11 replies to this topic
Posted 04 August 2020 - 09:01 AM
Been playing since just before the PSR reset but cannot get microphone to work. I have checked the VOIP enable box. I have pushed caps lock. I have a Blue Yeti microphone that works with every other game. My question is thus - what are the correct settings for the four drop downs at the bottom?
Playback Mode?
Playback Device?
Capture Mode?
Capture Device? (I would assume this is my Yeti mic)
Posted 04 August 2020 - 09:27 AM
I had to play with my microphone for a long time -
Yes it's capture mode and device as the key buttons but it's set currently to 'default' in my MWO account
Where I had to do all the fiddling was in the windows setting tabs on audio - you can test the device.
I did a lot of googling to try and find suggestions and that's the end result.
Also mic has to be plugged in when you launch MWO won't recognize it if you plug it in after a certain point in the launch sequence.
Yes it's capture mode and device as the key buttons but it's set currently to 'default' in my MWO account
Where I had to do all the fiddling was in the windows setting tabs on audio - you can test the device.
I did a lot of googling to try and find suggestions and that's the end result.
Also mic has to be plugged in when you launch MWO won't recognize it if you plug it in after a certain point in the launch sequence.
Posted 04 August 2020 - 01:21 PM
I have the Blue Yeti also. I'm at work right now so can't look at my ingame stuff, but one thing I do remember is that when I initially set it up, I had the mute button on the microphone itself in the wrong state, so hence it wasn't working ingame. And yes, it was a snakebite moment, but if it got me, it might get someone else. Worth a mention at least.
Posted 05 August 2020 - 11:41 AM
Flash Riprock, on 04 August 2020 - 09:01 AM, said:
Been playing since just before the PSR reset but cannot get microphone to work. I have checked the VOIP enable box. I have pushed caps lock. I have a Blue Yeti microphone that works with every other game. My question is thus - what are the correct settings for the four drop downs at the bottom?
Playback Mode?
Playback Device?
Capture Mode?
Capture Device? (I would assume this is my Yeti mic)
Playback Mode?
Playback Device?
Capture Mode?
Capture Device? (I would assume this is my Yeti mic)
Hi there. You actually don't need to disturb those, unless the following information doesn't work. (What I'm about to provide very rarely ends up not helping, by the way... Like, the chance of failure is literally less than 0.00001%...)

Please do this, in the following order...
- 1.) Make sure your microphone is properly physically plugged to your computer (It should ALWAYS be plugged in prior to any application that you want to use it with, because all applications do their seeking during startup!)
- 2.) Make sure that any hardware muting features on the microphone (and otherwise) are turned off
- 3.) If you're on Windows 10 (this singular item does not apply to earlier Windows Versions), make sure that the Privacy Settings for your microphone are not blocking usage of the device (I can't guide you through this specific step because I'm on Windows 7... sorry!)
- 4.) Right-Click the Volume Icon in your Windows TaskBar's System Tray
- 5.) Left-Click the "Sounds" option from the menu that comes up, which will open a dialog
- 6.) Left-Click the "Recording" Tab in this first dialog that opens
- 7.) Left-Click your microphone's entry in the listing of devices
- 8.) Left-Click the Properties button, which will open an additional dialog
- 9.) Go to the "Advanced" Tab in that dialog
- 10.) In the part marked "Exclusive Mode", uncheck the bottom checkbox, and then uncheck the top checkbox (This will prevent the microphone from being stolen by any single program, which would have prevented usage by all the others on your computer, a rather useful step when you need one microphone for several programs at once!)
- 11.) Use the "Listen" and "Levels" tabs to make sure you have everything tuned reasonably
- 12.) Once you're done with all of that, press "OK" on the dialog that's specific to your microphone
- 13.) Now that you're back in the dialog for the list of devices, Right-Click the microphone's entry in the list
- 14.) Left-Click "Set As Default Device" in the displayed menu
- 15.) Right-Click the microphone's entry in the list a second time, as we're not quite done
- 16.) Left-Click "Set As Default Communication Device" in the displayed menu
- 17.) We're now done here, having taken all the needed steps to make the microphone into a Primary Device that is usable by any program on your computer, so press "OK" to close the dialog and save any changes that still need to be completed
- 18.) Restart any programs which you've left running that tap into the microphone, as to prevent them from causing problems for other programs which could potentially listen to that microphone (This is a necessary step, as some microphone-using programs won't accept the updated environment without being reloaded.)

