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Deadly Accurate Event

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#61 Tesunie


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Posted 29 September 2019 - 03:51 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 29 September 2019 - 03:42 PM, said:

An arm mounted PPC will do you wonders for shooting down UAV's. It can one-shot a UAV if it hits, and arm-mounted means you don't have to be half-a-map away to hit it. Seeing it through the top of the cockpit is another matter. You'll have to select a 'mech with a good visibility cockpit. It's a shame that AA 'mechs like the Rifleman and Jagermech don't have better upward visibility.

By lore, said mechs don't need to see targets to shoot them, as there are cameras and sensors to compensate for that. In this game, there are game engine limitations which reduce this option, making these mechs appear "silly" and "unable to perform their designed role".

Just wanted to add my two cents.

#62 C337Skymaster


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Posted 29 September 2019 - 03:54 PM

Also, I miss the days when PGI used stock builds as trial 'mechs. I remember back when the EBJ-C was one of the Clan Trial Heavies. Admittedly, it threw me off at first, trying to figure out how to use it, but I was also new to the game. I think that, especially with 3060-era 'mechs already in-game, stock 'mechs as trial 'mechs would be a fun variation for newer players. As long as those stock builds have DHS (or enough SHS that they beat out DHS for total cooling, like the AWS-8Q, or ANH-1E).

PGI can also pick specific stock builds which are more straightforward to run, (EBJ-C vs EBJ-Prime, for example, as they already did, or TBR-D, vs TBR-C).

#63 Tesunie


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Posted 29 September 2019 - 05:17 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 29 September 2019 - 03:54 PM, said:

Also, I miss the days when PGI used stock builds as trial 'mechs. I remember back when the EBJ-C was one of the Clan Trial Heavies. Admittedly, it threw me off at first, trying to figure out how to use it, but I was also new to the game. I think that, especially with 3060-era 'mechs already in-game, stock 'mechs as trial 'mechs would be a fun variation for newer players. As long as those stock builds have DHS (or enough SHS that they beat out DHS for total cooling, like the AWS-8Q, or ANH-1E).

PGI can also pick specific stock builds which are more straightforward to run, (EBJ-C vs EBJ-Prime, for example, as they already did, or TBR-D, vs TBR-C).

I recall when stock mechs where the trial mechs. Back when I started, that actually really wasn't a bad thing. In todays version of the game, they would be walking free kill points for the enemy team. The game has shifted so much and damage rates have risen to such extents that a lot of older build concepts and some things you use to be able to get away with, will not really fly so well anymore.

Very few mechs and/or builds have aged as well as my Hunchback 4J (my first mech I piloted in this game). My build on that mech has remained almost unchanged since it's conception back in 2012. Most other mechs from that time period I've been forced to change, or be walking coffins now. The game has just shifted so far from what trial mechs are honestly capable of, it just wouldn't be very fair to new players, even if they are playing in T5...

#64 C337Skymaster


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Posted 29 September 2019 - 05:48 PM

View PostTesunie, on 29 September 2019 - 05:17 PM, said:

I recall when stock mechs where the trial mechs. Back when I started, that actually really wasn't a bad thing. In todays version of the game, they would be walking free kill points for the enemy team. The game has shifted so much and damage rates have risen to such extents that a lot of older build concepts and some things you use to be able to get away with, will not really fly so well anymore.

Very few mechs and/or builds have aged as well as my Hunchback 4J (my first mech I piloted in this game). My build on that mech has remained almost unchanged since it's conception back in 2012. Most other mechs from that time period I've been forced to change, or be walking coffins now. The game has just shifted so far from what trial mechs are honestly capable of, it just wouldn't be very fair to new players, even if they are playing in T5...

Insofar as Clan 'mechs go, I actually run all of mine purely stock, and do quite well in most of them. There are some which are atrocious, and I master them simply for the poke-points, but there are others which are decent, or even excellent, even in T2.

