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Mw5 Quality Of Life Tweaks

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#1 Maxx Blue


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 10:17 AM

I’m up to rank 10 so far and have wandered over to Marik space. I’ve repeated the gameplay loop enough now to find some fairly annoying things that would probably be very easy to fix. I’m not talking major stuff like making the AI circle strafe less, or not having SRM carriers appear danger-close behind me. I’m talking about small quality-of-life changes. Without further rambling, here is my list:

- make the arm lock key toggle it on and off, don’t make me keep holding it.
- let me sell mechs directly from cold storage. Don’t make me put them in the active hangar first.
- do something to make the speed bar more obvious if i am walking forward or backward. Maybe change the color, or instead of bars use little chevrons pointing up or down. When I’m in a brawl and get hung up on a piece of terrain, I can’t quickly tell which direction my throttle is set, forward or reverse.
- let me save, or at least copy, paint/camo selections. I would also accept letting me select a default paint/camo scheme for my unit.
- Get rid of the confirmation dialog when repairing. Nothing repairs instantly, so I can always cancel the work order if I accidentally repair something I didn’t want to.
- give me a throttle flip key like MWO has.
- make a different icon for VTOLs than for tanks...or if it is already different and I didn’t notice, make it more obvious!
- On the mission complete screen, on the reputation bar, show a number instead of just the bar. I don’t have a good idea how much progress I made in reputation because the increase is presented as a number, but the progress bar is just a graphic. If you could put “X / Y” on top of the bar it would give me a much better idea of how much reputation progress I just made. As it is now, I have to go into the ops tab to find those numbers.
- it would be nice to see faction rep changes as well, not just overall MRBC progress, on the mission complete screen.

that’s my short list. There is more I would like, but it doesn’t fall under the category of quick or easy, so I left it out. What do you think? Do you agree with any of this stuff? Are there other small changes you would like to see? I’m not talking about major changes, just small tweaks or polish issues that would make a big difference to you.

Edited by Maxx Blue, 16 December 2019 - 10:19 AM.

#2 Koniving

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Posted 16 December 2019 - 10:53 AM

From your list.
- make the arm lock key toggle it on and off, don’t make me keep holding it.

Button to toggle is "Z"

- let me sell mechs directly from cold storage. Don’t make me put them in the active hangar first.

Would be nice.

- do something to make the speed bar more obvious if i am walking forward or backward. Maybe change the color, or instead of bars use little chevrons pointing up or down. When I’m in a brawl and get hung up on a piece of terrain, I can’t quickly tell which direction my throttle is set, forward or reverse.


- let me save, or at least copy, paint/camo selections. I would also accept letting me select a default paint/camo scheme for my unit.

PLEASE, yes please god yes!!

- Get rid of the confirmation dialog when repairing. Nothing repairs instantly, so I can always cancel the work order if I accidentally repair something I didn’t want to.

(We can cancel repair orders????)

- give me a throttle flip key like MWO has.

There is one. I don't remember what key it is but I know there is one because I keep accidentally hitting it and it frustrates me.

- make a different icon for VTOLs than for tanks...or if it is already different and I didn’t notice, make it more obvious!

I often found myself checking the ground then the air when they spawned in suddenly. Now that I know the trick to get them to spawn far away (look away, look around, don't stare straight at where you're going and they'll appear up to 900 meters away), I don't really have the issue anymore. But different icons would be nice.

- it would be nice to see faction rep changes as well, not just overall MRBC progress, on the mission complete screen.

Completely agree.

To be honest half the time I don't even know what faction I'm facing.

Which brings up another quality of life improvement.
Faction paint on factions.

The game has insane (for PGI) detail on factions, what factions can use, where they can be encountered, etc...
But nothing on paint.

Edited by Koniving, 16 December 2019 - 10:51 AM.

#3 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 01:01 PM

would like to add

a SAVE/LOAD for builds would be nice.
that way I don't feel like I'm taking all day rebuilding mechs I take out of Cold Storage

#4 Xaat Xuun


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 01:08 PM

for paint colors I saved the numbers on note pad, and just do the copy paste

till one can save a Unit Color/Pattern scheme

Edited by Xaat Xuun, 16 December 2019 - 01:11 PM.

#5 Maxx Blue


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 01:34 PM

Thanks Kon! Do you know if the keys for arm lock and throttle flip actually appear in the key binding UI? I swear I looked for them, but didn’t see anything.

#6 cszolee79


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 02:57 PM

View PostXaat Xuun, on 16 December 2019 - 01:01 PM, said:

would like to add

a SAVE/LOAD for builds would be nice.
that way I don't feel like I'm taking all day rebuilding mechs I take out of Cold Storage

Indeed. And a color scheme save/load. Maybe, the mech data could contain that as well. Loadout, color scheme, and pattern per mech (chassis) type. So one click and restore the 'mech to its previous glory. AND the color and pattern save/load separately. So customising new mechs would be far less clicks.

#7 Maxx Blue


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 04:32 PM

I forgot to mention, when you are on the BattleMech tab, on the right side there is a ‘work orders’ tab. From there you can cancel any ongoing repairs. I didn’t check to see if it gives you back ALL of your money, but I think it does. That feature is what makes the repair confirmation irrelevant.



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Posted 16 December 2019 - 07:58 PM

Your c-bills get refunded if you cancel a work-order.

#9 Maddermax


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Posted 16 December 2019 - 11:37 PM

I also wish that the Repair All button also replaced damage weapons and components if you had exact copies in stock.

Also, if there was a single button to repair all mechs at the same time at the end of a mission, going through and confirming them one by one slows down getting to the next mission.

