Mechwarrior 5 Origins Series 2 Of 8
Posted 21 November 2019 - 05:04 PM
Posted 21 November 2019 - 05:23 PM
Posted 21 November 2019 - 07:09 PM

Posted 21 November 2019 - 09:33 PM
Posted 22 November 2019 - 06:43 AM
As for the quality of writing, BT novels where never high literature but it gets the emotional part of Chloe across well enough to have any kind of feelings about the person that will most likely become your mother in the MW5 game and the reason for why she wants her own unit.
Posted 22 November 2019 - 06:44 AM
Posted 22 November 2019 - 06:56 AM

Posted 22 November 2019 - 07:16 AM
Vellron2005, on 22 November 2019 - 06:44 AM, said:
I would recommend you Calibre as a free E-Book reader over PDF files as you have much more options to adjust the reading experiance to where you can read the text best. Be it on you PC or phone. You can adjust Fonts, sizes, length of lines and lots more.
PDF offers only a fixed page view that can, depending of who made it and on your screen size be realy annoying to read smoothly.
I was also only ready PDF files until now because I had to deal with PDFs on a regular basis for print but I just picked up Calibre and its realy much better for reading. Just give it a try, its free.
Edited by Nesutizale, 22 November 2019 - 07:17 AM.
Posted 22 November 2019 - 11:28 AM
VonBruinwald, on 20 November 2019 - 02:32 AM, said:
>Source: From a URL
>Enter URL of the file to convert: https://static.mw5me...er-Generic.epub
Click the "Download Now" link once it's done converting for you. Voilà.
I'd post my own converted PDF but I'm pretty sure some one would bring the legal voodoo.
Note: URL of file updated for book 2.
Posted 22 November 2019 - 12:32 PM

Posted 22 November 2019 - 05:36 PM
*will I miss easter eggs in MW5 if I've not heard the story from someone who actually read these before I play?
Posted 23 November 2019 - 01:22 AM
You will also most likely get to know the crew better and have a connection to the ship and your first mech.
My guess is the Shadow Hawk that you play first is your Mothers for example.
Posted 23 November 2019 - 02:43 PM
¡Justo a tiempo! He terminado la traducción de la primera al español... ¡ahí tenéis!
La Calma del Vacío
What is different from original? (Apart from the translation):
¿Qué difiere del original? (Aparte de la traducción):
- Footnotes! ¡Notas al pie de página!
- Glossary converted to text. El glosario convertido a texto.
- Translated TRO image profiles for Mechs and vehicles. Traducidas las fichas imagen del TRO para Mechs y vehículos.
Comprobado con la última versión del lector Calibre. ¡A disfrutar!
I wil start to work with the second one right away!
¡Comenzaré a trabajar con la segunda ya mismo!
Edited by Odin Gunterson, 23 November 2019 - 02:48 PM.
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