MW Waldorf Statler, on 22 October 2020 - 02:21 AM, said:
now we have MW5 for PvE Elements
Faction Play and incursion turrets are a form of PVE.
The6thMessenger, on 22 October 2020 - 04:08 AM, said:
I honestly didn't know that we had Anti-Cheat systems.
My point exactly.
Gloster-, on 22 October 2020 - 04:13 AM, said:
Even in games with visible anti-cheat you still see rampant hackusations.
The point isn't to eliminate all hackusations, that's impossible because of human nature. The goal is to reduce them.
This is just straight up a bad idea. For one it seeks to put a bandaid on the actual issue of the game's stability, but who would be pulled in for these matches?
Tell me then, what's a better solution for fixing a match that has an AFK or DC player right at the start? This is the only long term solution for AFK or DC players in the queue causing stomps. The people that would be pulled in for these matches are light and medium mechs in the queue with the option box for backfill checked.
Plus the whole issue of the amount of dev time this would take, time that could just be spent fixing the issue of crashes or server disconnects. I doubt we'll ever see new mechs being added to MWO again, I even doubt new variants to be honest. The dev time spent balancing new content like this would be better spent rebalancing the exist mechs so more can become viable.
For one, the concern of PGI right now is making this game profitable, balancing is not profitable unless it involves monetized power creep. Right now, time spent focusing on balancing alone would be wasted and is definitely not what the casual majority is interested in.
If someone can't go "huh, kind of high sensitivity" and change it themselves, well. Its on them.
That's gatekeeping. Being unwelcome towards new players and blowing them off is part of the reason why this game is dying.
Solaris was a failed experiment, putting more time into something that so few people regularly play would not result in a return on the investment. While I highly doubt PGI can fix this either due to manpower required or a lack of skill, it would be a welcome change. Though seeing how MW5 also has similar issues, I think its a lack of skill and less engine related.
I agree, but that doesn't mean we should stop trying to make this game better. Unless you want to wait for another 11 year drought between mechwarrior games... MW4-MWO
Procedural generation would not suit MWO and would be a gross waste of resources.
Ever notice how Canyon Network and Hibernal Rift are very similar? Almost like it's a pallet swap?
Of all the suggestions for FP this has to be one of the dumbest, why do people keep banging on about muh AI muh PvE in a competitive shooter? If I wanted this I could go play the new MW5 DLC when it comes out.
Because we want to see some actual new content and gameplay and don't want to fight only boring AI.
The only time you'd need to use a rear view camera would be if you're in one of the big, slow assaults and want to avoid getting caught on stuff.
Or to see which allied mechs are behind you, or to keep running backwards perfectly as an urbie without bumping into obstacles, or to do some really cool canon quickdraw shooting behind itself shennanigans.etc.
You're basically saying "No true scottsman", and applying your own definition of tactical to dismiss features that do not fall under your definition of this game.
This game has
- Tactical use of overrides
- Tactical opening of weapon bay doors
- Tactical engagement of stealth
- Tactical use of jump jets
- Tactical use of visual filters
- Tactical mech weapon profiles
- Tactical use of ECM
- etc.
And just because it's tactical doesn't mean it has to be ugly or have incomplete animations. Ever play Rainbow Six Siege? That's the most tactical shooter in the purest form of the sense and it has plenty of character animations.
I doubt an engine port is on PGI's list of priorities
That's why this is listed in long term.
keeping MWO alive and kicking is going to prove to be a much better investment then making MWO 2.0 off the back of MW5.
DFA is not the same as melee mechanics. I do not think there's a way to implement a balanced and functional Melee into MWO. It would spoil the core mechanics of the game. Now Death from above on the other hand.....
Why would there be in a competitive PvP shooter?
Why don't you ask valve why there are chickens in counterstrike. (For developing the atmosphere and immersing the player)
Also, there already exists birds that flee trees when mechs brush up against it and the giant Centipede in Viridian Bog.
I don't trust your opinions on balancing, but this would be an urgent issue.
As you shouldn't, just as you shouldn't trust anyone else that doesn't have direct access to the metrics on balancing.
If possible and doesn't take too much effort, not a bad way to monetise. We all want bugs to be fixed but temper your expectations. The core code is basically lostech now, I fully expect PGI to not be able to fix a lot of stuff because they just don't have the knowhow.
I'm aware, but a Mechwarrior can dream.
Bud Crue, on 22 October 2020 - 04:24 AM, said:
Started writing a section by section response to each of your proposals, and then just said "screw it". Long story made short: only item 2 of your "urgent" items, would appear to be within the realm of things PGI could/would be capable of instituting. The rest are either impossible, impractical, ill advised, or contrary to PGI's goals. But I gotta give props to "fix all bugs" item at the end. Made me lol.
I'm aware of that, but these are the rough steps that I believe need to be taken for the game to become profitable again.
Angm4r, on 22 October 2020 - 01:30 PM, said:
Hey Buster, I appreciate the time you put into that post. There are a lot of great features but the one thing that is missing is content. The features list is nice - but without new and updated content, the game won't hold people just from feature sets.
I believe the procedurally generated map, the addition of more mech functions, and unique mech playstyles would fix these issues.
This is because at its core Mechwarrior is about piloting complicated simulated mechs and is what all diehard fans love about the series. And since the only space we can directly interact with in this game is the interior of our cockpits, so why not add more content in the form of additional buttons and mech functions?
LordNothing, on 22 October 2020 - 03:52 PM, said:
only roadmap i want to see is from pgi. unfortunately its just directions to the liquor store.
I don't mind helping them stumble there as long as we get our desserts along the way.
MW Waldorf Statler, on 22 October 2020 - 06:31 PM, said:
from PGI only Video Podcasts with NGNG and ..Yes folks ,we will make MWO great gain ,more Profit ,many Ideas , and ...yes we working hard for you ,and make it great again ...hollow Words, Visions thats later...sorry ,we not can do it ..and thats since time for writing here ideas in here own Forum or the Future.
It's up to PGI to sort out the sustainable suggestions from the non-knee jerk / white noise ones.
Edited by Buster Machine 0, 23 October 2020 - 02:10 PM.