View PostMaxx Blue, on 16 December 2019 - 01:34 PM, said:

Thanks Kon! Do you know if the keys for arm lock and throttle flip actually appear in the key binding UI? I swear I looked for them, but didn’t see anything.

Yes it is. First thing I did was change my arm lock to toggle, just as I did for MWO.

Edited by Maddermax, 16 December 2019 - 11:38 PM.

#10 100 Tonne


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 12:37 AM

please spawn in the Opps room so I dont have to walk up the steps :)

#11 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 01:10 AM

The icon for VTOLs is indeed different to the icon for ground vehicles. One is the small circle with something above, the other with something below.

#12 Maddermax


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 01:19 AM

View Post100 Tonne, on 17 December 2019 - 12:37 AM, said:

please spawn in the Opps room so I dont have to walk up the steps Posted Image

Quick tip, the mech console you spawn next to has tabs up the top - you can access all the controls from the mech bay. The only reason you ever need climb the stairs is for storyline missions, and they are fairly infrequent.



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Posted 17 December 2019 - 01:35 AM

Or you can just press "Tab" to open the Home screen to access basically everything from anywhere on the deck.

I don't mind spawning down near the mechs. I love looking at them as I walk towards Ryana.

#14 Vellron2005


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 01:41 AM

1) Make the mech spin-able when in the loadout.
2) Let us pain the mech after loadout change or repairs on it are confirmed.
3) Make loosing components like arms more distinctive and obvious, I've been surprised my arm mounted weapons aren't firing more than once.
4) Make the armor outline on the paper doll a few pixels thicker to make it more visually distinctive
5) Make the speedometer also more visible. It's nearly invisible on glacial and icy terrain.

View PostFRAGTAST1C, on 17 December 2019 - 01:35 AM, said:

Or you can just press "Tab" to open the Home screen to access basically everything from anywhere on the deck.

I don't mind spawning down near the mechs. I love looking at them as I walk towards Ryana.

What he said... Just use TAB button.

The only reason I walk around the ship is either to admire it, or to go check real-life time on the clock in my quarters, cose' I don't wanna alt+tab..

Edited by Vellron2005, 17 December 2019 - 01:43 AM.

#15 lazorbeamz


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 02:10 AM

Allow us to cancel high reward quests. If you dont want to finish those. They prevent you from getting new quests if you havent finished the old one.

#16 Maxx Blue


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 08:34 AM

View PostVellron2005, on 17 December 2019 - 01:41 AM, said:

1) Make the mech spin-able when in the loadout.
2) Let us pain the mech after loadout change or repairs on it are confirmed.
3) Make loosing components like arms more distinctive and obvious, I've been surprised my arm mounted weapons aren't firing more than once.
4) Make the armor outline on the paper doll a few pixels thicker to make it more visually distinctive
5) Make the speedometer also more visible. It's nearly invisible on glacial and icy terrain.

good list right there. I forgot about the armor outline being hard to see and the speed bar blending in with snowy terrain, but those have both cause me problems.

What do you folks think about this one: Don’t show arms, legs, or the head on the rear view of the paper doll.

Maybe I’m just a little dyslexic or something, but I have gotten confused about which arm or leg I need to aisle the arms show up on both the front and rear paper dolls, and I forget which one is which! Is that just me?

#17 Grimm Shado


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 12:14 PM

Great post OP!

Repeats from other posters:
  • Would LOVE to be able to save paint schemes to use on other mechs, or set a company standard, rather than having to copy/paste hex values to get the colors right.
  • Would LOVE a repair all button on the Battlemechs tab to reduce clicks needed to repair my lance after a drop.
I have a few to add:
  • Bitchin' Betty (mech computer) voice notification for weapons destroyed & components (arms/legs/torso). MW2 & MW3 I believe had this and it was very helpful.
  • Split cooldown indicators for weapon groups set to chainfire in the optional cooldown indicators around crosshairs. MWO HUD had this and was really helpful for grouped PPCs. As it is now, one weapon on cooldown indicates entire weapon group is in cooldown.
  • Maybe make showing cooldown indicators on HUD checked by default. I thought this was not in the game until I heard someone else mention you could turn it on.
  • Cooldown indicators show white/ready for all fire groups, even ones that don't exist. I would much prefer MWO's approach of only showing fire group ready status for fire groups that exist.
  • MWO also has cooldown audio cues, about a half second before a weapon is ready to fire again you can hear a charging up sound for energy weapons or a reloading clunk for ballistic. MW5 seems to have reload sounds, but they are too early to be used as a cue for when you can fire again (to me at least)

#18 Lightfoot


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Posted 17 December 2019 - 12:42 PM

QoL#1: Make it so my lancemates don't get their arms shot off every mission. It breaks the game because the payout doesn't seem adequate to cover the loss of 4 to 5 lost mech arms and their weapons. These are pilots with high evasion and armor buffs too as I tried this first. Too many tanks I think in these missions.

#19 Thorasta


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 01:06 AM

View PostMaxx Blue, on 16 December 2019 - 10:17 AM, said:

- give me a throttle flip key like MWO has.

Do you mean Throttle goes to zero when you aren't pressing anything? If that is what you mean, the toggle is the + on the numerical keypad.

You have to press it on every drop.

Edited by Thorasta, 18 December 2019 - 01:06 AM.

#20 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 18 December 2019 - 01:15 AM

View PostThorasta, on 18 December 2019 - 01:06 AM, said:

Do you mean Throttle goes to zero when you aren't pressing anything? If that is what you mean, the toggle is the + on the numerical keypad.

You have to press it on every drop.

That would be throttle decay. It's also a checkbox in the options so you can have it active automatically.

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