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Another Covid Discussion

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#21 B0oN


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Posted 19 August 2020 - 09:52 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 19 August 2020 - 01:24 PM, said:

[mod]This discussion was taken from Patch Notes - - 18-August-2020.
Do not make off-topic responses or engage in off-topic discussion.[/mod]

You guys shouldn't fall for the fear mongering that the media is using .. covid is not much worse than the common flu.. just keep your immune systems up by eating healthy and exercising.


21.989.366 infected
775.893 confirmed deaths
216 countries/territories with cases

Say what again, Daed ? The earth is flat ? Yayaya, go back to your sandbox and keep eating your sand cakes ... or were they tinfoil cakes even ?

#22 Kalimaster


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Posted 20 August 2020 - 09:07 AM

Every so often nature thins the population. Should be a wake up call that we need to find a new planet to live on so that wihen the idiots on earth get sick we can put out the orbital mines and say stay home.

#23 LordNothing


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Posted 20 August 2020 - 10:10 AM

with the amount of stupidity coming from both sides on the issue i think a cull is in order. evolution in progress.

#24 Tustle


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Posted 21 August 2020 - 09:18 PM

Somebody made a 'cutesy' little 2D game about Corona's current death toll.

It was supposed to be a live visualization of the death toll that updated in real time, with each grave stone on screen representing one life lost. You could leave flowers, follow the footsteps of the last player before you, even catch grave diggers digging new tombs, all in a graphical style not quite unlike early adventure games I'd want to say?

The game itself however, can no longer be downloaded. The dev noted in the comments that it wasn't made to handle hundreds of thousands of deaths and was either going to refactor the game...or just take it down. For the love of eight little bits, think of that for a moment. Look at the video, shot back in March, when the game actually was working. Think of the death count we're sitting at now, that killed something so...simple-looking.

Those were all people like you. Your family. Your friends. All of your loved ones.

Wear a damn mask and wash your hands. Respect people's distancing. Because you're not just protecting yourself...you're protecting everyone.

#25 Tombstoner


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Posted 20 November 2021 - 06:37 AM

Yup just another Flu...https://twitter.com/...53?lang=ar-x-fm

Edited by Tombstoner, 20 November 2021 - 06:38 AM.

#26 LordNothing


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Posted 20 November 2021 - 08:51 AM

pundits make terrible doctors.

anyway i got boosted. im done again.

Edited by LordNothing, 20 November 2021 - 08:52 AM.

#27 Ch_R0me


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Posted 03 December 2021 - 12:40 AM

I'm pending the boost shot.

Yet... I hope that would help against the Omicron strain, now taking out the Delta strain.

#28 LordNothing


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Posted 03 December 2021 - 10:56 AM

i worry that the south park episode that dropped on thanksgiving is an accurate prediction of the future.

#29 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 03 December 2021 - 11:33 AM

View PostLordNothing, on 03 December 2021 - 10:56 AM, said:

i worry that the south park episode that dropped on thanksgiving is an accurate prediction of the future.

That's South Park for you. Posted Image

#30 Meep Meep


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Posted 04 December 2021 - 11:03 PM

View PostTombstoner, on 20 November 2021 - 06:37 AM, said:

When you realize that number is a combination of two different categories then yes its just another flu. The cdc is tracking both dying FROM covid which is dying from the disease or the disease being a major contributor and dying WITH covid which is you get hit by a truck or fall off a cliff or shot in the head or have a heart attack etc etc but tested positive for covid. The former number of dying FROM covid is roughly 5% of the total they present. Saying that covid is real and it can kill you if you are in certain risk groups but by and large if you are under 50 and healthy you have nothing to fear from it. Healthy over 50 to 70 can start to have serious conditions that might lead to hospilization but death is rare and over 70 is still a 99.5% recovery rate as long as they are healthy. The absolute overwhelming amount of deaths are from the very old and very sick. The healthy are basically untouched past the statistical anomolies the media will leap on the show everywhere. As to the new omicron varient the reporting from south africa and other nations so far is very mild symptoms with rare serious effects and no deaths so far. Something that isn't explained about virus is that every time they mutate they almost always become more transmissible and less lethal until they turn into another background virus like the dozens of cold and flu strains. End advice? Get the vax if you feel you are at risk but generally its not needed unless you normally are around the very old and sick. You won't be killing grandma for christmas if you give her the covid if she is reasonably healthy and the vax doesn't stop transmission anyways so as long as she has the vax everyone is good to go to gather round the fireplace and roast chestnuts.

#31 Kalimaster


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Posted 07 December 2021 - 12:38 PM

Of Santa gets COVID will they have to delay Christmas?

#32 B0oN


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Posted 17 December 2021 - 02:24 AM

View PostKalimaster, on 07 December 2021 - 12:38 PM, said:

Of Santa gets COVID will they have to delay Christmas?

Uncomfortable, but such a necessary question :)
Oh you, Kali :)

#33 Kian Ragnarok


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Posted 19 December 2021 - 05:20 AM

Quite a segue from Covid to one world government and a cashless society. But hey, let me enlighten you:

One world government would actually be quite an improvement for most countries. Including the United States, considering even though we have the highest GDP in the world, our most profitable corporations and wealthy individuals pay almost nothing in tax - and we have some of the worst social services in the developed world. No universal healthcare, the most healthcare expenditure per capita, and the worst outcomes relative to that spending. No universal education, and some of the most poorly educated among the developed world. Our broadband situation is no better - again, highest GDP in the world, but our broadband internet access is abysmal, ranking somewhere around 20 among OECD nations.

