I had another idea. What if the agility tree had the bonuses scale per mech to the original values. Then you could pick between setups. All I want is to be able to play my mech how I used to. Then you get versatility and you can customize with more stuff depending on the engine layouts.
In fact what if the bonus scaled with the engine. This could reproduce the coupled engine if you chose to go deep into agility. The exact stats could even be unique per mech if needed.
Say torso twist and anchor give bonuses that max out at the old values or +1 the old values if other parts of the game increased(big if.). I would gladly go into the agility tree to get those old abilities back.
It's technically a simple adjustment and can be done per mech or automated per engine. Just adjust a value in the skill tree.
This would also give back more uniqueness per mech and more variation than even previously.
I like options more than not. I can personally do more with agility than armor(if the values so permit.). I would prefer to pick and have the appropriate values to do so. Solves a lot of problems.
I want my direwolf to be scary and effective again.
To counter this maybe they could add another tree that helps make you aim better. Although laser duration sort of accomplishes the same as does missile spread reduction. Unless it's not past the old bonuses.
Despite what people like to believe this game was not made for mechs to just hide behind hills and trade blows. This type of change would allow proper mechs to push again and not have everything in the game relegated to a peaking mech. This game is a mess as is. And it's easily fixable. There are also brawlers in the game and this completely removed them from the game just so people could stand farther back and hide behind cover all day and trade blows. I'm sorry, but there was more to the game than this once. Even if very few people figured out how to. There is no excuse for these changes. A simple design change to allow the same bonuses in the new system would fix everything and diversify mechs again.
I would really like my game back. I used to really enjoy it.
BTW, the old tanking style I used to use was fun because it allowed effective damage spreading and spent time so the heat could dissipate. Allowing for good hard hits between torso twisting. It made for a really good push tank(as opposed to a fully weapons focused build). I could push and mechs would actually follow because they knew I could take the damage from the enemy.
IE push tanks are dead atm and everyone is playing like world of tanks and hiding behind the nearest mountains. There is no longer an option to do otherwise because the changes literally made it impossible and removed the diversity from the game because FP players know nothing besides peaking.
This is annoying for me because I loved pushing. My entire playstyle was pushing. I don't know how they justified removing this. It makes no sense. It doesn't hurt FP for it to be in the rest of the games. And it could be used in FP with good pushers. But you had to learn to do a few tricks to maximize tanking. It was very skill base also. But it was only possible because of the old agility stats. This game was so fun too... 8( (I haven't been able to enjoy it sense decoupling.)
Editx: You could also have coupled engine with agility bonus tied to engine and drop down the mech to something like 45-51 points or less and the ability to pick stuff +1 spaces away while in decoupled mode. This could allow you to pick the first point and then pick every other away if desired or skip the first skill and pick the second and go every two. They could also open up the old item slot choices from pre coupling with this to add to the current builds again allowing for different choices on select mechs. Or add them in general and maybe take away options from some mechs for balance. Either way more choices.
0 points to spare if using a 51 point system.
On top of this you could add free points anywhere in the skill tree. Either to give, "mandatory training points," and/or give access in the middle of the tree to start descending from a different location to give access to more diverse builds. Free points could be unique per mech and add to the total point effectively or even take from the available points. This could be used to balance potential mech layouts.
Edited by Arugela, 05 May 2020 - 09:06 PM.