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April Dev Vlog #1

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#461 Ult9876


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 08:33 AM

View PostAedryel, on 09 April 2021 - 07:59 AM, said:

1-2-3, heck, maybe even 4 AMS can be overwhelmed with 100 missiles, but you know who will suffer the most unfairly?

Actually, with 90-100 missile counts he's talking about cLRM. Clan missiles don't woosh though.

Any 4-AMS boat can be easily cracked with careful application of 30-40 LRM tubes in a proper alpha pattern at mid- to short-range, provided you're not using LRM5. Or clan LRMs. The breaking point where missiles fired by a single mech don't do anything is currently around 6-8 AMS in overlapping fields, against a full LRM group double that. But in order to get that it'd require coordination. And players not running off to hump some rock in a circle. Therefore not something really seen in soup.

#462 Aedryel


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 09:00 AM

View PostUlt9876, on 09 April 2021 - 08:33 AM, said:

Actually, with 90-100 missile counts he's talking about cLRM. Clan missiles don't woosh though.

Any 4-AMS boat can be easily cracked with careful application of 30-40 LRM tubes in a proper alpha pattern at mid- to short-range, provided you're not using LRM5. Or clan LRMs. The breaking point where missiles fired by a single mech don't do anything is currently around 6-8 AMS in overlapping fields, against a full LRM group double that. But in order to get that it'd require coordination. And players not running off to hump some rock in a circle. Therefore not something really seen in soup.

You're probalby right, but my argument was:
-Using lower tube count missiles is entirely pointless if AMS becomes more widespread. Talk about weapon diversity.
-And, if overboating missiles is the problem, that should be addressed directly instead of rendering CLRMs and ATMs useless by an upcoming AMS fest.

I also won't feel better knowing IS missiles will be f...ed up less, it's not much of a comfort to me if only half the missiles are screwed up in the entire game.

It's also amusing TAG is useless only for those who actually use them, unless we take in account the anti-ECM effect of it, but good luck holding TAG on a SA Flea. A lock-on time bonus would be in order at least OR missile spread reduction.
You pay with the facetime in exchange, but nah, screw that too.
It's also heartwarming to know legacy cLRM 30-40 builds are essentially history now because LRMs got nerfed on their traits entirely irrelevant to overboating.

#463 GaelicWolf


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 09:11 AM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 08 April 2021 - 03:50 PM, said:

The winning team was stacked with comp players (due to soup queue matchmaker) which ultimately was the main factor that caused the match to go quickly. Matchmaking is definitely an issue and it is something PGI needs to work on fixing.

Best thing that has been said in this whole damn thread.

Can we focus on that please?

Edited by GaelicWolf, 09 April 2021 - 09:17 AM.

#464 Drake67


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 09:17 AM

Still looking for the free mech/event poll.

#465 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 10:34 AM

View PostThe6thMessenger, on 09 April 2021 - 02:57 AM, said:

I honestly see LRMs at their most balanced right now due to the DF angle.

But if anything, I think IDF should only be reserved to targets with the NARC or TAG effect. That "Free-Damage" due to IDF would always feel cheap, low effort, and undeserving, and a massive limiting factor.

Wouldn't it be great if there was a toggle where you choose to lob instead of DF lurms? I've run into many instances where I didn't want to direct fire..

#466 Agent Super Chicken


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 10:39 AM

Since this is an epic change - will CASE and weapons be on sale 1/2 price all next month? It would really help newer players without a billion C-bills adjust to things.

#467 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 10:45 AM

View PostAntares102, on 09 April 2021 - 01:24 AM, said:

Sorry but this build is utter nonsense. Why do I come to that conclusion? Because you a wasting a FRACKING 6.5 tons.
If you run a build with more than 0.5 tons going to waste you fundamentally didnt understand what min-maxing is.
Wasting 6.5tons.... Jesus... the audacity to even make a sreenshot of that.
Later you put the almost same build on a hellbringer which makes much more sense.
But with the hellbringer again instead of going through with it and make it 2x HLL and 4x HML you put a ERML on. Why not put a HML in one of the arms. Also you always remove more armour on the hellbringer on arms to squeeze in one more DHS or a TC1. Maybe something like this:

And yes I've seen that you did 1300+ damage with that.
Was that an outlier or did you do 1000+ every 2nd game with that build?
Considering that none on the other team beat 500 damage I would say you got lucky with clubbing baby seals.

