Clearly I do, as any access to other major sites remain unhindered - yahoo, google, youtube, facebook, ig. But it has something to do with US hosts - seem to exhibit similar behavior. Pinging sites show a near 60-90% packet loss rate, but its clear some are getting through. But this is the part that stumps me - it always happens in waves i.e. for 2 hours - or up to a week once. After that it disappears as if it was never there to begin with.
Tried flushing DNS, changing servers, reset connections, but nothing seems to fix this BUT, by using web proxy (which I am using now) I can get to mwomercs. I have no idea apart from guessing that some fxxed up DNS along the route has been conked and remains conked to this day whenever traffic is passed along his lines.
Any clarification would be great if there is anything I can do to resolve this from my machine. Maybe sign up for a VPN service so it forces a different route?
Meh ping and tracert output (no issues on EU or OC servers):
Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 100, Received = 42, Lost = 58 (58% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 268ms, Maximum = 282ms, Average = 271ms
Edited by UnkerZ, 08 April 2020 - 11:32 PM.