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Enemy's 5 Assaults Bite Teh Dust While We Don't Have Any Of Those

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#1 MOBAjobg


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 01:35 PM

It was a fun match indeed, ...without any assault class mech triumph over Team (Red) Enemy's 5 of those.
[color=#FFFFFF]Posted Image[/color]

#2 LordNothing


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 02:18 PM

im not suppressed as most people dont understand the limits of assault mechs. 'more gunz durr, ignore that flea, durrr, its harmless, durr'.

im more shocked that they managed to lose with 2 urbies.

#3 Monkey Lover


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 03:46 PM

Yep cucu pugs lost it for them. People Still blame teams but you can see both 3-4 man teams were very balanced.

Edited by Monkey Lover, 10 October 2020 - 03:46 PM.

#4 Vorpal Puppy


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 03:48 PM

Skill >> Tonnage

#5 Willard Phule


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Posted 10 October 2020 - 04:01 PM

Again, more more supporting evidence that the MM doesn't take tier level into any sort of calculation putting a match together is being coupled with a system that starts people off in the middle of the scale to start with.

The problem with group players arguing that their presence doesn't effect QP beyond "teaching the unwashed pugs the way to play properly" is that you don't have any context to apply it to. You have no idea what it was like there before groups because you weren't there before there were groups. Get it?

What we have now sucks. Take a dump or get off the pot. Either get rid of groups completely or open QP up to full 12 man groups like FP. If you're determined to chase off as many casual players as possible with the added benefit of keeping new ones away, then more power to you. I'm not going anywhere. But the gene pool is gonna get a whole lot smaller.

Or, you know, take your small group on over to FP. Odds are when you get on as a group, you play more than 4 QP matches. Only difference is wait time and that's dependent on population. If you all headed over to FP and flooded their servers, you'd have instadrops. It's just about word of mouth.

#6 Stonefalcon


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Posted 11 October 2020 - 06:15 PM

It's almost like it's skill that matters and people who say it's tonnage are muppets.

#7 Kodyn


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Posted 14 October 2020 - 03:34 AM

Skill and tonnage can both matter, and do. Four idiots dropping light is a waste, because they're idiots who won't use lights to their full advantage. Four idiots dropping heavy...same thing. Four skilled players in meta mechs who know how to use them, may, just may be able to carry a team of 8 potatoes, but usually those 4-mans are the ones who don't talk to the rest of the team, go off on their own, and get 3-400 dmg and a couple kills while the teams still loses for lack of cohesion/communication.

Tonnage is an issue when you get so many matches where one side is 7+ assaults and the other has zero. I've seen that go well for the lighter team. Once. I was shocked. Every other time, without fail, match after match, the heavier team wins. The one time I was on the light team and we won, the heavier team was as split up as I've ever seen any group of 12 people split, and that's pretty much the only reason we won. If you can get even 2 assaults both shooting the same light, that light is worthless. One decent assault is enough, but 2 or more who don't panic and let lights behind them and lights may as well not exist.

If it's the group merge that's causing the tonnage issues currently, then the merge is the main problem. If 4-man's were prevented from all bringing the same mech, all dropping light/heavy, etc, it may smooth things out some. It's making matches a bit boring when you can just look at tonnage at the start and guess the outcome 9/10 times, or see a 4-man and assume they're going to cause you to lose- and be right so often.

If I was afraid of 4-mans because they were stomping people, I might consider that a non-issue(mainly because you would expect this). Instead I'm afraid of seeing 4-mans on my team, because even the ones with good players I know from way back seem to suck in QP matches. Right now there seems to be no real MM occurring whatsoever though, population is too small. I did stop seeing T5 once I hit T1, I think, but there's still plenty of Cadets, and half or more of T1 still aren't actually good players, so obviously nothing is working as intended, at all.

#8 Johnny Slam


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Posted 17 October 2020 - 02:53 PM

View PostMOBAjobg, on 10 October 2020 - 01:35 PM, said:

It was a fun match indeed, ...without any assault class mech triumph over Team (Red) Enemy's 5 of those.
[color=#FFFFFF]Posted Image[/color]

Allow me to congratulate you as I'm sure all the other posters meant to as well! badass job!

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