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Dev Update Jan 2021

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#81 Erik Krieger


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Posted 21 January 2021 - 02:00 PM

View PostAnAnachronismAlive, on 21 January 2021 - 04:33 AM, said:

We gotta stop to act like rabid dogs chasing/fighting over every little piece of meat waste that gets thrown towards us once in a while. Been guarding that house long enough just on the promise we'll be treated well someday soon ... but we won't and are slowly learning that fact.

How much feedback has been given over the last couple of months alone? Has there been ANY structured answer been given on certain proposals? About pros and cons?

This is not even about feedback being validating or devalidating regarding certain points, but about a RESPONSIBLE, PUBLIC and RECIPROCAL feedback cycle in general.

Not happening at all ... and that is what freaks me out personally. I am all fine with changes taking time, with precise weighting of benefits and downsides, with placing business logic first. What I am not fine with is devaluating sophisticated feedback by handling it amateurish or even by not picking it up at all.

Very well spoken! Thanks

#82 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 21 January 2021 - 05:11 PM

In general, I agree with what you said. However, the situation with the PPC clan/sphere requires clarification. Do you know that spheroids PPC inflict pin point damage (for PPC/ER PPC/SN PPC it is 10), while clans ER PPC do pin point damage 10 + 2.5 to each adjacent component (summary 15)? Thus, the total damage from the clan ER PPC can be 50% more than the damage of the spheroids PPC/ER PPC/SN PPC.

Edited by Voice of Kerensky, 21 January 2021 - 06:40 PM.

#83 PocketYoda


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Posted 21 January 2021 - 05:15 PM

Its like an hour of two guys saying we'd like to do this but can't..

#84 Voice of Kerensky


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Posted 21 January 2021 - 05:29 PM

It might just be a coincidence, but ...
With the release of this Dev Update, I've noticed that since the beginning of this week, the number of people who play MWO has dropped significantly. Opponent teams are formed for a longer time, if earlier single cadets got into battles with high-level players, then this week the opposite situation often arises - single high-level players get into teams formed from cadets and low-level players. I myself have been a participant in such battles many times.
What does it mean? Are the veterans tired of empty promises and talks about anything and stopped entering the game?
Did anyone notice this? Or is this situation just for me?

#85 Z Cassel


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Posted 21 January 2021 - 09:45 PM

I would love to also see a Viridian Bog Night in rotation. That is one of the most fun maps for guerilla warfare in a stealth mech, especially at night.

#86 Z Cassel


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Posted 21 January 2021 - 10:25 PM

I do have a bolt-on balance concern with them no longer dropping off, and perhaps suggest that when armor is removed from the corresponding section they drop off. Visually blocking the damage and smoke may not seem like an issue if you have targeting data...but if you are facing a stealth mech that has covered up its damage so you can't see its exposed internals, it becomes an issue. Its a small issue, but still an issue (and imo a greater issue than choosing bolt-ons that visually give you away. If you didn't want to be a spectacle, why did you buy the silly thing?)

Edited by Z Cassel, 21 January 2021 - 10:26 PM.

#87 Ekson Valdez

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Posted 21 January 2021 - 11:12 PM

Please do not use this thread to discuss changes you'd like to see made to MWO.
For new variants of existing mechs, join the discussion here:
Mwo Intel Gathering: Battlemech Variants

for everything else, please see the several discussion threads here:
Command Chair

Thank you!

#88 PocketYoda


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Posted 22 January 2021 - 07:12 PM

What is this MW5 people keep talking about... I've looked on steam and nothing is there.

Edited by Samial, 22 January 2021 - 07:12 PM.

#89 Erik Krieger


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Posted 23 January 2021 - 03:16 AM

I didn't see a topic under "command chair" where i could write this topic:


I dropped in a 100 tons 52 kph king crab on T.Desert on the alpha lance spot and was immidiatly very damaged without any chance to escape or fight back. And the bolt ons dont help me with that.... is this so hard to prioritize as faaaaaaaar more important than such things?

