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Loyalists In Faction Play - Design Spec V1

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#21 Paul Inouye

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Posted 18 June 2019 - 05:12 PM

View Postslide, on 18 June 2019 - 05:05 PM, said:

Note, Paul has seen into my account and can confirm I don't need any of this stuff, it's purely for newer players who sign up to show their loyalty.

Riiiigggghhhhht. ;)

#22 slide


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 05:31 PM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 18 June 2019 - 05:12 PM, said:

Riiiigggghhhhht. Posted Image


Okay, maybe I need some of it on my clan account, but not this one.

#23 SeventhSL


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 07:46 PM

@Paul. Nice work mate. Thanks for taking the time.

As a Ghost Bear loyalist, who will now get to drop IS Mechs in IS vs IS conflicts, the only question left is what IS Mech packs am I going to need to buy and cover in Bear camo. :)

#24 -Spectre


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 07:47 PM

I really like this proposal. I do have two requests and one clarifying question, though.

First, the question: is the only way to participate in an IS vs IS conflict as a Clanner, and vice versa, to accept a call to arms, or can you select which side you want to fight for and fight for them?

Now, the requests: 1) I would like to see the "Hero of [faction]" title be a selectable title, rather than displayed automatically when you select "display faction rank," so that if I want it to say "Galaxy Commander III" instead of "Hero of Ghost Bear," I can do so. 2) um, I honestly forgot. It seemed important when I could remember it...I'll edit this when I remember it.

#25 Triaxx2


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 08:02 PM

Honestly I'd just like clan wide factioning, and mercing in particular to work the way they used to.

I joined merc specifically not to have to be locked into a faction.



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Posted 18 June 2019 - 08:13 PM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 18 June 2019 - 04:11 PM, said:

This is a design spec for a future update.. it is not in the current patch.

Thank you, I was not aware of the future timing.

#27 SilentScreamer


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 08:49 PM

Rewards after Rank 20, queues balanced by Mercs and Freelancers, Loyalists can keep their Faction status through Conflict changes and even participate in other conflicts without changing Loyalty. Good proposal Paul!

One question though, will Freelancers get a chance to earn Rep Points or Loyalty Points? I often wonder how many players have made single player Units just to earn points for the Merc reward tree....

Edited by SilentScreamer, 18 June 2019 - 09:05 PM.

#28 justcallme A S H


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 09:16 PM

I have one question that jumps - Switching Loyalty. Kinda needs to be worked out into all of this. There was this comment:

View PostPaul Inouye, on 18 June 2019 - 03:50 PM, said:

Still open to debate on this.

I concur MC is heavy handed as well as a cbill penalty hurts. It's just discouraging to an already slim playerbase. Penalising people is not the right way.

Currently - There is no penalty to switch ~~HOWEVER~~ there is now an incentive to staying. That being the increasing 2.5% per match to the capped 140%. On a 1000LP match, at 140% you're now earning 1400. That will get you to higher ranks and rewards faster.

So should there even be a penalty if there is an incentive to staying? I would say incentivising is a better approach as this stage in MWO's life and the population and 140% after 10 consecutive matches is enough and then rewards them for every match they stay loyal. Almost an in-built probation that is an incentive rather than penalty (by earning no LP at all.

View PostPaul Inouye, on 17 June 2019 - 09:30 AM, said:

3.2) Rate of Accumulation

This one in particular - brilliant. The additional bonus is nice and somewhat offsets you maybe sitting in a stacked queue and having to wait rather than just switching.

View PostPaul Inouye, on 17 June 2019 - 09:30 AM, said:

4) Participation in Faction Play

4.1) Faction Picking in a Conflict
  • A Loyalist player can only pick their Faction or Alliance in a Conflict.
  • Conflicts will not allow inter-Alliance fighting.
  • Queue balancing will be left to Mercenary Units and Freelancers

So if I am Kurita Loyalist. There is a Kurita v Davion - I cannot select Davion at all. I am hard locked to Kurita no matter what happens once the events starts? But once it ends I then can?

Yet if there was a Davion vs Steiner (or Clan Wolf). I can select either side and application LP-EOM applied?

I guess that ties into sequential match bonueses to a degree.