When it comes to IS 'mechs, however, concessions do have to be made. In those cases, I typically try to keep the weapons the same, but am usually forced to upgrade to Double Heat Sinks, and/or Endo/Ferro and increased armor. That's why I figured 'mechs that come stock with DHS would be the go-to IS trial 'mechs. Things like the WLF-2, or the CRB-27b, or other 'mechs that can perform decently enough with SHS, such as the ANH-1E, or AWS-8Q (both of which I still run with SHS, though I added Endo to the Awesome so I could fit 4 more). Because I agree, especially for a new player that's just learning, getting stuck in a stock CPLT-A1 for a few matches is going to turn them off of this game forever. But getting to run in a stock CPLT-C1 might get them playing a more varied game, and be able to stick up for themselves, and not rely on their LRMs.

Edited by C337Skymaster, 29 September 2019 - 05:50 PM.

#65 Deeber


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Posted 29 September 2019 - 06:01 PM

Matt Newman/PGI: thanks for running this event. With MWO, and despite the age of the game and the shift of attention to MW5, I think that your company still has the infrastructure here for the game and the associated revenue stream to keep going for quite some time. But I do think it is going to take wise management to get the most out of it that you (as a company) can. I think that with some reorganisation of web content and reconsideration of pricing (let me be blunt: reduction), you can help extend the lifespan of this game for the mutual benefit of players (whether existing players, like me, or new players coming across MWO) and yourselves. I'm not a company director, I'm not a game developer, or anything like that, but here are some suggestions (which no doubt others have raised before, but take this as a contribution in good faith):

1. Keep running events, and keep releasing monthly patches. (As you have been.) Ensure that both of these (events and patches) are sensibly designed and definitely do not make anything in the game worse ('first, do no harm'). Consult with the playerbase beforehand regarding potential patch changes, whether just a small group of veteran players or the playerbase as a whole. You're not obliged to take any of our feedback on board, obviously, but hopefully we can help catch any potential problems, and at the least, we know that we've had the opportunity to have a say.

2. Make everything available in both the in-game store and the web-based store. A long time ago, I asked for the KDK-3(C) to be made available in the gift store, so I could buy one for a friend. I checked just now, and it still isn't available. Not a problem for me now (I ended up just giving the cash to my buddy), but the problem is that any new players discovering this game will not see the full range of items available. You want your customers to be aware of everything that they could buy from you. You want attractive images of those items on display. If you conducted a customer survey, no one should be in a position to say to you that they just weren't aware that X was available for purchase.

This suggestion also applies to new items that could be available for purchase. Look at how long it took for GSPs to be available, when the playerbase (including me) were pointing out to you that this would be something we would be interested in buying, just that the mechanism didn't exist yet. Bottom line: maximise the opportunities for your customers to buy things from you, make sure they are aware of those things, and make it as easy as possible for the transaction to be done.

3. Significantly reduce prices on mech packs and include a GSP package as part of every mech pack. When I say 'mech pack,' I mean every possible package that a customer can buy, that involves more than a single mech: mastery packs (as they used to be called), mech packs (most prominent in the web-based store), Steam packs, dropship deals ... all of them. When you introduced the skill tree, you removed the 'rule of three' for skilling up mechs and you introduced a significant amount of grind (essentially forcing players to work to get the functionality of the old modules on every single mech, even if they hadn't wanted to do that). As things stand, and I know many people have pointed this out before, one of your key selling models (mech packs) just mismatches what is happening in the game (buy and skill up single mechs, with no need for mech packs). This inconsistency needs to go (i.e., get rid of mech packs and introduce a new model with single mechs for purchase through both the in-game store and the web-based store) ... but that would take a lot of work, and I appreciate you probably don't want to do that ... so make the packages more attractive by reducing prices and adding GSP packages. (Maybe the official release of MW5 would be a good point at which to do this.)

First, the expensive mech pack model doesn't make sense in the current state of the game. And if it doesn't make sense, it doesn't instil a lot of confidence in new players coming across this game. Would you have confidence in someone selling a product when there's an obvious mismatch between the packages they're selling and the way in which the product is being used? No. At best, the seller looks incompetent, and at worst, the seller looks deceptive.

Second, it can be a significant turn-off to new players (a friend introduced me to MWO a few years ago, and I almost never even started playing this game, because I visited the web-based store, scrolled down to the earliest mech packs [since I wanted to see what the 'start' was like], and almost fell off my chair at the prices for the Clan invasion packs). Don't scare off your potential customers.

