CPU: AMD A8-7600
Graphic Card: AMD Sapphire RX 570 Nitro+
Radeon Software 19.12.2
Memory: Corsair Vengeance Pro Series 8GB DDR3-2400
Motherboard: Asus A88X-Pro
System set to High Performance
I have the integrated graphic disabled, and now is using the dedicated graphic card
Running MWO Client 64bit
FPS: 20-30
CPU Freq During Game: 3.7GHz
System Components Image:
MWO Video Settings:
Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Windowed Mode: Full Window
Direct x Version: DX11
Motion Blue: Off
V-Sync: Off
Damage Glow: On
Effects: High
Object detail: High
Particles: Low
Post Processing: Medium
Shading: High
Shadows: Low
Texturing: High
Environment: High
Anti-Aliasing: Off
I have ready many post about low FPS with MWO and tried several things with out much difference. Originally I use using the integrated graphics on the AMD A8-7600. From Memory I was getting usually less than 30fps. I noticed that the integrated graphics was at 100% when playing. I decided to purchase a faster dedicated graphic card.
With the new graphics card listed above the fps increase a little but not much. Now the graphic card usage is between 45-50%. The CPU usage is about 70-80%. Before I thought I was limited by using the integrated graphics because it was at 100%. Now with the new dedicated graphic card, I would expect the CPU to increase to 100% but it is not.
I have tried adjusting game settings, try installing user.cfg file from based on NARC BAIT FORUM POST.
I noticed that turning the HUD off I gained 15-20fps.
I would like to get around 60fps with a low of 30fps, should this be possible with my current computer setup.
Is there any way to optimize the HUD in the game?
I am wondering if I had a faster CPU such as the AMD A10-7860K if that would help?
Any other suggestions would be great.
Edited by Orbisec, 04 January 2020 - 11:54 AM.