AnAnachronismAlive, on 28 August 2019 - 05:15 AM, said:
Hey folks, got some questions regarding the skillpoint-distribution for some recently bought Night-Gyrs. While I kinda like the mech and his loadout capabilities so far, he feels like a stone in terms of torso mobility. Whenever I am forced into some brawling situation, it feels like I am sitting in a supersuperheavy-mech ... jump jets or not.
So is picking some / a lot of mobility-nodes recommended or do I just have to position myself better to make better use of the (long range)loadout?
Thanks in advance!
10% of nothing is nothing.
So no, mobilty nodes are a total and utter waste of time in every instance.
Firepower / Survival / Operations. That's where you invest for basically anything above a Med.
The Gyr has Assault level weapon capabilites and thus it handles like one. The Gyr is also not a brawl mech, so you should not be in brawl range. You need to 'kite', shoot & move. Maintain distance. Then it's not as much of a problem.