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Open World / Consolidated Modes

Gameplay General Mode

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#1 Drenath


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Posted 30 November 2020 - 05:36 AM

The goal with this thread is to inspire a discussion about game types that could achieve multiple benefits simultaneously. Some of these might be:
  • Consolidate multiplayer buckets
  • Expand accessibility for casual types/small groups
  • Shift lobby/menu time into more cockpit time
  • Encourage non-combat roles
  • Improve immersiveness/realism
  • Create unique opportunities for big rewards
To avoid the thread from becoming "nitpick my campaign idea" it would be great to see feedback that's more generalized toward scoring some of these wins.

To kick things off, a "mode" that exists as a framework for this might look something like:
  • Solo players or small groups could initiate an "open" instance of a campaign/map
  • Players complete randomized tasks/kill easier enemy turrets/vehicles/AI 'mechs
  • PUG types filter in and cooperate while building the population of the engagement
  • As scenario escalates, more/heavier enemy mechs and QP/group opponents
  • Players can "Raid" with the risk of losing 'mechs in their drop decks!

Edited by Drenath, 30 November 2020 - 05:37 AM.

#2 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 30 November 2020 - 07:26 PM

Many Discussion is lost Time .
PGI has nothing Coders and Programmers since 2015 for the Engine of MWO...the Experts thats create the Engine gone for ever and never comes back.
Now the Company is sell to a gaming Shareholder Company thats will seeinggrowing profit , give Money and not Coders or Programmers.When no profit in fast time ...PGI will closed im thinking and the Crew becomes the Chance to work by other companys of the Shareholder like DICE


Solo players or small groups could initiate an "open" instance of a campaign/map

no open World ...thats a Work from Scratch up bei the Base Design of a Game,not a Feature to bring it later in


Players complete randomized tasks/kill easier enemy turrets/vehicles/AI 'mechs

Turrets in ,more not so easy ...since Years PGI trys to bring Knock Down and IK for feets/Legs back in the Game ,andfailed ,while no Coders, and small Vehicles brings big Problems with the climbsystem (thats why not can a Atlas move over a Pebble) and Terrain/Hitzones


  • Shift lobby/menu time into more cockpit time
  • Encourage non-combat roles
  • Improve immersiveness/realism

For Thats you must have expiried Gamedesigner...seeing the Escort mode , the failed setting of Spawnpoints, the failed Gamemodes,and Bad mapdesign of later Maps ...PGI has nothing from it,and MW5 not really better without Mods.

PGI has nothing great game Experience before MWO,and the only big game Try ...Die Hard/Nakatomi Place was a big Fail ,for mWO the hired very talented Guys,and lost all Staffs and the most of it after the Transverse Disaster 2015 and after the Big Exodus 2015 PGI earched New Gamedesigners and Programmers for 4 Years ...up to the Start from MW5 in UE4


Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 01 December 2020 - 03:44 AM.

#3 Hunka Junk


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 06:29 AM

Yup, send your ideas to EG7. Maybe they'll do something. In this case, doing something means taking MWO away from Russ.

This ship has sailed.

It's like proposing open world for Pac-Man.

#4 General Solo


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 06:40 AM

Open World Yes!
Love it
We need a open World mod for MW5

Not so much

#5 LordNothing


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 11:05 AM

i figured something like mechwarrior online: tukayyid.

one big mega map, and i mean mega. should take days to walk across it in a light (leopards can be used to deploy lances at a distance). it would be natural terrain with sparse structures, no moba crap. tukayyid is supposed to be an agro world, maybe few small cities, but mostly farms.

you can construct bases. there are default permanent bases that you can start at. units can have their own base. limited to one main base, and a number of outposts. you want to put your main base in a safe location but in range of the front lines, outposts extend your reach. outposts are constructed with deployable buildings while main bases are built with stronger active and passive defenses. units can hire pugs for defense contracts to protect their assets and pugs can use the spawn and repair/rearm facilities in exchange. pugs can also create their own outposts if using a default base (they can make their own main base but thats a high bar for a pug, and a lot of lost assets if they lose it).

logistics matter. you have to manufacture mechs, weapons, buildings, dropships, etc at your main base and keep outposts supplied. you can also deploy resource extraction equipment to bring in cbills. you must defend these to maintain your income. you must also defend your supply convoys, as they can be captured or destroyed. npc ground vehicles can be used to protect them, but high value convoys should be actively defended by mechs.