If you claim anything heavy laser related to be overpowered it should be this build:
Which will have a 75 Alpha@400m+ and not these heavy medium laser builds which have way too little range for proper poking. The MADIIC also has the better profile/hitboxes for staring at enemies during the HLL burn duration.

Nonsense.. strong words. I was going to post screenshots to show how effective this build is but I have nothing to prove.. the ebon is amazing as is.. Shows you how op heavy lasers are.. and Cauldron wants to buff them? Anyway, the trick with ebon was NOT using both arm weapons.. Although high mounted, it shoots too wide for it's own good. Side mounting it made it come alive.

Not sure what you mean about the HBR.. i have 2hl, 4hml on it in the screen shot.. I don't use arm weapons because they aren't worth the heat.. they force you to overexpose killing your ecm ninja skills.. and half the time you hit terrain anyway, wasting heat.

The madiic moves like a boat.. you can't compare it with these mechs. The range on HML is perfectly fine when you have the agility and high mounts.

Thanks for your analysis but you should try the builds before paper warrioring...

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 09 April 2021 - 11:07 AM.

#468 Navid A1


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 10:50 AM

View PostAnomalocaris, on 09 April 2021 - 05:42 AM, said:

I didn't say lock-on weapons were weak, as you're well aware. I said that based upon the changes they must be overperforming relative to the top-5 meta weapons that the Cauldron has said we should balance to (and to be clear, I agree on those top-5 weapons and the idea of balancing to them rather than nerfing them).

And you've given your answer which, tbh, really didn't explain the discrepancy between the Cauldron's stated purpose of bringing more weapons up closer to meta standards, and the reality of the changes to lock-ons.

Nerfing IS streaks is still nerfing regardless of how they perform relative to Clan streaks. I mean really, Clan streaks aren't the weapon we should be comparing them to. And differentiating them from SRMs in terms of DPS? They already were heavier, had more spread, were unable to target components and had much slower missile velocity and 7% less dmg (and won't even fire without a lock).

Rather we should be comparing them to the meta. How do they stack up against IS-MPLs for example? 4xSSRM6 and 4 tons of ammo vs. 6xMPL and 8 additional heatsinks. Except for a light hunting role would you ever choose the former over the latter if you were looking to win and contribute your maximum? I'm not saying streaks needed any sort of significant buff. Missile health would've been the only thing I changed. But a straight up nerf just doesn't fit with your own stated agenda.

The last is key here. I'm not trying to hold you to some personal standard of mine - I'm holding you to your own, because all those mech-dads and avg players are going to do the same and the Cauldron is our best chance to actually get **** done properly in this game. If we get a rebellion from a significant part of the player base and you can't point to a coherent rationale for your decisions, then someone like Chris is going to step in and **** things up again.

Note I've only addressed IS streaks in this response. I did so because they are arguably the weakest lock-on weapon and they got nerfed - thus making them the best example for pointing out the consistency issues here. I still have issues with ATM and Clan streak changes too (For ATMs, slow down reload, boost heat/GH, whatever, but don't kill their unique flavor). And I'd really advise you guys to be looking carefully at how you represent to the general populace. When I see language like "risk free, effort free" from top players I can just imagine how a Tier3 or lower is going to view that if the lock-on weapons they play are now less effective after a patch that wasn't supposed to be nerfing anything.

Our standard would lead to all lock-ons getting significant nerfs based on how they are now.
We held off on those needed nerfs by keeping new player experience in mind.

When you say you are trying to hold us to our own standard, you have to explain how we are violating it in the first place.

You need to understand which range brackets and weapon mechanics are competing for dominance.
As an example. A boost to C-SPLs were not to bring it up to the same level as C-ERPPCs. Those two weapons are fundamentally different... IS MPL is the base line for close range adjustments.

Engagement between a close range MPL light and a streak mech is not really similar to something like IS ERPPC vs C-ERPPC.

Lock-ons really don't compete directly (pun intended) with other base-line weapons that we've used. They function in a separate category.

