Mw5 Joystick Workarounds Thread
Posted 07 December 2019 - 02:19 PM
Posted 10 December 2019 - 06:33 PM
Gee I really miss MW4's plug and play joystick control. I guess high fidelity joystick support is not even on the agenda outside of flight simulation games (like DCS) nowadays.

Yay!!! Someone is at least trying. MW5 link: https://static.mw5me...mentation.pdf
However still no luck trying to get the Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro 2 working with this game.... buttons do not bind and throttle and Z rotation are screwed up.
Edited by FireDog, 28 December 2019 - 09:30 PM.
Posted 10 December 2019 - 07:43 PM
working profile for my ch throttle,pedals, and fighterstick:
START_BIND NAME: CH Control Manager Device 1 VID: 0x068E PID: 0xC010 AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_XAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis1, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.02, DeadZoneMax=0.02, MapToDeadZone=TRUE AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_YAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis2, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.02, DeadZoneMax=0.02, MapToDeadZone=TRUE AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_ZAxis, OutAxis=Throttle_Axis1, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.10, DeadZoneMax=0.10, MapToDeadZone=TRUE AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_RZAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis3, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.08, DeadZoneMax=0.08, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
requires the sticks be combined in ch control manager. maps to x,y,z,and r axes. i also mapped the buttons directly to the keystrokes for the default keyboard commands, which saves a lot of steps.
important stuff is the name, pid and vid numbers, which can be obtained from either the device manager or the input tab of dxdiag. dont forget the 0x prefix because it is hex. my axis configuration assumes a standard 4-axis controller (x,y,z,r). the out axis is the one you map in game, the in axis idk where it gets those names from, it took some trial and error. i also noticed that if you use invert=true, then offset needs to be positive, weird stuff happens if you don't do that. deadzone min and max should be the same with the min negative. i assume that 0.1 is 10 percent, which is a bit high, 0.02 worked for my stick, i like a broader dead zone in the throttle to make it easier to stop, and the pedals have a huge fuzzy center so i gave it a full 0.1. i still haven't figured out what map to deadzone does yet, so i turned it off. if you want buttons just copy the button lines from one of the other examples and stick it between pid and axis. one line for each button, and increment the numbers. i got it to work without messing with input.ini (which i cleared).
its not perfect but it is working with more sticks and virtual drivers.
LordNothing, on 17 December 2019 - 11:31 AM, said:
here's my ch map. its the one i use with my controllers. most of the controls are on the throttle side so it works pretty well with a mouse, the stick side controls are very rudimentary at best (pretty much weapons, zoom controls, and lance commands). i know there are a couple mappings that are wrong, i made this profile for the demo so some bindings are bad because they moved a couple keys.
ultimately it really doesnt matter how you set it up or what sticks you are using. just make sure it outputs on cm device one, axes x,y,z,r. and map the buttons directly to keyboard commands. its a lot easier than mapping it in the game.
Edited by LordNothing, 17 December 2019 - 11:33 AM.
Posted 10 December 2019 - 08:01 PM
I bugged this on the Discord Bug reports and general about 5 times as did others. Suggest a Beta Forum for bug reporting instead next time.
Posted 10 December 2019 - 09:00 PM
Lightfoot, on 10 December 2019 - 08:01 PM, said:
I bugged this on the Discord Bug reports and general about 5 times as did others. Suggest a Beta Forum for bug reporting instead next time.
i noticed that the default tm160000 profile doesnt have an axis binding for the throttle for some reason idk why. for my ch hotas i just used this, as z is usually the axis assigned for throttle:
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_ZAxis, OutAxis=Throttle_Axis1, Invert=TRUE, Offset=0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.10, DeadZoneMax=0.10, MapToDeadZone=FALSE
i bet target is using a virtual controller to combine axes, like what ch has. ch creates a virtual device, with different name/vid/pid values from the actual hardware. so if you could find that data you might be able to get it to work. i dont have a thrustmaster so idk how that works in their software. browse the device manager (or dxdiag -> input) and see if you can find any hid/joystick/game controller/thrustmaster/target devices you cant account for.
Edited by LordNothing, 10 December 2019 - 09:06 PM.
Posted 10 December 2019 - 09:42 PM
Posted 10 December 2019 - 09:55 PM
LordNothing, on 10 December 2019 - 09:42 PM, said:
Wow! PGI actually expects people to do that in this day and age?

