When in the Mechlab, trying to save a build, I've been sometimes experiencing a weird bug that gets the game stuck and needs me to shut it down and restart to recover from. At times when I've tried to save, the pop-up save window comes up, I name the build, hit 'save', then it doesn't exit. Instead, I'm stuck still in the save window, the thing I just saved doesn't show up unless I click on 'Current Mech Only' to reveal all saved builds, then click again to go back to the current mech's saves.
Whatever I do, I'm stuck in that save window. Can't hit 'cancel' or save in any other sort of way that closes it. The only way out is to 'X' out of the game and restart.
Also, I think I posted this in the wrong patch notes. It wasn't very clear to me where to post bug reports.
Edited by Renzor the Red, 21 May 2019 - 05:53 PM.