Also regarding IS streaks vs SRMs... you are forgetting that IS Streaks are 100% guaranteed hit on components, unaffected by server hitreg condition, or maneuvering. To add to that, usual damage rolling maneuvers like torso twisting result in more focused damage into your torso against Streaks.

Edited by Navid A1, 09 April 2021 - 11:02 AM.

#469 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 10:59 AM

View Postkatoult, on 09 April 2021 - 06:48 AM, said:

You need to walk around 400-450 meters on this map to get in a proper engagement position with direct LOS. While yes, that's short, it's still between 20 and 30 seconds at minimum and requires the enemy team moving obligingly into the right direction as well. At that point you then have an engagement range of around 1100-1200 meters, sufficient for cERPPCs.

This is Tier 1. Having a comp team on there is nothing unusual, and something players need to be able to "work with" - on both sides.

For scale for others who don't see the names: The winning team's alpha lance was a comp team of a moderately well-known unit with players with an average Jarl's rating of 97.5% including two 99% players (March 21). The losing team had what may or may not have been a 3-man team of about 95% Jarl's rating, including a 98% player. All other players on both sides average around 70% with very few outliers (downwards) and otherwise little spread (+-10%).

It is in that sense not a matchmaking issue at all. In fact as far as "outside" variables that the matchmaker can actually account for are concerned the matchmaker actually did pretty well.

Yes, the comp team was the main factor in winning - however that was entirely on soft factors (strategy, communication, map knowledge). That is not something that can be fixed, and in my opinion is not something that needs fixing either.

The real nonsense is 'comp' players taking advantage of broken weapons on the most broken mech.. seen time and time again. This 'addiction'.. this need to use crutches is the reason why the games' direction should NOT be led by compers.. their mindset is not that of the general player.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 09 April 2021 - 11:00 AM.

#470 Navid A1


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 11:13 AM

View PostRunecarver, on 09 April 2021 - 01:13 AM, said:

If the opposing team isn't deliberately letting them have a field day by forgoing any of the myriad counters against said weapon systems, yes. I would consider them weaker than other weapon systems in an environment where their counters are being properly utilized.

Playing them risk and effort free makes said weapons highly inefficient and only shunts the risk and effort onto teammates. Quite frankly with how long you have to stare at a target to obtain a lock and wait for the slow missiles to reach makes them require more effort than other long range weapons like ERPPCs or ERLLs. And the closer you get to reduce that time until impact, whether in an effort to compensate for opposing team AMS, ECM, radar deprivation or just abundance of cover the greater the risk and effort becomes. Hell for a supposed long range weapon system they require the largest amount of effort to actually deal damage, and that damage is highly spread and thus, like is constantly bemoaned about them, nothing more than damage score point harvesting.

Considering them to be completely risk and effort free is just ignorant of how the weapon system has been changed to function.

Riiight. So what about laser vomit, gauss vomit and close range MRM boating that can do that just about as efficiently as ATMs? Or perhaps ultra autocannon boating and LBX boating that can achieve similar time to kill? These weapons loadouts that concentrate their damage far better, will kill an opposing assault just as quickly, if not quicker because of the nore consistent damage per second and greater concentration from better ranges. ATMs front load their damage in that 120m-270m range bracket sure, but they do have their own drawbacks for such an advantage.

As for deleting an assault mech in one salvo, unless that assault mech was utilizing an inner sphere XL engine and managed to turn its side torso so as to absorb most of a 3x ATM12 or 4x ATM12 mechs volley, that one salvo destruction is not guaranteed to happen. Most commonly it takes a minimum 2 full volleys from 4x ATM12s to kill an opposing assault.

Explaining how LRMs function doesn't make them any less risk- or effort-free... you don't do the tracking... the game does. Most of the time, you don't even need to reposition, or see the enemy... you just lob cancer into the sky, and unless there is a corsair or two in the game, the enemy is really going to have a bad time.
If target lock sharing wasn't a thing in MWO, then you would have been 100% right. But target sharing is a thing, and LRMs are risk- and effort-free.

Regarding ATMs, I'd suggest you do a test with a friend before listing theoretical results. Try to find similar LBX boats that can can have the same damage output, high speed, and jumpjets.