#90 Big-G


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Posted 23 January 2021 - 04:53 AM

View PostSamial, on 22 January 2021 - 07:12 PM, said:

What is this MW5 people keep talking about... I've looked on steam and nothing is there.

Pity, there are so many other options...

#91 D V Devnull


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Posted 23 January 2021 - 06:47 AM

View PostErik Krieger, on 23 January 2021 - 03:16 AM, said:

I didn't see a topic under "command chair" where i could write this topic:


I dropped in a 100 tons 52 kph king crab on T.Desert on the alpha lance spot and was immidiatly very damaged without any chance to escape or fight back. And the bolt ons dont help me with that.... is this so hard to prioritize as faaaaaaaar more important than such things?

Yeah... I found out what went wrong that you did not find the Topic which you were looking for. It got dislocated and renamed away from the appropriate "MechWarrior Online 2021: Maps" name that it should have. I previously sent in a Report for the Thread after finding it in that state to attempt getting it moved back and the correct name put back on it. You'll need to go to "https://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/278980-fix-alpha-lance-spawn-on-canyon-network/" in order to post on that line of discussion until such time as that gets fixed up properly. Frankly, this is an instance where I hope that Daeron Katz and/or Matt Newman are watching this thread, and will take notice of the insane madness that has somehow hit that thread by accident. Until then, I'm sorry to say, but it will be a hard-to-reach discussion area. :(

~Mr. D. V. "seems I've been forced to add being a 'Master Thread Finder' to my list of abilities" Devnull

#92 Spinning Broccoli


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Posted 23 January 2021 - 01:07 PM

While we’re at it: could the IS UAC20 get a beefier sound effect? It should sound more substantial than an IS UAC10, which, in my opinion, it currently does not. Perhaps 3x IS AC10 blasts in rapid succession?

#93 PocketYoda


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Posted 24 January 2021 - 07:19 PM

View PostBig-G, on 23 January 2021 - 04:53 AM, said:

Pity, there are so many other options...


#94 Mech One


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Posted 26 January 2021 - 07:09 PM

A calendar stating what year is the game taking place.


#95 Ekson Valdez

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Posted 26 January 2021 - 10:41 PM

View PostD V Devnull, on 23 January 2021 - 06:47 AM, said:

Yeah... I found out what went wrong that you did not find the Topic which you were looking for. It got dislocated and renamed away from the appropriate "MechWarrior Online 2021: Maps" name that it should have.

~Mr. D. V. "seems I've been forced to add being a 'Master Thread Finder' to my list of abilities" Devnull

Thanks for the heads-up! The thread has been re-installed in its proper position.

#96 D V Devnull


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Posted 27 January 2021 - 04:33 AM

Catching up with discussions left out in the air... B)

View PostKurb, on 23 January 2021 - 01:07 PM, said:

While we’re at it: could the IS UAC20 get a beefier sound effect? It should sound more substantial than an IS UAC10, which, in my opinion, it currently does not. Perhaps 3x IS AC10 blasts in rapid succession?

I don't know what the IS UAC20 sounds like, but I have noticed that ALL of the AutoCannon Ballistics need their Audio Level attenuated/nerfed by at least 30% or so. Every time that the following three conditions are met...
  • I forget to put headphones on, which would cause me to lower Windows' Volume Setting for them
  • a certain person where I live is in the same room, who unfortunately happens to have sensitive hearing
  • my speakers are set to their severely-low-but-normal level, but not so low that I fail to hear MWO properly
...then those AutoCannon Ballistics happen to give that other person a headache when the sounds are being played due to being fired by either myself or a Teammate in the same Match of the game. I think we can agree that the audio pressure given off by a sound should not do that to other people. So yeah, make the IS UAC20 sound as it should relative to other Ballistic Weapons in the game, but attenuate all of the Ballistics back down to safer levels too. They've got the same problem as the Intro MWO Video that blasts everyone, in terms of loudness. :(

View PostMech One, on 26 January 2021 - 07:09 PM, said:

A calendar stating what year is the game taking place.