As for Covid not being worse than the common flu, the common flu isn't neuro-invasive, doesn't cause cytokine storms or micro-clotting, and doesn't increase the risk for heart failure/heart attack and stroke tremendously. The flu kills a very small number of people, far smaller than the number of people dying from Covid.

Many young people have died or now suffer from long covid disability to varying degrees, and they weren't immuno-compromised. It's a novel virus. Our bodies have no idea how to deal with it, and among the young who have a robust immune response, some of the worst outcomes have been seen. Because the body's own immune system is doing most of the damage.

Regarding a cashless society. Are you sending money in an envelope to PGI for your cash shop purchases? If not, you are helping to produce such a society!

#34 LordNothing


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Posted 19 December 2021 - 05:13 PM

View PostKalimaster, on 07 December 2021 - 12:38 PM, said:

Of Santa gets COVID will they have to delay Christmas?

delay it because you cant get gifts. i blame the state of california.

Edited by LordNothing, 19 December 2021 - 05:14 PM.

#35 Meep Meep


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Posted 20 December 2021 - 12:45 PM

View PostKian Ragnarok, on 19 December 2021 - 05:20 AM, said:

One world government would actually be quite an improvement for most countries.

Who is going to run it though? If the UN is any indication it would be the worst possible move ever made by humanity.


As for Covid not being worse than the common flu, the common flu isn't neuro-invasive, doesn't cause cytokine storms or micro-clotting, and doesn't increase the risk for heart failure/heart attack and stroke tremendously. The flu kills a very small number of people, far smaller than the number of people dying from Covid.

This simply isn't true. Covid isn't linked to any of those conditions but the mrna vax certainly is.

Also when you peel away the death WITH covid numbers from the 800k US total and only count the FROM covid deaths its quickly reduced to roughly 40k dead FROM covid. Thats right in the same range as a typical flu season which can kill between 30~80k per year in the US.


Many young people have died or now suffer from long covid disability to varying degrees, and they weren't immuno-compromised. It's a novel virus. Our bodies have no idea how to deal with it, and among the young who have a robust immune response, some of the worst outcomes have been seen. Because the body's own immune system is doing most of the damage.

Again not true. The vast overwhelming amounts of death from covid are from the very old and very sick. Statistically you are more likely to die by lightning strike that of covid if you are under 30 and healthy. For teens and younger its getting into lottery ticket odds. For those over 30 and healthy up to 50 the recovery rate is 99.97 and for the 50 to 70 range it edges into the 99.95% range and for those over 70 its 99.5%.

Also covid is burning out fast as a lethal virus. The delta variant was the last one to have any meaningful lethality and the omicron variant is near harmless so far with only one death reported so far globally and a handful of hospitalizations. And that death was WITH covid not FROM covid so it wasn't even due to covid they just tested positive for it after they died of whatever it was that killed them.

Remember that its centuries old knowledge that virus mutate into more transmissible but less lethal forms. Thats why no one cares about the flu and cold anymore because its mutated into a background virus that runs through the population like wildfire but since symptoms are rare and usually sniffles and a cough or mild fever you take some motrin and go to work.


Regarding a cashless society. Are you sending money in an envelope to PGI for your cash shop purchases? If not, you are helping to produce such a society!

There will never be a completely cashless society because the criminal elements of our governments and corporations etc would have no way to tracelessly transfer cash or to do shady deals.

#36 Meep Meep


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Posted 25 December 2021 - 05:06 PM

Holy moley.. Posted Image


#37 Davegt27


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Posted 26 December 2021 - 09:59 AM

View PostKian Ragnarok, on 19 December 2021 - 05:20 AM, said:

Quite a segue from Covid to one world government and a cashless society. But hey, let me enlighten you:

One world government would actually be quite an improvement for most countries. Including the United States, considering even though we have the highest GDP in the world, our most profitable corporations and wealthy individuals pay almost nothing in tax - and we have some of the worst social services in the developed world. No universal healthcare, the most healthcare expenditure per capita, and the worst outcomes relative to that spending. No universal education, and some of the most poorly educated among the developed world. Our broadband situation is no better - again, highest GDP in the world, but our broadband internet access is abysmal, ranking somewhere around 20 among OECD nations.

As for Covid not being worse than the common flu, the common flu isn't neuro-invasive, doesn't cause cytokine storms or micro-clotting, and doesn't increase the risk for heart failure/heart attack and stroke tremendously. The flu kills a very small number of people, far smaller than the number of people dying from Covid.

Many young people have died or now suffer from long covid disability to varying degrees, and they weren't immuno-compromised. It's a novel virus. Our bodies have no idea how to deal with it, and among the young who have a robust immune response, some of the worst outcomes have been seen. Because the body's own immune system is doing most of the damage.

Regarding a cashless society. Are you sending money in an envelope to PGI for your cash shop purchases? If not, you are helping to produce such a society!

they promised things would be better now

#38 Meep Meep


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Posted 03 January 2022 - 08:04 PM

If you can spare the time this is well worth it. Posted Image


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