i figured something like mechwarrior online: tukayyid.
one big mega map, and i mean mega. should take days to walk across it in a light (leopards can be used to deploy lances at a distance). it would be natural terrain with sparse structures, no moba crap. tukayyid is supposed to be an agro world, maybe few small cities, but mostly farms.
you can construct bases. there are default permanent bases that you can start at. units can have their own base. limited to one main base, and a number of outposts. you want to put your main base in a safe location but in range of the front lines, outposts extend your reach. outposts are constructed with deployable buildings while main bases are built with stronger active and passive defenses. units can hire pugs for defense contracts to protect their assets and pugs can use the spawn and repair/rearm facilities in exchange. pugs can also create their own outposts if using a default base (they can make their own main base but thats a high bar for a pug, and a lot of lost assets if they lose it).
logistics matter. you have to manufacture mechs, weapons, buildings, dropships, etc at your main base and keep outposts supplied. you can also deploy resource extraction equipment to bring in cbills. you must defend these to maintain your income. you must also defend your supply convoys, as they can be captured or destroyed. npc ground vehicles can be used to protect them, but high value convoys should be actively defended by mechs.
strict clan vs is gameplay. clans use clan organization is use is organization. clans can have their superior hardware but have longer respawn times. your account is not tied to a particular mech pilot, so when that pilot dies you need a new one, the training for that pilot is represented as a small wait time which is 25% longer for clan. respawn mechanic also has a multiplier based on where you spawn at, you can spawn fastest at a main base (the default, yours, your unit's, or the base which you have a defense contract with), then your outposts, then other people's outpost. mech construction times also apply unless you have a stockpile, clan mechs also take longer to build.
3 week seasons. tukayyid campaign is played in real time. victory is based on amount of terrain under control at the end of the season. this is counted as the area enclosed or covered by active and passive defenses. then the game resets.
tech base is fixed to what is available in 3052, though variants are available (like in mw5, though with more options). main bases can have a weapons factory that lets players roll their own weapon variants. mech factories are needed to build your own mechs from a number of stock variants.
monetization would be subscription based, with cosmetic microtransactions. it would be a 3 tier subscription model, with monthly, and yearly options and single season plans. a f2p option also would also exist.
the economy tier would be $5 a month or $50 annually, $3.50 for a single season.
the standard tier would be $10 a month or $90 annually, $7 for single season.
the unlimited tier would be $15 a month or $130 annually. $10.50 for a single season.
these would all include unlimited respawn. however the economy tier is used to balance the teams and so will place you at the least populated side at the start of the season (you don't get to choose clan or is). the standard tier lets you pre select what side you are (selection must be made prior to the conclusion of the previous season), however if no pre-selection is made you are placed on the least populated side by default (you might get an initial cbill bonus if you chose the default). the unlimited lets you play both sides interchangeably (though you can not use assets earned on the is to benefit the clan). perhaps call this the merc option.
a free tier might give you a limited number of respawns per day (the kingdom of loathing model), and you must play on the least populous side. you also are not allowed to build your own bases/outposts or start a unit, and have to use stock mechs/weapons.
Edited by LordNothing, 02 December 2020 - 11:11 AM.