View PostPaul Inouye, on 17 June 2019 - 09:30 AM, said:

5.1) Looping rewards after Rank 20

Hell. Yes!!! This has honestly been needed for over 3 years. Glad it will also have incremental rewards inbetween to keep motivation.

SNAG point - What about Mercenary? Many players are maxed out at Rank 10 Merc and have been for years just like Loyalists. Mercenary also lost thier c-bill per game bonus with the latest patches. It was 250k cbills and that hasn't been reinstated anywhere -really needs fixing-

It would be very important and adventagous all at once to add new ranks past Rank 10 Merc to encourage some players to be Merc and thus help balance the queue. Would seem rather to simple to tack that on the back if you're doing all the factions at the same time.

Edited by justcallme A S H, 18 June 2019 - 09:30 PM.

#29 Sigmar Sich


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 09:41 PM

Posted Image Paul.

A suggestion about faction mechs as an additional rewards for loyalist rank tree:

Make some (F) duplicates of mechs, and add them as a reward for certain ranks. (F) mech features its faction paint pattern as default, and a bonus, let's say 10% C-bills and 10% XP, or whatever bonus is more appropriate. (F) mechs are similar to (L) variants - supplied with their own mech bay. and cannot be sold.

As the foundation, let's take this table from "Historical - War of 3039". Somewhat outdated for our timeline, but good enough as a starting point.

Posted Image

With AFFS being Davion, DCMS - Kurita, LCAF - Steiner, FWLM - Marik, CCAF - Liao, and with IS FRR falling into Other category.
Clans will have a bit different approach, since i have no such table for them, and their weight class distribution will be generated from their most preferred mechs.

So let's make it 6 mechs total per faction rank tree, distributed from light to assault, as ranks rise.

Here's suggested models, and explanations. Sources - TRO 3039, 3050 Upgrade, other TRO to a lesser degree, Sarna, and mech availability lists from Combat Operations.

Light 1 - Javelin JVN-10N - the main model of common Davion light mech. Alternative - JVN-10F, as the only widely used variant.
With its long history, the Javelin has spread to every Successor State, but only the AFFS has embraced it and tried to employ every chassis it can. The Javelin appears in almost every Federated Suns ’Mech regiment, with several formations employing dozens of them.

Light 2 - Osiris OSR-3D. The only other distinct Davion light mech. Could have been the Wolfhound, as joined FedCom effort, but those are manufactured only in Steiner space. Osiris is of Davion manufacture (New Avalon).
Since first debuting in February of 3063, the Osiris has found its way to every corner of both the Federated Suns and Lyran Alliance... the majority ... have remained within the Crucis March*.
*Crucis March = Davion heartland.

Medium - Centurion CN-9A. Very tough choice, for the only medium slot, with Enforcer and Dervish being competitors. Alternative - CN-9D, as distinct mass produced Davion model.
The Centurion is considered the unofficial ’Mech of House Davion’s BattleMech forces by most of Davion’s enemies.
Nuff said.

Heavy 1 - Rifleman RFL-3N. Since you don't have the Crusader. Alternatives - RFL-5D, RFL-8D.
House Davion possesses the largest concentration of Riflemen, and the machines have seen action all across Davion territory.

Heavy 2 - Jagermech JM6-S. Alternatives - JM6-DD.
Like the Enforcer, the JagerMech is a BattleMech that has long been fundamentally associated with House Davion and its Federated Suns.

Assault - Victor VTR-9B.
...the bulk of Victors are to be found in the Federated Suns, where they remain one of the AFFS’s primary assault ’Mechs...


Light 1 - Jenner JR7-D. Alternative - JR7-K, as the newer, upgraded model.
...the Jenner was a source of national pride for a single state, the Draconis Combine...

Light 2 - Panther PRT-10K. Alternative - PRT-9R, as the older main model.
Every DCMS line unit has several Panthers in their rosters, mostly the PNT-10K workhorse design.

Medium 1 - medium mechs are really hard choice for Kurita, since they lack their distinct chassis. With following mechs, i suggest to outline the support of Draconis Combine by ComStar. So, Crab CRB-20 (the downgraded model, supplied to DCMS).
The only variants of the Succession War era Crab were the models gifted to the Draconis Military by ComStar,..

Medium 2 - Kintaro KTO-20, for reasons stated above.
ComStar gave the Draconis Combine downgraded KTO-20 models...

