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Monday Mechwarrior Update With Daeron #02

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#181 Seth Kalasa


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 01:57 AM

View PostXDevilsChariotX, on 11 November 2020 - 12:27 AM, said:

Posted Image

Now that’s a viable skill tree!

Another 2 cents from me.
First. Most of the available Clan Hero Mechs are not “interesting” to play. They have nothing special hardpointwise or or equipmentwise, I see no reason of purchasing such an ordinary mechs. They need to have some “flavor”.
For example, Rifleman 2C. People are buying it to load a bunch of small caliber ACs and unleash a rain of shells on the enemy. That’s the fun gameplay on this mech. Can I do the same with hero? No. Will I buy it? Certainly not. The story is same for almost all Clan heroes, it’s just an ordinary, not fun mechs. Some are even not viable to use with the available hardpoints (Hero Shadow Cat).

Targeting Computer.
There are reasons for using this equipment except you hav 1-2 tons and slots left and have nothing else to put on the mech. They have no value. What can be done? For example, like in Mechwarrior 5 Reloaded mode, TC can create a circle that will lead target and show where where to land shots of weapons with limited velocity, i.e. any weapon except lasers. The smaller is TC the bigger is the circe and the less accurate leading is.

I haven’t been in the game for almost a year and now found that all the fun quirks for the Clan mechs are gone. Night Gyr had an interesting quirks of Laser Heatsinks for example. Summoner had JJ quirks, Nova had interesting PPC velocity quirk.... There are a lot of chassis that almost nobody are using, give them some meaning to exist.
PGI tried so hard to mortify Clan Tech and they achieved their goal. Bravo.

Ghost heat. Crazy ghost heat for firing more than 2 ER Larges. I accept the whole Ghost Heat system but it has to be revised for sure.

Edited by Seth Kalasa, 11 November 2020 - 02:05 AM.

#182 Bistrorider


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 02:04 AM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 09 November 2020 - 09:27 PM, said:

Separating solo and group queue is definitely on the table! I think for it to happen though, other things might have to happen first, like for example moving Solaris and Faction Play to being event-based. This would put more players into the Quick Play queue, and potentially allow for a separated solo and group queues. I also think reducing matches to 8v8 could play a part in this. Added it to the list, let's talk about it!

Still voting for 2 mans group in QP. Never asked for groups, only for "wingman mode". It should be only one sucha group for a team. For me it's good compromise between going solo or with a friend. 2 mans groups ain't so scary.

Reducing QP matches to 8v8 may tear apart this community. Looks like half love that idea, half hate it. There is always option to create "groups only" mode and leaving 12v12 QP with 2 mans groups or without them.

Imo event based only Faction (as I understand closed on daily basis) won't prompt people to play QP since many Faction players don't go QP.

Few more (other aproach to encourage people to play QP and let them feel proud of themselves in Faction)

- Obligatory tutorial movie for Faction Play.

- No more trial mechs in Faction.
- Only fully skilled mechs (with "wings") are allowed to go Faction match (then you have to go QP to level up your mech or get the points other way ;)

#183 XDevilsChariotX


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 02:26 AM

View PostBistrorider, on 11 November 2020 - 02:04 AM, said:

Imo event based only Faction (as I understand closed on daily basis) won't prompt people to play QP since many Faction players don't go QP.

I think people are taking this one wrong. With the Event Que there are possibilities of getting the casuals more into Faction Play. For example, maybe using the Event Que, teams are limited to 4 man groups or something like that. This could benefit Faction Play in my opinion. Lot's of casuals do like Faction but don't like always going up against big groups nor have the time to invest into getting in a big unit.

I think the Event Que if made will be a huge help and a filler to make everyone happy.

Edited by XDevilsChariotX, 11 November 2020 - 02:29 AM.

#184 Bistrorider


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 02:32 AM

View PostXDevilsChariotX, on 11 November 2020 - 02:26 AM, said:

I think people are taking this one wrong. With the Event Que there are possibilities of getting the casuals more into Faction Play. For example, maybe using the Event Que, teams are limited to 4 man groups or something like that. This could benefit Faction Play in my opinion. Lot's of casuals do like Faction but don't like always going up against big groups nor have the time to invest into getting in a big unit.

I think the Event Que if made will be a huge help and a filler to make everyone happy.

Sure, it can work that way. I just don't want to see a sign: "Faction closed until the event".

#185 XDevilsChariotX


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 02:38 AM

Yeah, don't think anyone wants to see that sign.

