Wolf's Aces
If you want to play MWO with a bunch of other people who want to play MWO then we're your guys. Winning is not our main objective. Don't get me wrong, winning is what makes us the C-Bills we need to continue our Merc' ways and you're unlikely to hear us claim that winning isn't Fun, but our main objective is to partake in good, fun Drops with other like-minded Mechwarriors. Lost Drops can be fun too, if you've made a good plan and taken it to the enemy.
We aim to win, but you won't hear us throwing our Headsets accross the room in disgust or getting angry if we don't come out on top. Like any true Merc' Unit, we dust ourselves down, salvage what we can and go looking for the next contract, or we don't get paid!
Have Fun. If prospective employers will excuse the upfront admission, we'd rather have fun than win.
Make C-Bills. We are Mercs, after all.
Win Drops for our employers.
We are recruiting for EU EST and PST time zones
The Command Council
Colonel JoshuaWolf (Commanding Officer)
LT Colonel takmui954 (Executive Officer)
Major DeathTricks ( Liaison Officer)
Major Wolfy (Internal Affairs)
Wolf's Aces website
Wolf's Aces App ( Need to be filled)
Main TS Server: ca41.ts3.cloud:1072