Now, should this still not work, someone else mentioned two items earlier from within the game program, as have you. The "Capture Mode" and "Capture Device" items happen to affect what MWO will try to sniff out and use. You still shouldn't need to bother with "Capture Mode" at this point, and I would be very surprised if you had to. But, if MWO still isn't using your microphone, the "Capture Device" drop-down item will allow you to forcibly select your microphone, should MWO be able to see it at all. If it can't, you're really going to need some in-person help that goes well beyond anything that I can provide.

By the way, if you've reached having success all the way to this point, then you have one thing left to do. It's time to tune your output & reception in MWO's game program. You see those two sliders above the drop-downs for Device Selection on your system? Please make sure to increase and/or lessen the "Playback Level" slider to what it takes for you to hear others, and then do the same with the "Record Level" slider in order to set that to what it takes for others to hear you. (In my own case, I had to turn both up! It took +10 on Playback to hear others, and +4 on Recording for them to hear me.)

With all this done, I now very much hope that you have a fully-functioning microphone which works with anything you attempt to use it in. Please post back either if you have success and/or encounter any issues/problems that I could not have easily foreseen!

~Mr. D. V. "Here's my 2020 guide on making your microphone useful with anything on your computer!" Devnull
Posted 05 August 2020 - 12:23 PM
Make sure when you scream into the mic "I got a light on me!!!" You provide zero information of value.
Posted 08 August 2020 - 07:56 AM
Thank you, it works now. I think it was the "exclusive mode" that did the trick.
And yes, I will try to provide better call-outs than "over here"!
And yes, I will try to provide better call-outs than "over here"!
Posted 11 August 2020 - 03:08 PM
i know with my bluetooth mic i have to go into the settings every time i start the client and set it up. otherwise it dont work.
Posted 11 August 2020 - 10:05 PM
LordNothing, on 11 August 2020 - 03:08 PM, said:
i know with my bluetooth mic i have to go into the settings every time i start the client and set it up. otherwise it dont work.
While your problem is a potentially separate issue, as it also sounds like MWO is failing to remember which device you have selected (blame PGI's VoIP Comms Coders for that error), there is something you can do about this. First, make sure the Bluetooth Mic is connected to Windows, then follow the process which I stated in my posting above, beginning from #2 and continuing on down as your device has no hardwired connection. When done, since you likely will always have to disconnect the device for things like recharging, just make sure not to start MWO again prior to connecting the Bluetooth Mic to your system. Also, when connecting it to your system after the first time of doing these steps (which hopefully will be the only time), always ensure via the Sounds Control Panel in Windows that the Mic has been properly granted its' status as the Default during periods when it happens to be connected. This should fix your issue.

~D. V. "not much different in the prep sequence, but you have to be more careful with finicky wireless ones" Devnull
Posted 11 August 2020 - 10:37 PM
D V Devnull, on 11 August 2020 - 10:05 PM, said:
While your problem is a potentially separate issue, as it also sounds like MWO is failing to remember which device you have selected (blame PGI's VoIP Comms Coders for that error), there is something you can do about this. First, make sure the Bluetooth Mic is connected to Windows, then follow the process which I stated in my posting above, beginning from #2 and continuing on down as your device has no hardwired connection. When done, since you likely will always have to disconnect the device for things like recharging, just make sure not to start MWO again prior to connecting the Bluetooth Mic to your system. Also, when connecting it to your system after the first time of doing these steps (which hopefully will be the only time), always ensure via the Sounds Control Panel in Windows that the Mic has been properly granted its' status as the Default during periods when it happens to be connected. This should fix your issue. 
~D. V. "not much different in the prep sequence, but you have to be more careful with finicky wireless ones" Devnull

~D. V. "not much different in the prep sequence, but you have to be more careful with finicky wireless ones" Devnull
i think its specifically something to do with wireless devices. if its not paired and connected when you start the game it may as well not exist. and if its not paired and connected when you exit the game the game wont save its settings. it does do one thing right in that if you shut it down and recharge it, then you usually can re connect it again without restarting the client. this is good so i can top it off during wait times.
Posted 16 August 2020 - 04:15 AM
Flash Riprock, on 04 August 2020 - 09:01 AM, said:
Been playing since just before the PSR reset but cannot get microphone to work. I have checked the VOIP enable box. I have pushed caps lock. I have a Blue Yeti microphone that works with every other game. My question is thus - what are the correct settings for the four drop downs at the bottom?
Playback Mode?
Playback Device?
Capture Mode?
Capture Device? (I would assume this is my Yeti mic)
Playback Mode?
Playback Device?
Capture Mode?
Capture Device? (I would assume this is my Yeti mic)
After the win 10 2004 'feature' update I had to set this to direct sound in order to get the headphones and mic to work properly.
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