strict clan vs is gameplay. clans use clan organization is use is organization. clans can have their superior hardware but have longer respawn times. your account is not tied to a particular mech pilot, so when that pilot dies you need a new one, the training for that pilot is represented as a small wait time which is 25% longer for clan. respawn mechanic also has a multiplier based on where you spawn at, you can spawn fastest at a main base (the default, yours, your unit's, or the base which you have a defense contract with), then your outposts, then other people's outpost. mech construction times also apply unless you have a stockpile, clan mechs also take longer to build.

3 week seasons. tukayyid campaign is played in real time. victory is based on amount of terrain under control at the end of the season. this is counted as the area enclosed or covered by active and passive defenses. then the game resets.

tech base is fixed to what is available in 3052, though variants are available (like in mw5, though with more options). main bases can have a weapons factory that lets players roll their own weapon variants. mech factories are needed to build your own mechs from a number of stock variants.

monetization would be subscription based, with cosmetic microtransactions. it would be a 3 tier subscription model, with monthly, and yearly options and single season plans. a f2p option also would also exist.

the economy tier would be $5 a month or $50 annually, $3.50 for a single season.
the standard tier would be $10 a month or $90 annually, $7 for single season.
the unlimited tier would be $15 a month or $130 annually. $10.50 for a single season.

these would all include unlimited respawn. however the economy tier is used to balance the teams and so will place you at the least populated side at the start of the season (you don't get to choose clan or is). the standard tier lets you pre select what side you are (selection must be made prior to the conclusion of the previous season), however if no pre-selection is made you are placed on the least populated side by default (you might get an initial cbill bonus if you chose the default). the unlimited lets you play both sides interchangeably (though you can not use assets earned on the is to benefit the clan). perhaps call this the merc option.

a free tier might give you a limited number of respawns per day (the kingdom of loathing model), and you must play on the least populous side. you also are not allowed to build your own bases/outposts or start a unit, and have to use stock mechs/weapons.

Edited by LordNothing, 02 December 2020 - 11:11 AM.

#6 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 11:03 PM

View PostOZHomerOZ, on 02 December 2020 - 06:40 AM, said:

Open World Yes!
Love it
We need a open World mod for MW5

Not so much

No really open World with Prodcedual Terrain...Open World is today Handmade (No Man Sky not really Open World, more generated gigantic Maps)

Hi Lord :)

Fallout 4 meets MW...please not RDR2 meets MW

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 02 December 2020 - 11:06 PM.

#7 LordNothing


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Posted 02 December 2020 - 11:31 PM

idk that it is even possible to hand craft continental scale terrain. perhaps generate off of a lot of height maps and biome maps so there is a man in the loop. but its much more abstracted down from simply spewing polygons. flight sims have been doing that for years. granted flight sims dont interact with terrain much unless you are doing something very wrong. and its usually just a pop up that says 'you are dead'. ksp did an entire solar system worth of terrain if you didnt mind that it was repetitive, i mean its a good terrain system but its spread a little thin. the maps in mw5 look great for procedural (though i wish it was set up to be less moba-esque) but im not sure how far you can stretch that system. pretty sure high quality vast terrain is possible with the appropriate tradeoffs.

Edited by LordNothing, 02 December 2020 - 11:32 PM.

#8 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 03 December 2020 - 03:31 AM

yes Flight Sims ...its a difference to walk to a without Buildings Empty Street or fly over it a Half Mile above ;)

In the Moment...and problems with Open Worlds

Most Open World games have handcrafted Maps for the Wow Effect and many lovefull looking Places ...Engines like Unity very Powerfull ,and im Thinking in Future with a Good AI for the Algorithms we can seeing Open Worlds with PT ,and Citys thats looks interesting and difficult with Sea habours, Rolling hills and Mountains, Seas and rivers,waterfalls and caves



Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 03 December 2020 - 03:38 AM.