Posted 10 December 2019 - 09:57 PM
Mystere, on 10 December 2019 - 09:55 PM, said:
Wow! PGI actually expects people to do that in this day and age?

well for me editing game config files is pretty much tradition.
in ye old days of yore you could just query your api for a list of joysticks on the system. then you could get data about any one of those joysticks like number of axes, buttons, hats, balls (yes balls as in the track variety). i usually use sdl for this kind of thing as it is pretty much the lightweight cross platform equivalent of directx (minus direct3d as you usually use it with opengl or possibly vulkan).
Edited by LordNothing, 10 December 2019 - 10:03 PM.
Posted 10 December 2019 - 10:23 PM
LordNothing, on 10 December 2019 - 09:42 PM, said:
I found that. Added the throttle to the config. The only thing working with my joystick is the torso twist and turn. None of the buttons work, the throttle doesn't work. I've opened up a case with Thrustmaster because when I use their T.A.R.G.E.T. software to map my joystick it gets an error while loading and my joystick disappears completely. I have to go into device manager, look for hidden HID devices, find the one that shows and error, uninstall it and restart Windows to get the joystick back.
Here is the HOTAS mapping I'm using in the HOTASMappings.Remap file (note that I added the throttle axis at the bottom):
VID: 0x044F
PID: 0xB10A
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button1, OutButtons=Joystick_Button1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button2, OutButtons=Joystick_Button2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button3, OutButtons=Joystick_Button3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button4, OutButtons=Joystick_Button4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button5, OutButtons=Joystick_Button5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button6, OutButtons=Joystick_Button6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button7, OutButtons=Joystick_Button7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button8, OutButtons=Joystick_Button8
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button9, OutButtons=Joystick_Button9
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button10, OutButtons=Joystick_Button10
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button11, OutButtons=Joystick_Button11
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button12, OutButtons=Joystick_Button12
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button13, OutButtons=Joystick_Button13
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button14, OutButtons=Joystick_Button14
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button15, OutButtons=Joystick_Button15
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Button16, OutButtons=Joystick_Button16
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat1, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_1
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat2, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_2
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat3, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_3
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat4, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_4
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat5, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_5
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat6, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_6
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat7, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_7
BUTTON: InButton=GenericUSBController_Hat8, OutButtons=Joystick_Hat_8
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_XAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis2, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.498039, DeadZoneMin=-0.1, DeadZoneMax=0.1, MapToDeadZone=FALSE
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_RZAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis3, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.5, DeadZoneMin=-0.2, DeadZoneMax=0.2, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_YAxis, OutAxis=Joystick_Axis1, Invert=FALSE, Offset=-0.498039, DeadZoneMin=-0.3, DeadZoneMax=0.3, MapToDeadZone=TRUE
AXIS: InAxis=HOTAS_ZAxis, OutAxis=Throttle_Axis1, Invert=TRUE,
Posted 11 December 2019 - 07:17 AM
From there, simply map (for me) "Slider1(<0)" to left turn (or "A", per normal WASD keyboard map) and "Slider1(>0)" to right turn ("D").
It's only a digital mapping (no analog), so if you slightly nudge the rudder slider, it'll turn fully instead of gradually. But hey, it works for now."
From: https://www.reddit.c...s6fw/mw5_hotas/
Edited by InsiderGamer, 11 December 2019 - 07:17 AM.
Posted 11 December 2019 - 07:33 AM
InsiderGamer, on 11 December 2019 - 07:17 AM, said:
From: https://www.reddit.c...s6fw/mw5_hotas/
ughh, that sounds janky. thats worse than the xinput wrapper i was using with the beta.
Posted 11 December 2019 - 04:33 PM
InsiderGamer, on 11 December 2019 - 08:36 AM, said:
It's not ideal, but should I use the xinput wrapper? How is it better? If it's better and worth it for me to switch, I will.
you can try it but i found it rather difficult to get it installed. if you can make it work, it does give you all four axes.
if i had one of these thrustmaster sticks i could probably get it to work without it. been wanting a warthog since i saw one, but that's got a hefty price tag. and i really cant justify replacing a stick that has served me well for over a decade and still works well.
Posted 11 December 2019 - 07:32 PM
There are mixed reviews but all things considered, it seems like I will enjoy this.
However, this topic caught my attention.
Standard joystick support is something I would expect in any modern game of this type.
Going to hold on to my cash until I see the developers step up and do the right thing here.
Posted 12 December 2019 - 02:39 AM
Peace2U, on 11 December 2019 - 07:32 PM, said:
Going to hold on to my cash until I see the developers step up and do the right thing here.
X52 and X56 are notionally supported. Makes me happy, I bought an X52 pro specifically for MW5. Just waiting for a review specifically of the X52 to make sure it works well.
Posted 12 December 2019 - 03:43 AM
Posted 12 December 2019 - 06:56 AM
Posted 12 December 2019 - 03:54 PM
OZHomerOZ, on 12 December 2019 - 03:43 AM, said:
to be fair direct input was really messy, but at least it supported sticks with more stuff than the standard gamepad that xinput forces on you. a new api is needed. sdl works wonders though.
Edited by LordNothing, 12 December 2019 - 03:55 PM.
Posted 12 December 2019 - 05:08 PM
Posted 12 December 2019 - 06:19 PM
Joaostorfe, on 12 December 2019 - 05:08 PM, said:
maybe. i use my ch pedals but yours should work. problem is its hard to make a profile for somone without having the device on hand to test.
Edited by LordNothing, 12 December 2019 - 06:23 PM.
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