#186 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 02:53 AM

View PostSeth Kalasa, on 11 November 2020 - 01:57 AM, said:

I haven’t been in the game for almost a year and now found that all the fun quirks for the Clan mechs are gone. Night Gyr had an interesting quirks of Laser Heatsinks for example. Summoner had JJ quirks, Nova had interesting PPC velocity quirk.... There are a lot of chassis that almost nobody are using, give them some meaning to exist.
PGI tried so hard to mortify Clan Tech and they achieved their goal. Bravo.

There have been no removal changes to Omnimechs in the past 2 years. I think you are either missing or imagining things. Like the Laserheatsink quirk on the Night Gyr is still there, the Nova A pods still provide a velocity bonus, and so on.

#187 General Solo


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 03:51 AM

I like the new player changes

Don't think skill tree needs changes coz some don't like it. Its only a grind due to skillgap. Grinds not a grind when your having fun. Match maker can fix that better than skill tree revamp.

No mention of match making is disappointing.



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Posted 11 November 2020 - 04:34 AM

theres nothing wrong with the skill tree, better than buying 3 mechs. don't like the grind, bad luck.play some other games and tell us how the grind is better there.
I see a lot of 8x8 talk. we had that. we asked for 12x12 we got it.
a LOT of what we asked for here in the forums we got from pgi. now you guys want to reverse it again.read back 5 years, then compare to what we got.

what pgi did not give us is better maps , more maps. and a bad faction play mode

Edited by NAMEUNKOWN, 11 November 2020 - 04:35 AM.

#189 Greyhart


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 05:38 AM

OK this is likely going to go nowhere as Daeron hasn't responded to anything since page 3 (as far as I can see) and is no doubt busy.

Simple low hanging fruit for increased variety :

Make the least popular maps and game modes of the last month grant 100% more C-bills and XP.

Never see some maps and game modes. This should make the maps more desirable or at least seen.

Yes random drop placement would help.

To get new player/ revenue:

A drop in drop out game mode, with bots filling a role.

Add a customisable mechwarrior that you create; to sell cosmetics and add to game modes. (not adding detail here unless asked).

#190 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 06:02 AM

View PostGreyhart, on 11 November 2020 - 05:38 AM, said:

OK this is likely going to go nowhere as Daeron hasn't responded to anything since page 3 (as far as I can see) and is no doubt busy.

Simple low hanging fruit for increased variety :

Make the least popular maps and game modes of the last month grant 100% more C-bills and XP.

Never see some maps and game modes. This should make the maps more desirable or at least seen.

Yes random drop placement would help.

To get new player/ revenue:

A drop in drop out game mode, with bots filling a role.

Add a customisable mechwarrior that you create; to sell cosmetics and add to game modes. (not adding detail here unless asked).

Daeron mentioned in the latest Podcast that PGI - including himself - is somewhat busy with finishing the steam-release for MW5 now. Furthermore it seems like he/they is/are going to introduce some kind of sub-threads for the central bulletin points to somewhat centralize the clutter-feedback given.

#191 Horseman


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 06:06 AM

View PostWishmast3r, on 11 November 2020 - 01:39 AM, said:

Why does it have to be a skill TREE?
Where i have to use nodes i don´t need.
Can´t we just have the nodes?
To put a limit on how far you can min/max, probably.
Still, the skill tree UI is garbo. The skillcancer could be reduced to a set of numbers with +/- buttons and a rule that in order to upgrade skill X to tier Y in "tree" Z, you must have spent V nodes in that "tree".

Edited by Horseman, 11 November 2020 - 06:10 AM.

#192 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 06:19 AM

View PostSoulRcannon, on 10 November 2020 - 08:28 PM, said:

If IS Omnis are being considered, IS XL (or all mech engine) mechanics need revising. My suggestion is to add a bonus to STD engines (a carefully considered -% crit chance, or +% CT structure), make IS XL behave like cXL/LFE does now, then on cXL/LFE cut by between a third and half the current effect ST loss has on speed, dissipation and heatcap. It should fit in well alongside moves like more agility passes or scaling mechs smaller/better to increase the TTK (these latter things raising the skill ceiling more than the former lowers it). Seems like everyone likes getting rid of the heatspike too, which is nice.

I missed this yesterday. This.... this is an if-then that does not make sense. No. Super no.

Issues of engine durability are a completely separate thing from omnimech options. Why are you discussing this like these things are somehow inherently linked?

I will absolutely grant you that the engine mechanics need revision (although I don't agree with your exact method), but that has jack squat to do with IS Omnimechs. That's a separate topic.

