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Solaris 7 Season 11 Kick Off Event And Changes

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#61 Agent Super Chicken


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Posted 23 February 2021 - 04:52 PM

So the rewards have popped for this season, and it's great for newer players like myself to have some love for participation, instead of wasting days of grinding and not knowing if I'll ever see something for the effort.
This is, of course, good for everyone, because if new players are there trying it out, everyone will enjoy finding more matches.
If possible, I'd like to make a request - I need C-bills a lot more than I need GXP; I have no conceivable way of spending this half a million GXP with the C-bill shortage I have. It's not really a reward that I can use.
Perhaps many other newer players would benefit from a higher C-bill ratio?

#62 Agent Super Chicken


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Posted 23 February 2021 - 05:25 PM

How soon until a new Solaris season event will be announced?

#63 C337Skymaster


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Posted 24 February 2021 - 04:46 AM

View PostAgent Super Chicken, on 23 February 2021 - 04:52 PM, said:

So the rewards have popped for this season, and it's great for newer players like myself to have some love for participation, instead of wasting days of grinding and not knowing if I'll ever see something for the effort.
This is, of course, good for everyone, because if new players are there trying it out, everyone will enjoy finding more matches.
If possible, I'd like to make a request - I need C-bills a lot more than I need GXP; I have no conceivable way of spending this half a million GXP with the C-bill shortage I have. It's not really a reward that I can use.
Perhaps many other newer players would benefit from a higher C-bill ratio?

I'll say from personal experience, having started a F2P alt account about a year ago (just after the Quarantine giveaway), that lack of CBills doesn't last very long. I currently have 36 'mechs, 39 mech bays, quite a few warhorns, and a couple of hero 'mechs. All earned through various events over the course of one year, and all purchased during numerous sales. The one catch to my results vs yours is I run stock 'mechs, so I don't have as high refit costs (I do add DHS and Endo to my IS 'mechs), but quirks tend to reinforce the stock builds, anyway... I've got about 50 million CB banked on that account (plenty to fill those last three 'mech bays). The one thing I'm usually running short on is GXP to put an initial 20 skills on new 'mechs as they're purchased/won.

#64 Ridersofdoom


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Posted 22 March 2021 - 01:44 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 24 November 2020 - 03:20 PM, said:

Creating war horns and Decals is not "too much work"
It just doesn't make sense to do it for the least played mode in the game.
(Which is also getting gamed by the same players season after season to farm MC, C-Bills, and GSP.)
We (Daeron and I) have been examining the feedback of the players but we are also examining the data of what people are playing. We have to consider both sides.

People in this tread complain about the rewards removal when they haven't played Solaris in 4 seasons.
Meanwhile the top earner in Solaris mode earned 47,250 MC in the last 3 seasons.

We're poised to take action on your concerns and we're all chomping at the bit here to transform MWO next year.

This move today just happen to be the right time for me to remove 1 thing that takes up resources so we can start using those resources for the greater good in the future.

I would WAY rather have new Warhorns and Decals for everyone to earn than just the same top 100 Solaris players season after season.

47,250 mc for being a good pilot, great congratulations

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