Alternatively, it can be Wolverine WVR-6K or 7K, but it breaks the pattern, and despite not having the Marik model, WVR is more associated with Marik.

Heavy - Dragon DRG-1N. No brainer. The Grand Dragon would be more fitting, but game doesn't have it.
The Dragon appears in every Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery battalion and in almost every company. Indeed, there are several battalions that are made completely of Dragons.

Assault - Hatamoto-Chi HTM-26T. Hard competition with the Mauler, but samurai theme seems more fitting.
The Hatamoto-Chi has become one of the standard issue low-end assault BattleMechs of the DCMS, with nearly every battalion that employs assault-class ’Mechs containing at least one Hatamoto-Chi.

Alternative - Mauler MAL-1R.
Produced in massive quantities during the years of the Clan Invasion and again during Operation Bulldog, Maulers can be found in almost every DCMS unit still in service.


Light - Commando COM-2D. As the most used model of the distinct Lyran chassis.
Despite a production span stretching back before the time of the original Star League, the Commando has remained a distinctly Lyran design.

Medium - Bushwacker BSW-X1. A hard choice, Steiners lack the distinct medium mech. Closest competitor would be Griffin GRF-1S or 1N, but chassis is too heavily shared with Marik. Uziel is also an option, but it is shared with Davion more than Bushie.
...put in full scale production in 3053... Most of the Bushwackers in service belong to units of the Lyran Alliance,..

Heavy 1 - Thunderbolt TDR-9S. The most significant Thunderbolt model for Steiner.
The mech is a heavily shared design with Marik, but there are no better options, at least T-bolt is widely produced, and game doesn't have Marik models. Mmm, someone being inconsistent.. Oh well.
Used extensively by every military across the Inner Sphere and Periphery, Thunderbolts appear in heavy lances and even light assault forces. Houses Steiner and Marik are the ’Mechs primary users,..

Heavy 2 - Thanatos TNS-4S. Shared mech with Davion, but no better options are present.

Assault 1 - Zeus ZEU-9S. Iconic Lyran mech. The most significant model, that overtook 6T. 6S was also very significant, but only because Steiners couldn't produce PPC prior to 3039, so 6S steps aside.
Lyran signature ’Mech

Assault 2 - Atlas AS7-S. Steiner scouts are a meme, so Fafnir steps aside. The S model is produced only by Steiner, despite sharing its use with Davion. AS7-D-DC could be an alternative, but this model was assigned to militia units, which isn't something to be proud of.


Light - Spider SDR-5V. The only distinct Marik light mech. Somewhat shared with Kurita, but not significantly.
The Free Worlds League managed to secure the Spider’s technical schematics from the ruins of the Terran Hegemony and tasked Nimakachi Fusion Products with building the design.

Medium 1 - Cicada CDA-3M. In odd position between light and medium mechs, Cicada is a good choice for Marik's extended medium list.
...Cicada was rapidly fading into obscurity. Free Worlds Defense Industries rescued the ’Mech from that fate by producing it in increasing numbers...

Medium 2 - Vulcan VT-5M. Not the most distinct Marik mech, but i think it is a good alternative to a very distinct Hermes II, which we don't have in game.
Often charged with dealing with civil unres twithin the Free Worlds League, the Marik Militia has always had a place in their ranks for the Vulcan.

Medium 3 - Hunchback HBK-4G. Despite being sold to everyone, it is of Marik manufacture.
...the only Hunchback factory situated in Marik space, the ’Mech is also used extensively by the forces of the Free Worlds League.

Heavy - Orion ON1-M. Very distinct Marik design.
... has been in production only in the Free Worlds League for centuries.

Assault - Awesome AWS-9M. Not only because it's awesome, but because it is very mass produced mech by Marik, with 9M being the most exclusive model for them.
Free Worlds League controls the only surviving manufacturing plants capable of producing the Awesome, it also operates the largest amount of Awesomes of any of the Great Houses.


Light - Urbanmech UM-R63. As the high tech trashcan only Liao can be bothered with.
Unlike the other Successor States, the Capellan Confederation maintains a large number of UrbanMechs in its front line forces.

Alternatively, it can be Raven 3L. But c'mon, Urbie is love.

Medium 1 - Assassin ASN-23. Not very mass produced mech, but no better alternative for Liao.
The majority of Assassins are seen in the CCAF.