#9 General Solo


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Posted 03 December 2020 - 03:44 AM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 02 December 2020 - 11:03 PM, said:

No really open World with Prodcedual Terrain...Open World is today Handmade (No Man Sky not really Open World, more generated gigantic Maps)

Hi Lord Posted Image

Fallout 4 meets MW...please not RDR2 meets MW

Dude MW5 has more than procedural terrian
What about the last mission

#10 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 03 December 2020 - 04:17 AM

yes Posted Image MW5 a Mix of Handfull created maps and PT maps with Biome Modules

im not seeing the last mission ...lost my interest by the defense missions and the stupid wave system like Space Invader

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 03 December 2020 - 04:18 AM.

#11 General Solo


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Posted 03 December 2020 - 10:36 PM

IMO its the only mission worth playing frankly

#12 LordNothing


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Posted 04 December 2020 - 09:50 AM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 03 December 2020 - 04:17 AM, said:

yes Posted Image MW5 a Mix of Handfull created maps and PT maps with Biome Modules

im not seeing the last mission ...lost my interest by the defense missions and the stupid wave system like Space Invader

that last mission was awful. after a 30 minute hike and killing a dozen other heavy and assault mechs. you have to face a quad ac10 annihilator. its set up so you cant just tell your team to kill it. all four made it to the end of the game but not one fired a single weapon at the anni. especially frustrating when you are in a quarter of a mauler with no armor a medium laser and an lrm5 (it was a quad ac2 build but i used all the ammo or it got shot off).

i like the one that preceded it, that tiered defensive position was fun. that should have been an mwo fp map. and it was nice to have repair bays again. they teased those in the early game but then you never see them again.

and there was that crate pickup mission, that should have been a feature of the game where you could grab those crates and get rare weapons. the salvage system in the game left a lot to be desired. you could put every point possible into salvage and still come up short.

in my mwo:t example i think i would minimalize the hand crafted element to a handful of landmark areas. base building would be hex based where base elements would snap to a pre-determined hex grid and would be limited to mostly flat terrain. so map generation would need to provide periodic sparse locations ideal for base building. or you would need to level the terrain with some kind of map decal to flatten the height map.

Edited by LordNothing, 04 December 2020 - 10:08 AM.

#13 Gagis


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Posted 04 December 2020 - 09:57 AM

PGI is nowhere near large and wealthy enough to produce something this expensive.

#14 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 05 December 2020 - 12:27 AM

View PostLordNothing, on 04 December 2020 - 09:50 AM, said:

that last mission was awful. after a 30 minute hike and killing a dozen other heavy and assault mechs. you have to face a quad ac10 annihilator. its set up so you cant just tell your team to kill it. all four made it to the end of the game but not one fired a single weapon at the anni. especially frustrating when you are in a quarter of a mauler with no armor a medium laser and an lrm5 (it was a quad ac2 build but i used all the ammo or it got shot off).

i like the one that preceded it, that tiered defensive position was fun. that should have been an mwo fp map. and it was nice to have repair bays again. they teased those in the early game but then you never see them again.

and there was that crate pickup mission, that should have been a feature of the game where you could grab those crates and get rare weapons. the salvage system in the game left a lot to be desired. you could put every point possible into salvage and still come up short.

in my mwo:t example i think i would minimalize the hand crafted element to a handful of landmark areas. base building would be hex based where base elements would snap to a pre-determined hex grid and would be limited to mostly flat terrain. so map generation would need to provide periodic sparse locations ideal for base building. or you would need to level the terrain with some kind of map decal to flatten the height map.

A little leike the geo Hex system ,when the Module big neough you can build Handcrafted habour Citys of it ,combined with Beach modules to side, and rolling Hills Mountain or Basemodule in the back ...here im reading from maps with 4x4km and larger

#15 LordNothing


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Posted 05 December 2020 - 10:41 AM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 05 December 2020 - 12:27 AM, said:

A little leike the geo Hex system ,when the Module big neough you can build Handcrafted habour Citys of it ,combined with Beach modules to side, and rolling Hills Mountain or Basemodule in the back ...here im reading from maps with 4x4km and larger

im mostly thinking of really gargantuan maps, perhaps as big as 1000 square kilometers. something you can put all the players on while having comfortable distances between the opposing teams. if its generated from a bunch of terrain maps then it would also be possible to add terrain to it if it becomes too small.

#16 Drenath


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Posted 07 December 2020 - 04:50 PM

While more maps could be great, this could definitely work inside the existing MWO maps.

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