#471 Krasnopesky


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 11:39 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 09 April 2021 - 10:59 AM, said:

The real nonsense is 'comp' players taking advantage of broken weapons on the most broken mech.. seen time and time again. This 'addiction'.. this need to use crutches is the reason why the games' direction should NOT be led by compers.. their mindset is not that of the general player.

Aside from the issue of throwing accusations against an entire group of people within the MWO community, you're also just wrong. This patch specifically does not buff the strongest weapons, but aims to improve the underperforming weapons in order to have a more diverse and balanced lineup of weapons for players to use. If comp players wanted to continue relying on their crutches as you keep saying, wouldn't this patch contain buffs for those same 'crutches'? I also find it ironic that I have personally seen you use these same 'overpowered' weapons plenty of times in game, yet here you usually focus on others doing so.

It is excellent that you have given your feedback on the coming patch and voiced your concerns, but you now keep 'pointing the finger' at people instead of looking objectively at the game and the changes coming. If you are so passionate about this game why don't you provide your own comprehensive balance suggestions as The Cauldron has done and present them as a package to PGI and the community? I would gladly review others suggestions if they are presented in a digestible manner.

One last note I will mention is that The Cauldron is not solely composed of comp players, we also have other members of the community as a part of the team too.

Edited by Krasnopesky, 09 April 2021 - 11:40 AM.

#472 Aivazovsky


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 11:52 AM

It takes an ocean of patience to endure these streams of salty tears.. Thank you guys for everything you do <3

#473 Krasnopesky


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 11:59 AM

View PostAgent Super Chicken, on 09 April 2021 - 10:39 AM, said:

Since this is an epic change - will CASE and weapons be on sale 1/2 price all next month? It would really help newer players without a billion C-bills adjust to things.

Just got confirmation from PGI, they will run a 50% off weapons and equipment sale at the same time the patch drops!

#474 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:05 PM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 09 April 2021 - 11:39 AM, said:

Aside from the issue of throwing accusations against an entire group of people within the MWO community, you're also just wrong. This patch specifically does not buff the strongest weapons, but aims to improve the underper forming weapons in order to have a more diverse and balanced lineup of weapons for players to use. If comp players wanted to continue relying on their crutches as you keep saying, wouldn't this patch contain buffs for those same 'crutches'? I also find it ironic that I have personally seen you use these same 'overpowered' weapons plenty of times in game, yet here you usually focus on others doing so.

It is excellent that you have given your feedback on the coming patch and voiced your concerns, but you now keep 'pointing the finger' at people instead of looking objectively at the game and the changes coming. If you are so passionate about this game why don't you provide your own comprehensive balance suggestions as The Cauldron has done and present them as a package to PGI and the community? I would gladly review others suggestions if they are presented in a digestible manner.

One last note I will mention is that The Cauldron is not solely composed of comp players, we also have other members of the community as a part of the team too.

You're confusing strong weapons for crutches.. there is a big difference. All weapons are strong if you use them right.. however, some weapons don't need as much effort to do well in and work well in most situations when they shouldn't.. these are CRUTCHES. Heavy larges are far from op or being considered crutches.. they require positional skill, building skill and dare I say finesse and hardly work in all situations. I literally used clan peeps ONCE during this farce of a patch. But many 'top players' are boating them..

As for me generalizing comp players.. you have your opinion, i have mine.. I speak from experience and what I see on the battlefield.. the only way you can reach 98-99% on jarl's is if you abuse meta/broken mechs and weapons. There are always the few exceptions, but that is a given.

I have done much more than point fingers.. i've given my opinion on quite a few aspects of the patch.. but you only seem to focus on my comments about the players.. try not to take it personal..

Anyway, you don't have to keep repeating what cauldron's goal is.. repeating won't make it sound reasonable or suddenly make it make sense. It only forces me to repeat myself too.. we know what cauldron's goal is, and it doesn't make sense to buff 90% of weapons for the 10% that are too strong. It's backwards and defies logic and will reduce TTK which is already low. The reason you aren't buffing the already op weapons.. (if you don't include uac2 buff which are already strong)... is because you want to have your cake and eat it too.. keep the op weapons your used to.. and have more strong weapons/variety to play with.. (my eat have/eat cake analogy)

I've already given my opinion on what weapons needed nerfing first.. baby steps.. but again you ignored it and are saying I didn't provide any feedback.. to reiterate.. clan peeps (either reduce damage or increase heat, ac2/uac2 (reduce cooldown) and atms (increase spread) all these need slight nerfing.. to bring other weapons to their level..

