Just fun. Tier 3 and dropping. Just having fun.
I'm a horrible compulsive spender, so I never have c-bills in this game, however grinding up for the March Grasshopper (which I promptly sold cuz I already had one), lowered my tier and inflated my bank account. (Never would've got it if not for the "damage taken" redeems).
I had a wishlist of mechs that I couldn't decide between, I had forgotten testing grounds was a thing...
... tbh, a fair amount of my enjoyment of a mech stems from how the cockpit looks and "feels", after a few test drives I kept coming back to this thing, rebuilt it thus:
ECM, 3x JJ
6x DHS
Light 280
2x Snub PPC
MRM 40
Playing it like a Victor way back in the day. Deadside, lots of jumping and spinning. Poke with the MRM until it's time to pounce with the electro-twenty in your fist. (The PPC heat quirks help a lot here
Much fun... of course this might fall all to pieces when the snubbies get adjusted. (Or you run across any remotely competent opposition