Even though I don't happen to have one of those for you, I do happen to know where PGI put their Clock page, which at least gives a relative (BUT NOT EXACT ... please do not interpret it as being 100% perfectly on-the-nose official) year number. Here is a Link to the MWO Clock @ https://mwomercs.com/clock which I've had to reference a number of times to help stop an angry poster in their tracks. (It's even more funny how they go quiet after that... LOL!!!) Even though this page is normally hidden from the Public View on this site, it would really help PGI to put a link in all the Page Footer areas, as people are always asking questions about Time versus the various In-Game Events and other things that occur. They have a seemingly perfect spot just below the "Twitch TV" Link in the Home column to put it, if they don't find somewhere that they consider a better spot for it to be. ^_^

View PostEkson Valdez, on 26 January 2021 - 10:41 PM, said:

Thanks for the heads-up! The thread has been re-installed in its proper position.

Hi there, Ekson! Thank You for towing that thread back into its' rightful place, and hooking it back up properly. That will stop a small bundle of angry posters from charging into threads with horn-shaped Bolt-Ons equipped. :D

...and now here I scoot again. I have to hope that 2021 will bring some positive updates to MWO at last. Hey... Wait... What is... When did I... And why are they... [BANG!] :o

~D. V. "having to duck away from Ballistic Weapons firing... they'll return later, if alive" Devnull

[Very Minor Quick Edit by the Post Author about 4 minutes later to add something that was missed in the First Reply Section above.]

[Second Quick Edit by the Post Author about 10 minutes after that to remove tags that don't render properly on a Reply from another user, and do a major formatting cleanup! Unfortunately, this part took at least two attempts to get right...]

Edited by D V Devnull, 27 January 2021 - 04:47 AM.

#97 Saved By The Bell


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Posted 27 January 2021 - 06:20 AM

Assaults should be much stronger. No light mech cant destroy assault alone in all previous games.

Its almost impossible to play assault now. Team leaves you, lights easily kills you 1 to 1, you just useless ****. (of course its team *******, but I cant punch their stupid faces.)

To play 100t mech... just disgusting. Why you did this ****?

#98 FallGuy0815


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Posted 27 January 2021 - 12:40 PM

View PostSaved By The Bell, on 27 January 2021 - 06:20 AM, said:

Assaults should be much stronger. No light mech cant destroy assault alone in all previous games.

Dynamix 1989 Mechwarrior's Locust would like to disagree :-D

#99 mack brawler


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 10:39 AM

View PostSaved By The Bell, on 27 January 2021 - 06:20 AM, said:

Assaults should be much stronger. No light mech cant destroy assault alone in all previous games.

Its almost impossible to play assault now. Team leaves you, lights easily kills you 1 to 1, you just useless ****. (of course its team *******, but I cant punch their stupid faces.)

To play 100t mech... just disgusting. Why you did this ****?

Play better, or don't play assaults with your 5+ gunnery skill. Seriously, the light issue is about people not the game

Wanna mess with people's heads, take out the free c3 lock on for missile. You get the donut, but can't start locking till you get a visual

And don't ban streamers who use missiles in groups, that's YOUR fault, not theirs no matter how toxic you think they're being.

#100 Alreech


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 11:13 AM

View PostSaved By The Bell, on 27 January 2021 - 06:20 AM, said:

Assaults should be much stronger. No light mech cant destroy assault alone in all previous games.

Its almost impossible to play assault now. Team leaves you, lights easily kills you 1 to 1, you just useless ****. (of course its team *******, but I cant punch their stupid faces.)

To play 100t mech... just disgusting. Why you did this ****?

You play MWO wrong.
There is no team in 12 vs 12 quickplay, just 12 random players using each other as meat shield.
After the match the team is disbanded, so why bothering with the team mates?
Most players don't even stay on the server if they die, the leave ASAP to join the next match in an other mech.

So why should your team mates stay behind to defend your slow assault mech, risking their own mech?
Nascaring to kill the slow mechs left behind by the other team gives them more match score.

Edited by Alreech, 29 January 2021 - 02:29 PM.

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