The Hauptmann uses a 285 standard engine, and it's an omni. The Strider uses a 240 standard, and it's also an omni. What is this imaginary link people are making between Inner Sphere Omnimechs and the engine type? Omnimechs do not require a specific engine type, do not modify how engine types operate, and do not have any effect on what engine sizes do.

Can anyone explain this conflation?

Edited by Tiamat Cordia, 11 November 2020 - 06:27 AM.

#193 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 06:33 AM

Many of the popular heavier IS Omnimechs come with an XL reactor, like the Sunder, Templar, just to name a few. These chassis would suffer because you wouldn't even have to check their loadout to XL check them.

#194 Tiamat of the Sea


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 07:11 AM

View PostAidan Crenshaw, on 11 November 2020 - 06:33 AM, said:

Many of the popular heavier IS Omnimechs come with an XL reactor, like the Sunder, Templar, just to name a few. These chassis would suffer because you wouldn't even have to check their loadout to XL check them.


That makes some sense, but I don't think it's as big a specific weakness as it's being made out to be. There are a lot of 'mechs with obvious, potentially fatal or 'mech neutering defensive weaknesses that people should be taking advantage of constantly but don't (Victor, Stalker, Jager, Gargoyle all come to mind immediately) or that people do take advantage of at least some of the time but it doesn't stop them being used effectively (Quickdraw, Nova, War Hawk, Battlemaster, Blackjack, Dragon, King Crab just for a start) that have nothing to do with having or not having an XL engine.

Even if we say that the XL engines are a potential issue, that could easily be handled with a treatment a la the original Quickdraw hitboxes (which have very tiny side torso areas) on the 'mechs that it's a potential danger on. (Specifically, I don't think it'd be an issue on the Black Hawk Ku, because that's a Nova-derived 'mech, and side torso loss is not an issue the Nova has ever really had.)

So, I'd say- I get it, but I still think they're separate issues. Related, sure, but separate.

Edited by Tiamat Cordia, 11 November 2020 - 07:20 AM.

#195 Lepestok


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 08:05 AM

I forgot to write one more thing. Very important. This is about monetization. Make different pilot mech models. The male part of the community will demand female pilots. With outstanding dignity, if you know what I mean)

#196 Jungle Plague


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 08:24 AM

View PostLepestok, on 11 November 2020 - 08:05 AM, said:

I forgot to write one more thing. Very important. This is about monetization. Make different pilot mech models. The male part of the community will demand female pilots. With outstanding dignity, if you know what I mean)


"Huh??? What?"

#197 Alreech


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 08:50 AM

View PostAidan Crenshaw, on 11 November 2020 - 06:33 AM, said:

Many of the popular heavier IS Omnimechs come with an XL reactor, like the Sunder, Templar, just to name a few. These chassis would suffer because you wouldn't even have to check their loadout to XL check them.

Quick & easy fix:
Use for IS XL Engines the same rules as for Clan XL Engines.
It's a dumb rule from the tabletop meant to balance IS Standard vs IS XL Engines when introduced 1989 with the Technical Readout 2750, but became a balancing problem when FASA introduced the Clan XL Engine in 1990.

Edited by Alreech, 11 November 2020 - 09:04 AM.

#198 Alreech


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 08:58 AM

View PostBistrorider, on 11 November 2020 - 02:04 AM, said:

Still voting for 2 mans group in QP. Never asked for groups, only for "wingman mode". It should be only one sucha group for a team. For me it's good compromise between going solo or with a friend. 2 mans groups ain't so scary.

A good compromise could be to make grouping up easier for Solo players.
By stuff like adding VOIP to the group channel to make external Voice coms obsolete.

#199 Elminster Aumar of Shadowdale


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 08:59 AM

Do something about all the damn honor-less cowards getting the majority of their kills by backstabbing and legging. Put an asterisk next to their names in the global rankings showing they are HONOR-LESS COWARDS.

#200 Valas


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Posted 11 November 2020 - 09:20 AM

View PostJungle Plague, on 10 November 2020 - 02:06 PM, said:

Wait... did you just... be a decent person and NOT dig in your heels on the internet?

Heavens we need more people like you in the world! (This is me being genuinely serious.)

I was impressed by this as well...but, dare I mention the venerable (and unseen) Wasp with it's leg mounted SRM2? Posted Image

And apparently, there was a variant with flamer in it's leg too. Which sounds very familiar, like I saw it in the original Crescent Hawks game.

Upon further digging, and showing my age, I found that one of the upgrades you could do to the Wasp in Crescent Hawks Inception, was replacing the SRM 2 with a leg mounted medium laser, so it's not the variant listed on Sarna.

Edited by Valas, 11 November 2020 - 10:41 AM.

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