- Win games
- Play games
- Do good
I have played a bunch more games, gone to MechCon a couple times and generally played a lot of matches, and bought 216 mechs. I think I'm like a 50% whale, in that I have about half the amount of mechs that B33f has, but I paid for them or won them on Twitch. (217 total mech bays, 216 full of mech's right now)
I guess this is why I am now a max-level Mech-Dad, the bane of all of the brown sea.
I paid for many of my Robots boys, and earned a bunch more playing.
I say the following because I think its just honest and real. I think I have spent about $1,000-$1,500 bucks total over the last couple years on my Robot purchasing habit, and about another $1,500.00 on flying to Canada and bringing my wife too for MechCon. This includes flight, hotel, fun, beers, tickets and merch.
I try not to say negative things on Twitch during my friend's streams. I try to support this great community. I stand by most of what I said at tier 5 when I wrote Confessions of a Tier 5 potato.
There are other things I have learned since then:
- This is a VERY strong, small community
- We care about the lore and the game
- Salt is real
- Piranha needs way more and better Marketing ASAP, because we need players to play with:
- Spend as much money as possible on the Marketing of MW5. Please. Please. Please.
- Beyond a single FTE human who didn't remember the names of the championship players on stage when there is a clipboard with their names on it. When there's only 3 teams. And everyone else in the room knows. Being real.
- Spend as much money as possible on the Marketing of MW5. Please. Please. Please.
- many tier 5 players at this point are simply alt-accounts for other tier 1 players trying to get their ace of spades and other achievements
- tier 5 players can be just 'having fun with alt accounts' to not pollute their tier 1 character
- Joe Average tier 5 players are usually in a better mind-set (read nicer, less salty) than a try-harder playing tier 1 accounts and getting irritated that everyone is not a comp player
- Comp is hard, takes a ton of commitment and takes the piss out of the game
- Tier 3 was the most fun for me
Love you MWO. Hope you live forever, but even my 19 year old dog won't last forever, I know thisl. It's the community that makes it good or bad, so let's keep trying to be cool to each other.
Probably the final confession of a Tier 1 Mech-Dad potato!