the right arm and right under the left arm. That's really weird and off-putting. Don't know if anyone's mentioned this before.
I'd recommend showing the player's paper doll front side just like you would with a targeted enemy, as if the paper doll was facing the viewer, so the front side has the right side of the mech on the left side and the left side of the mech on the right side. Basically reverse the L and R on the 'Front' side of the paper's paper doll.
Edited by Renzor the Red, 05 May 2019 - 05:06 PM.