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 09 April 2021 - 12:39 PM.

#475 John Bronco


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:20 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 09 April 2021 - 12:05 PM, said:

the only way you can reach 98-99% on jarl's is if you abuse meta/broken mechs and weapons.

Laughably false, I know many pilots who can post matchscores in that range playing exclusively the most mediocre mechs and builds.

You seem to think mechs/builds are far more important than pilot skill.

They aren't.

#476 Runecarver


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:22 PM

View PostNavid A1, on 09 April 2021 - 11:13 AM, said:

Our standard would lead to all lock-ons getting significant nerfs based on how they are now.
We held off on those needed nerfs by keeping new player experience in mind.

When you say you are trying to hold us to our own standard, you have to explain how we are violating it in the first place.

Lock-ons really don't compete directly (pun intended) with other base-line weapons that we've used. They function in a separate category.

If the plan is to make all weapons more competitive against one another, why put lock-ons into an entirely separate category, supposedly only for "the new player experience"?

It was only after several patches and a few larger reworks of the locking and tracking mechanisms that lock on weapons were no longer an utter joke, incapable of holding their own as viable weapon systems. Now the plan is to do what, exactly? Return LRMs to their 2015-2016 incarnation where they were only ever rarely used to annoy the supposedly "advanced" players or by newer players who had not yet seen how ineffective the weapon systems were?

Anomalolacris is correct that you, and several other members of this supposed "cauldron" group seem to have double standards when it comes to certain weapons, not holding them to the same standard to make them viable weapons.

View PostNavid A1, on 09 April 2021 - 11:13 AM, said:

Explaining how LRMs function doesn't make them any less risk- or effort-free... you don't do the tracking... the game does. Most of the time, you don't even need to reposition, or see the enemy... you just lob cancer into the sky, and unless there is a corsair or two in the game, the enemy is really going to have a bad time.
If target lock sharing wasn't a thing in MWO, then you would have been 100% right. But target sharing is a thing, and LRMs are risk- and effort-free.

Then you are willfully ignoring their current mechanics. A player using said weapon system has to track their target for the entire flight of the missiles. Which is around 4 seconds at 900 meters. Even if a friendly mech or UAV is providing a constant secondary lock through which to fire. And that is excluding the prohibitively long indirect lock times. But if those aren't available, they have to do it themselves, getting closer and closer in order to have any consistency. So if you know this, how can you still state they're completely risk or effort free? Simply because they have to use indirect fire as much as possible because they can't compete against other weapons in direct fire competitions?

If you are this highly biased against a weapon system then I would highly suggest you get yourself acquainted with them more thoroughly. As it is, your biased outlook (and if your comments are to be believed the biased outlook of many of your fellow "cauldron" members) towards these weapon systems is not geared towards making the game more fun, balanced or competitive for everyone. Just towards those who have a specific outlook of what is "the right way to play."

View PostNavid A1, on 09 April 2021 - 11:13 AM, said:

Regarding ATMs, I'd suggest you do a test with a friend before listing theoretical results. Try to find similar LBX boats that can can have the same damage output, high speed, and jumpjets.

So you're referring to what mech, specifically? Because even a Mad Cat MkII with quad ATM12s generally has one jump jet, and runs at around 60-62 kph.

It takes 6 volleys from a quad LB10X assault mech to kill a testing grounds AS7-D through the center torso at 200 meters. That is roughly 13.5 seconds.
It takes 3 volleys for a quad ATM12 assault mech to kill that same testing grounds AS7-D through the center torso at 200 meters. That takes roughly 10 seconds in terms of pure weapon cooldowns. That is still around 3 full volleys of 4x ATM12's.

As demonstrated, in close quarter ranges, where the ATM12 is supposed to shine, it can edge out the inner sphere quad LB10X mech in terms of time to kill. But it does no one-shot assault, no matter how much you hyperbole their lethality.

Edited by Runecarver, 09 April 2021 - 12:24 PM.

