But pride on the other hand push hardly and given wrong advices...
+ No PGI-related persons would ever see this topic, ever!!!
What is a solid reason. Now enough for this rubbish and let us see if I could make a proper introduction or not (Never could, just sayin')!
This would be my art topic. Arts what I not wish to upload to DA or ArtStation would find shelter here. Crimes against mankind, that what they are, but I share them. Not because I personally hate you or something but why make you any day any better?

First of all I share two things:
- My unofficial mech templates (+ the ZIP contain them)
- My alternative backgrounds for recoloured templates (+ the ZIP o' course)
So, the done templates in a collage (download the ZIP : https://www.mediafir...Stuffs.zip/file ):

The alternative BGs - a few in a collage (download: https://www.mediafir...rounds.zip/file ):

And two new mechs (included in the ZIP), two Kraken versions:

Of course as time passing new templates may come even if noone wants them! I wrote above: Why make any of your days any better?