Medium 2 - Vindicator VND-1R. Capellan workhorse.
The Vindicator is almost exclusive to the Capellan Confederation.

Heavy 1 - Catapult CPLT-C4. Laio have the majority of Catapults, and C4 is their own model. Also A1 can be an alternative.
...most Catapults ended up in the Capellan Confederation...

Heavy 2 - Cataphract CTF-3L. Iconic capellan frankenmech.
...the 3L variant made up twenty-five percent of all of the CCAF’s newly acquired heavy Battle Mech designs.

Assault - Charger CGR-1A5. I know, Chargers are mostly Kuritan mechs. But there's no other option.
The CGR-1L was sold to the Capellans by Wells Tech via trade articles of the Kapteyn Accords. ... Considering the desperate mindset of CCAF warriors, however, it was an acceptable variant to the Capellans. The CGR-1A5 variant was a Capellan modification.
If this gets any traction, i'll make FRR and clans later. Need a nap.

#30 Yondu Udonta


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 09:56 PM

I, for one, am surprised how good these proposed changes are and I do hope that the changes are implemented as mentioned. So thank you for this wonderful idea.

However, I would like to bring an issue to your(Paul's) attention that ever since the FP patch in May, one feature that has been present for a long time has been removed and it has reduced some players incentive to play FP. CONTRACT BONUS. This flat bonus of 250k per match is given to both loyalists and mercs. I would like you to add back that bonus as that bonus in many people's opinion is sorely needed. People tend to compare earnings between the available game modes and considering that one can easily make more money in QP after the May patch has resulted in more cash-strapped players foregoing FP for QP. Also, as FP is supposedly a more competitive mode than QP, the argument stands to give FP players bigger rewards per match. One has to realize that in a FP match, players can burn up to 800k worth of consumables. If you could somehow look at the average base cbills earnings players get every match, it would show that the contract bonus, or any other flat cbill bonus is sorely needed.

Another issue would be the lack of FP events. We are midway past 2019 and with 2019 being designated as 'the year for FP', shouldn't we be getting FP events? I am talking about events such as Tukayyid and battle for Tharkad/Luthien. Having such FP only events would be very effective in boosting the FP population such that the new matchmaking system can be rigorously tested with dozens of people per side.

#31 justcallme A S H


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 10:06 PM

View PostYondu Udonta, on 18 June 2019 - 09:56 PM, said:

I, for one, am surprised how good these proposed changes are and I do hope that the changes are implemented as mentioned. So thank you for this wonderful idea.

However, I would like to bring an issue to your(Paul's) attention that ever since the FP patch in May, one feature that has been present for a long time has been removed and it has reduced some players incentive to play FP. CONTRACT BONUS. This flat bonus of 250k per match is given to both loyalists and mercs. I would like you to add back that bonus as that bonus in many people's opinion is sorely needed. People tend to compare earnings between the available game modes and considering that one can easily make more money in QP after the May patch has resulted in more cash-strapped players foregoing FP for QP. Also, as FP is supposedly a more competitive mode than QP, the argument stands to give FP players bigger rewards per match. One has to realize that in a FP match, players can burn up to 800k worth of consumables. If you could somehow look at the average base cbills earnings players get every match, it would show that the contract bonus, or any other flat cbill bonus is sorely needed.

Another issue would be the lack of FP events. We are midway past 2019 and with 2019 being designated as 'the year for FP', shouldn't we be getting FP events? I am talking about events such as Tukayyid and battle for Tharkad/Luthien. Having such FP only events would be very effective in boosting the FP population such that the new matchmaking system can be rigorously tested with dozens of people per side.

Concur - 250k contract bonus. Right now QP is more profitable to play where previously Faction Play was at least equal and sometimes more profitable than QP.

Also events... They need to be regular like QP.

#32 Fuerchtenichts


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 10:36 PM

What will happen in the following scenario?

You have already reached Rank 20 in a faction in the past and as you would like to earn more LP and rewards you left the faction and received the historical LP malus taking you back to Rank 18 but Rank 19 and 20 are simply greyed out. This system was implemented before the current one was in place, as you can now change loyality without loosing LP.

When we change to the system we are now taking about, will we start based on the current LPs or the historical Rank when choosing our loyalty?