#477 Krasnopesky


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:33 PM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 09 April 2021 - 12:05 PM, said:

You're confusing strong weapons for crutches.. there is a big difference. All weapons are strong if you use them right.. however, some weapons don't need as much effort to do well in and work well in most situations when they shouldn't.. these are CRUTCHES. Heavy larges are far from op as they require positional skill, building skill and dare I say finesse. I literally used clan peeps ONCE during this farce of a patch. But so 'top players' are boating them..

As for me generalizing comp players.. you have your opinion, i have mine.. I speak from experience and what I see on the battlefield.. the only way you can reach 98-99% on jarl's is if you abuse meta/broken mechs and weapons. There are always the few exceptions, but that is a given.

I have done much more than point fingers.. i've given my opinion any quite a few aspects of the patch.. but you only seem to focus on my comments about the players.. try not to take it personal..

Anyway, you don't have to keep repeating what cauldron's goal is.. repeating won't make it sound reasonable or suddenly make it make sense. It only forces me to repeat myself too.. we know what cauldron's goal is, and it doesn't make sense to buff 90% of weapons for the 10% that are OP. It's backwards and defies logic and will reduce TTK which is already lol. The reason you aren't buffing the already op weapons.. (if you don't include uac2 buff which are already strong)...

I've already given my opinion on what weapons needed nerfing first.. baby steps.. but again you ignored it and are saying I didn't provide any feedback.. to reiterate.. clan peeps, ac2/uac2/ and atms needed slight nerfing.. to bring other weapons to their level..

The vast majority of top players in this game can do well in any Mech and with any weapon system, especially so if you are referring primarily about QP. It is skill that defines those capabilities, not the tools they use.

As for focusing only on your comments about players, that is blatantly false. I have had many back and forth discussions with you on this thread alone and the vast majority of them are focused on the changes themselves and responding to your own feedback. I haven't even mentioned all of your disrespectful comments where you use Sesame Street videos to draw comparisons with people and entire groups of players.

I literally thanked you for your feedback in the comment you are responding to and I have it listed along with everyone else's feedback from this thread in a file I am collating. I am not ignoring your feedback at all. Ignoring it would involve not responding at all to you or just saying you're wrong and leaving it at that. Just because immediate action isn't being taken on your feedback does not mean it is being ignored.

#478 jamesbombed00420


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:39 PM

If the mechs get resized please do not make any of them bigger. None of the mechs that are hard to hit have high dps and its their defense and good size that give them a reason to be played.

#479 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:40 PM

View PostJohn Bronco, on 09 April 2021 - 12:20 PM, said:

Laughably false, I know many pilots who can post matchscores in that range playing exclusively the most mediocre mechs and builds.

You seem to think mechs/builds are far more important than pilot skill.

They aren't.

I said there's always exceptions.. but for the most part i'm right and you know it.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 09 April 2021 - 12:40 PM.

#480 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 09 April 2021 - 12:43 PM

View PostKrasnopesky, on 09 April 2021 - 12:33 PM, said:

The vast majority of top players in this game can do well in any Mech and with any weapon system, especially so if you are referring primarily about QP. It is skill that defines those capabilities, not the tools they use.

As for focusing only on your comments about players, that is blatantly false. I have had many back and forth discussions with you on this thread alone and the vast majority of them are focused on the changes themselves and responding to your own feedback. I haven't even mentioned all of your disrespectful comments where you use Sesame Street videos to draw comparisons with people and entire groups of players.

I literally thanked you for your feedback in the comment you are responding to and I have it listed along with everyone else's feedback from this thread in a file I am collating. I am not ignoring your feedback at all. Ignoring it would involve not responding at all to you or just saying you're wrong and leaving it at that. Just because immediate action isn't being taken on your feedback does not mean it is being ignored.

Dude, when I see good player do well in non-meta.. i give them props.. but that is so rare..

About ignoring feedback and pointing fingers..I was referring to your most recent comment to me that said i should provide feedback (which i have many times).. and all i'm doing is pointing fingers..

Anyway, this patch is a done deal.. so I think i'll cool it.. this convo is getting tiresome..

Thanks for all your work.

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 09 April 2021 - 12:44 PM.

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