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3D Printed Atlas (Bigger Brother!)

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#1 SneakyBastd


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Posted 16 November 2020 - 09:52 PM

Hi all. Made some good progress on my 3D printed Atlas and it is in a presentable state now. It still needs wiring and LEDs, but is almost there. Stands about 49cm high, and is the big brother to my first 3D printed Atlas (about 17cm tall). The weapons on both attach with magnets so can be changed out if I feel like it later.

Printed on Ender3. The torso pretty much maxed the build plate area, and took almost 4 days to print that alone. It was the limiting factor in how big I could print it.

Has been a lot of fun building it up, lot's of learning along the way! Figured someone here would enjoy seeing this. I used to play MW:O back in the beta days... before it kinda went to suck. Posted Image

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