Third, given that this game is late in its lifespan, you should maximise the likelihood of players (customers) wanting to spend something (rather than nothing) on the game. With prices as they stand, you polarise your customers' purchasing: they have to spend either a lot or nothing. There has to be something between those extremes, otherwise you're missing out on revenue.

I haven't actually dropped into a mission on MWO for some time now (real life priorities, and the Epic Games Store situation was a disappointment), but I'm still passionate about MWO. It's now the one computer game I've spent the most actual hours playing (even beating Elite across the various versions and platforms I've played) and the only game I've made videos about. I think it's still got some life in it yet, and speaking for myself I'd like to see the game continue for as long as it can.

Sorry this isn't written as concisely as it could be, but I hope these suggestions help in some way.

Edited by Deeber, 29 September 2019 - 06:10 PM.

#66 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 29 September 2019 - 09:35 PM

my baby alt, can't complete, just no way they can make the C-Bills, to purchase mechs to do most of the challenge. thought I could, then made a bad purchase, wrong weapons, bought the Ultra and not the LBX 20, that killed it.
so the process of me building up, was shot to hello.

easy challenge if you have the mechs, for the challenge. Frustrating if you don't

really liked the challenge, for me it was , what to use to make enough and build as I go through the challenge, but I failed at that

#67 DeadWeight18


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Posted 29 September 2019 - 10:48 PM

View PostSigmar Sich, on 29 September 2019 - 10:01 AM, said:

I was thinking the same. Went to play anyway, did 500+ score the very first match. Luck happens, go try it. Posted Image

View PostTesunie, on 29 September 2019 - 02:53 PM, said:

Thankfully it's not the whole event. Get what you can done, and see this as a challenge to try for.

View Postcrazytimes, on 29 September 2019 - 03:28 PM, said:

I have no issues with challenge components that aren't easy to achieve. I've never got the headshot requirement ones. Good on those who have. I don't expect standards to be lowered because I'm not good enough to achieve them.

Thanks guys. I guess you got me wrong. Of course I am aiming to finish the challenge all to conscious that it requires a lot of luck for me to make the 500 Match Score. So I will ta the next 4 days my high roller builds to finish this.

#68 Renzor the Red


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 12:19 AM

Finished. Loved it. So many c-bills. :) Thanks.

#69 DeadWeight18


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 12:52 AM

View PostDeeber, on 29 September 2019 - 06:01 PM, said:

Matt Newman/PGI: thanks for running this event. With MWO, and despite the age of the game and the shift of attention to MW5, I think that your company still has the infrastructure here for the game and the associated revenue stream to keep going for quite some time.

I too believe that re-packaging the master bundles, offer again the performance bundles and perhaps create beginner packages with existing stuff - spices with one or the other new skin and quirks would provide a quick-wins for MWO

#70 Coffeeghoul


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 01:06 AM

View PostMatt Newman, on 26 September 2019 - 09:34 PM, said:

OH dang ... Fixing now

Now it's an IS LBX10.. seems not right either. ;)


#71 n00biwan


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 01:52 AM

Yeah, please retroactively add 1.2 m to the challenge reward? My alt probably wasn't alone in having to drop the cbills to do this part this weekend. :D (the lbx10 reward instead of lbx20)

The alt's only got 3 IS mechs (powerhouse, broadside and the free uziel) but it's enough to fit all of this on (new engine needed for ph but otherwise it's ok). So, even newish accounts can has progress, thanks :)

#72 Appogee


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 05:41 AM


A small piece of feedback on the event.

Encouraging people to use SRM6s without Artemis is probably not a good thing. Running SRM6s without Artemis is generally not advisable (due to inaccurate spread and splash).

Especially in an event called "Deadly Accurate", hmmm Posted Image

Edited by Appogee, 30 September 2019 - 06:28 AM.

