XDevilsChariotX, on 11 November 2020 - 12:27 AM, said:

Now that’s a viable skill tree!
Another 2 cents from me.
First. Most of the available Clan Hero Mechs are not “interesting” to play. They have nothing special hardpointwise or or equipmentwise, I see no reason of purchasing such an ordinary mechs. They need to have some “flavor”.
For example, Rifleman 2C. People are buying it to load a bunch of small caliber ACs and unleash a rain of shells on the enemy. That’s the fun gameplay on this mech. Can I do the same with hero? No. Will I buy it? Certainly not. The story is same for almost all Clan heroes, it’s just an ordinary, not fun mechs. Some are even not viable to use with the available hardpoints (Hero Shadow Cat).
Targeting Computer.
There are reasons for using this equipment except you hav 1-2 tons and slots left and have nothing else to put on the mech. They have no value. What can be done? For example, like in Mechwarrior 5 Reloaded mode, TC can create a circle that will lead target and show where where to land shots of weapons with limited velocity, i.e. any weapon except lasers. The smaller is TC the bigger is the circe and the less accurate leading is.
I haven’t been in the game for almost a year and now found that all the fun quirks for the Clan mechs are gone. Night Gyr had an interesting quirks of Laser Heatsinks for example. Summoner had JJ quirks, Nova had interesting PPC velocity quirk.... There are a lot of chassis that almost nobody are using, give them some meaning to exist.
PGI tried so hard to mortify Clan Tech and they achieved their goal. Bravo.
Ghost heat. Crazy ghost heat for firing more than 2 ER Larges. I accept the whole Ghost Heat system but it has to be revised for sure.
Edited by Seth Kalasa, 11 November 2020 - 02:05 AM.