Tesunie, on 01 July 2019 - 09:19 AM, said:
Though it may not be as valid as it once was, but I might make mention that at one point the meta build for a Raven (a light mech, FYI) was dual ERLL and to snipe at long range with ECM. This became a meta for a while because it was effective, and it could win games. So, it is/was possible in this game to utilize a long range light mech to achieve a reasonable W/L rate. (Now I believe this build has moved over to triple LL, which I've been seeing here or there.)
This has no indication on rather you have done (or do) this actively or in the past.
Also, as far as W/L rate is concerned, some of this can be reliant on what game mode you play in, whom your teammates are, etc. I'm also going to go out on a limb here and say that you mean it's difficult to get a W/L greater than 1 in a long range light mech, when looking at said specific light mech's stats. Going by overall player stats would have to assume that said player only used X mech/build, which is typically false.
(Also, wasn't it at one point mentioned on these vast forums that it was okay for a light mech to fill the role of sniping, because you've at least pulled the least amount of tonnage/armor out of the armor sharing pool, compared to other class mechs being a sniper? It was a valid strategy at one point. I believe it still is, though better strategies for lights (along with different options) are now available than previously.)
It's not meta, it's DPS is still too low to win more games than it loses
Armored Yokai, on 01 July 2019 - 09:25 AM, said:
When I want to know a target's loadout and paper doll, I target them for 5 seconds, and after the info pops up and the missile icon appears, I press R to break the lock.