Nightbird, on 03 March 2021 - 10:08 AM, said:
I'm not talking about "video game" theory, but game theory, developed in the field of economics to scientifically describe how humans make decisions.
If you want to read the long version, take a look here:
The greatly shortened version of it is, people act rationally in a way that benefits themselves. It is possible to model this decision making in the form of a decision tree: if I decide A, what are my risks and benefits, if I decide B, ditto.
How does this relate to MWO? Let's take the Quick Play (random teams) conquest mode for example, as designed, suppose the choice in front of a player is: A: 12 vs 12 nascar in the center, I will ignore caps, and B: 11 vs 12 nascar in the center, I will try to cap. Let's say decision A has a 50:50 chance of winning or losing. Decision B, based on how MWO Conquest is designed (TTK, cap location, number of points needed for cap victory etc) means the chance of winning reduces to 40:60.
Each player, after experiencing A and B enough times, will choose decision A because it benefits them more.
Of course, MWO QP is not just conquest, but you can try this thought process with any game mode, any map. Should I choose a sniper, brawler or mid-range mechs? Should I NASCAR or snipe or cap or flank? As it is designed, MWO QP favors mid-range nascar over any other tactic.
Well, how do you fix this? Let's go back to QP conquest for a moment. Suppose when the decision tree comes up: A: 12 vs 12 nascar in the center, I will ignore caps, and B: 11 vs 12 nascar in the center, I will try to cap. How do you design the game mode so that B is the better choice? Well, you just need to make it so that B has better than a 50:50 chance of winning, which can be done for example by lowering the number of points needed for cap victory to 300-400 points. The team that devotes more resource AWAY from the center nascar has a BETTER chance of winning, when this is true nascar ends.
my 2 cents
Yeah, you can even see this logic proven in Faction Play where the cap requirement is lower (relatively speaking)
In Faction Play you HAVE TO both cap and fight because you can't realistically kill the whole enemy team before a cap win happens. This means that when you fight other mechs in FP conquest the goal of the fighting is to defend or win a cap point. Consequently there is no nascars in FP conquest.
Now the cap requirements in FP could be probably be increased a little bit because sometimes matches end a bit too fast, but the basic concept of having the cap requirement low enough to actually make game mode into the primary objective works really well and I consider the FP conquest to be the best mode in the game currently.
Respawns are another thing that reduces nascaring in FP i think, it's often not rational to nascar blindly into newly spawned mechs.
I think in general since we have a mode with nascar (quickplay) and one with basically no nascar (faction play), it makes sense to compare them if we're looking for ways to reduce nascaring.
It's also worth pointing out that non-siege matches in FP are played on the same maps as quickplay and with the same spawn points, an still there is little to no nascaring. In other words nascaring is not only about map design or spawns.
Edited by Sjorpha, 07 March 2021 - 08:52 AM.