#73 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 05:56 AM

well, now my Baby alt has less C-Bills then when I started the challenge, but hey got to spend the c-bills sometime.

if it wasn't for the previous event, (faction) where I picked up a mech bay, I wouldn't been able to finish , boy what a pain it was, only one of the IS mechs I own, has a missile hard point, just one, took for ever to get the SRM6 part done, everyone was voting large open maps. was about to give up, but said to myself, you spent your money, might as well finish it. even though I was doing good damage, the SRM6 damage was averaging 30+, that was a lot of matches.
last part I needed was the IS LBX20, being it was a weapon , that was not a reward, . . had to wait till I completed the 2500 missile damage, and use the reward from there to buy the IS LBX 20. had to stop adding skill to mechs, so I could afford weapons, once done, used that last reward to buy skills, had 5 mil, at the start of the event, in the end . 400k

okay, it was the fun doing the event, so I didn't profit from the event, except for the premium time and MC.
got to try some whacked out builds, after getting over the frustration of using them, I was ok.

can't wait to do it all again on a new baby alt . . wait, I don't think I can create any more email, oh well Posted Image

#74 n00biwan


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 05:59 AM

Just a random thought, as this event goes on, there will be less "dual erppc 3xlrm 10 powerhouse" builds out there and more "I need 5000 more match score in as little time as possible" builds... It's not going to be fun for you if you can't fit these guns into reasonable builds. :D

#75 Renzor the Red


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 10:57 AM

With all of this talk of repackaging old mastery bundles into modern mech packs, I just wanna say: put them on sale first, haha. I'm waiting to buy a few as they are, but on sale. ;)

#76 Roodkapje


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 01:48 PM

ALL DONE!!!Posted Image

For Events like this one I am glad I own a KGC-000 with 6x AC/2 to get me a nice 925 damage output to get over that damn 500 Match Score!!! Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

See you next week! :P

(I need some cool off time...)

#77 Renzor the Red


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 02:12 PM

View PostAppogee, on 30 September 2019 - 05:41 AM, said:


A small piece of feedback on the event.

Encouraging people to use SRM6s without Artemis is probably not a good thing. Running SRM6s without Artemis is generally not advisable (due to inaccurate spread and splash).

Especially in an event called "Deadly Accurate", hmmm Posted Image

Nah. Being creative with builds is part of the challenge, right? I have mechs with artemis and mechs without artemis, and to avoid spending the c-bills to remove artemis just for the event, I had to think about what mechs with missile hardpoints I could use that were artemis-free. That's a good thing. Step outside of the comfort zone.

#78 Tesunie


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 02:17 PM

View PostRenzor the Red, on 30 September 2019 - 02:12 PM, said:

Nah. Being creative with builds is part of the challenge, right? I have mechs with artemis and mechs without artemis, and to avoid spending the c-bills to remove artemis just for the event, I had to think about what mechs with missile hardpoints I could use that were artemis-free. That's a good thing. Step outside of the comfort zone.

Not to mention that ASRM4s and 2s aren't always needed (or even a waste of tonnage), or MRM, ATM and some LRM builds that don't (or may not) have/need Artemis that one could reconfigure... Just because "your build" has Artemis with SRM6s doesn't mean another mech can't be cheaply set up for it just to complete the event.

I mean, I know I took my LB20 Madcat Mk2 and changed it to Gauss and ERLLs for this challenge... Not to mention one does not need to do every part of the challenge. If it would cost you more than you'd earn from the challenge (unless you want the other non-c-bill items), you don't have to do it.

#79 Tsukimi


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 04:26 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 27 September 2019 - 08:53 AM, said:

Yes so if you finish one challenge you will have the weapons for the other.
IF you had ER LL but no PPCs do the ER LL ones first. The damage total kinda makes it harder if you go for level 2 first but i tried to have the more common / easier to use weapons in the first tier.

Was going well getting the Gauss and Ballistic damage to earn the LB 20-X then realized upon completing that the reward was a LB 10-X for the IS reward and need the LB 20-X for the Ballistic 1 challenge. 1.2 million c-bills for a weapon that I will probably only use once for the event then not use it again until another event requires it down the road is just too much of a waste of money. So looks like the Ballistic 1 challenge will be left uncompleted. Used the Trial Orion IIC for the clan LB 20-X.

#80 Akillius


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Posted 30 September 2019 - 05:09 PM

View PostRenzor the Red, on 30 September 2019 - 10:57 AM, said:

With all of this talk of repackaging old mastery bundles into modern mech packs, I just wanna say: put them on sale first, haha. I'm waiting to buy a few as they are, but on sale. Posted Image

Yup just put them on sale, or permanently drop the price because the rule of 3 mastery is long over.
Sadly anything PGI does, simply won't stop the can't do it whiners from...

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