#33 justcallme A S H


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Posted 18 June 2019 - 11:04 PM

View PostFuerchtenichts, on 18 June 2019 - 10:36 PM, said:

What will happen in the following scenario?

You have already reached Rank 20 in a faction in the past and as you would like to earn more LP and rewards you left the faction and received the historical LP malus taking you back to Rank 18 but Rank 19 and 20 are simply greyed out.

That doesn't happen in the current implementation of FP live right now Posted Image
In the past yes, currently thats been removed for good it seems. Also the penalty for loyalists swapping (no probation period).

So the only time you area penalised like that is after Rank 20 as Paul pointed out with the 'Hero of XXX' and losing the rank/title and stuff.

Are yours greyed out now? If so that might be a bug support need to look into?

#34 BaronDeath


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 05:10 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 18 June 2019 - 02:32 PM, said:

Things of note:

"A player who plays sequential matches during a Conflict without changing Faction (die hard Loyalist) will get an additional 2.5% LP-EOM per match played to a cap of 25% (10 matches) to bring their total gain potential to 145%."

The above was derived from some comments about adding a stacking bonus for players who play for their Faction sequentially and never switching sides.

Participation and Rewards are new based on other feedback on the matter. A decision has been made to have the Loyalists be loyal and have the Mercs and Freelancers balance the queue if needed.

Paul, dear sir, you have shown yourself to be a diehard Loyalist. Salutes. < o Now, we are burning blue.

#35 SilentScreamer


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 05:11 AM

View PostYondu Udonta, on 18 June 2019 - 09:56 PM, said:

However, I would like to bring an issue to your(Paul's) attention that ever since the FP patch in May, one feature that has been present for a long time has been removed and it has reduced some players incentive to play FP. CONTRACT BONUS. This flat bonus of 250k per match is given to both loyalists and mercs. I would like you to add back that bonus as that bonus in many people's opinion is sorely needed. People tend to compare earnings between the available game modes and considering that one can easily make more money in QP after the May patch has resulted in more cash-strapped players foregoing FP for QP. Also, as FP is supposedly a more competitive mode than QP, the argument stands to give FP players bigger rewards per match. One has to realize that in a FP match, players can burn up to 800k worth of consumables. If you could somehow look at the average base cbills earnings players get every match, it would show that the contract bonus, or any other flat cbill bonus is sorely needed.

Contract bonus only applies if your team WINS, is that the best way to increase earnings for all players?

The winning team typically earn more than the team which suffers the loss due to better average match performance, so a solution that boosts earnings on BOTH sides would be better than reinstating the Contract Bonus.

Possibly a general increase in C-Bills (say 10%) for any player if they join a group rather then drop solo?

Edited by SilentScreamer, 20 June 2019 - 06:10 AM.

#36 Sigmar Sich


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 07:34 AM

To continue the list of faction reward mechs :

FRR is often neglected in TROs, but we still have some info about its army composition:
Because of its origins as a Combine district, the Free Rasalhague Republic uses the Dragon as well. In that area of space it is not uncommon to see the Dragon fighting alongside, instead of against, Lyran-model BattleMechs like the Commando and Zeus. There is a strong anti-Kurita sentiment in the newly freed Republic, but it does not yet extend to BattleMechs—Dragons and Panthers are plentiful and prominent in the Royal KungsArmé.

Also, after thinking, i believe FRR would be better with the DCMS template, not the "Other" one.

Also, to avoid collisions, some mech models from previous list will be changed, to not duplicate FRR rewards. The finalized version of the list will be added in the next post.
Free Rasalhague Republic

Light 1 - Commando COM-2D. The only Commando model FRR have access to. Steiner reward will be changed to either COM-3A or COM-1D.

Light 2 - Panther PNT-9R. The older model of the Panther.

Medium 1 - Trebuchet TBT-7K. Kuritan variant, will do, since Kuritan medium rewards are of ComStar influence.

Medium 2 - Griffin GRF-1N. Mostly associated with LCAF, Griffin would be a good choice, to not give two Kuritan models in a row.

Heavy - Dragon DRG-1N. The Kuritan reward will be changed to DRG-5N, as the bridge model to the Grand Dragon. And FRR will use the older model.

Assault - Zeus ZEU-6S. The older Zeus model, seems a good choice to dump gift, when you start mass production of the PPC variant you always wanted.
My knowledge in this area is lesser than of the IS. So i ask for fellow clan loreheads to correct me if i'm wrong.

Ghost bear
Viper VPR-Prime
Stormcrow SCR-Prime
Mad Dog MDD-Prime
Executioner EXE-Prime
Kodiak KDK-1
Kodiak KDK-3

Jade Falcon
Kit Fox KFX-Prime
Cougar COU-Prime
Black Lanner BKL-Prime
Summoner SMN-Prime
Summoner SMN-D
Night Gyr NTG-Prime

Smoke Jaguar
Mist Lynx MLX-A
Arctic Cheetah ACH-Prime
Ebon Jaguar EBJ-Prime
Warhawk WHK-Prime
Warhawk WHK-B
Direwolf DWF-Prime

Adder ADR-Prime
Ice Ferret IFR-Prime
Timber Wolf TBR-Prime
Timber Wolf TBR-S
Gargoyle GAR-Prime
Direwolf DWF-S

Diamond Shark (a bit problematic, so medium and heavy classes are a conjecture)
Piranha PIR-1
Piranha PIR-2
Nova NVA-Prime (filler)
Hellbringer HBR-B (filler)
Warhammer IIC WHM-IIC
Mad Cat mk II MKII-1

Nova Cat
Arctic Cheetah ACH-E
Shadow Cat SHC-Prime
Huntsman HMN-Prime
Nova Cat NCT-Prime
Nova Cat NCT-B
Supernova SNV-1

Steel Viper (a bit problematic, so heavy/assault class is a conjecture)
Mist Lynx MLX-Prime
Arctic Cheetah ACH-A
Shadow Cat SHC-B
Vapor Eagle VGL-1
Vapor Eagle VGL-2
Hellbringer HBR-Prime (filler)

#37 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 08:05 AM

Would it be possible for the rewards for a faction level to be a sort of token to spend on a selection of items instead? So you get a free "mech token" for your faction and depending on that faction, you can choose (perhaps on the webpage) which mech from a list you want like we do with certain event rewards? And that way the list of mechs available depends on your faction and can be changed from time to time if desired. Would it also be possible to add a custom variant for this reason? Or even a custom weapon with different specs. But just one not infinite. Maybe Davion gets 5 AC 10s with a built in 5% cooldown over the regular gear and they can put that on any mech and use it in any mode. A little power creep, but not behind a paywall thing? Sort of a way to reward Faction Play with unique rewards. In Solaris, maybe these are banned.

#38 Khalcruth


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 08:27 AM

Question when choosing a faction - right now, I believe it is possible for some members of a unit to be, for example, Steiner, while other members of the same unit are Jade Falcon. Is this going to continue? Also, will all members have to be in the same "career path", i.e. can some members be loyalists while others are mercenaries?

#39 Sigmar Sich


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 08:53 AM

View PostPaul Inouye, on 17 June 2019 - 09:30 AM, said:

Here's the finalized version of the suggestion.

Addition of faction preferred mechs into loyalist rank rewards.
To give something extra for being a loyalist, and perhaps to seduce more players to join FP. Also it adds some character to the factions, which they currently lack.

These mechs will be marked as (F) variants, will feature a faction paint job as the default pattern (like the NCIX Centurion have PC Gamer pattern as default), and feature a bonus.
It will be extremely good if you can make an LP bonus. In some simple form you can easily implement. If not, then C-bill and/or XP bonuses will do.
The (F) mechs will come with their own mechbay, and they cannot be sold.

(F) mechs will be distributed through ranks 1-20. Will be great if you can add them retroactively to those who already achieved needed ranks. But if not, c'est la vie.

Expanded explanations and lore pieces can be found in my previous posts one and two.

The list of mechs:

Inner Sphere


Clan rewards happened to be heavier, but if needed a seventh mech can be added to IS tree. This happens because clans have more distinct faction chassis on the heavy end.
UPD: To compensate overall tonnage of the rewards, additional assault mech added to IS rewards.
Added those, marked as *

Edited by Sigmar Sich, 19 June 2019 - 09:32 AM.

#40 Remover of Obstacles


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Posted 19 June 2019 - 09:01 AM

Thank you Paul.

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