We are the true keepers of the Great Kerensky precepts! We honor the names of our founders! We are ruthlessly destroying our enemies! No one can resist the fury of the Falcon’s steel talons! Nothing escapes the Falcon's keen eyes! Seyla!
Russian Clan Jade Falcon (Russian Clan Jade Falcon) was founded in 1995-1996. Since the foundation, we have fought and destroyed enemies in Mechwarrior 2/3/4, in Megamek and tabletop Battletech. RJF was an active member of the Russian BattleTech League from its foundation to its end. Our Clan took part in international projects, events and other leagues. We are currently actively playing MechWarrior Online. The Russian Jade Falcon Clan unites warriors from different cities and countries.
At the moment, the Clan is ruled by Khan Hawk Chistu and saKhan Falconer Buhallin. Compliance with the protocols and laws is monitored by Loremaster FES.
If you dare and think that you have enough strength to join the Russian Jade Falcon Clan, then we are waiting for you at come and see if you have the blood of the trueborn in your veins.
Team Speak 3 Server: /
Discord Server:
Let the Falcon take flight in a new generation,
Let the stars be its hunting grounds.
The history of Russian Jade Falcon in the Battletech Universe.
'RJF on the march'
What does RJF do?
Despite the fact that the RJF is primarily a roleplaying clan, we actively participate in competitive leagues and MWO tournaments, our latest achievement is the 3rd place in the World Championships in 2020.
The level and focus of our training involves bringing newcomers in competitive games, however, this is done as desired, although each team member gains invaluable experience, not to mention in-game prizes for winning.
A lot of effort goes into training new generations of warriors - fresh blood that nourishes the Falcon - thanks to which the Clan is still alive and growing, and has not gone into the Dark. Every day novices and their mentors, as well as observers from among the officers and warriors, gather in the training rooms in TeamSpeak. New educational materials and articles on the lore of the universe are being written.
Every day in the battles, you can see the green-yellow or light-blue mechs of players from the RJF. We do not have a strict schedule of logging for playing in Faction Play or in Quick Play as a group, but anyone can appoint one and lead at any time, whether it is a pre-written announcement on the forums or a spontaneous invitation in TeamSpeak. Experienced dropcoms will always give advice to novice commanders.
For 20 years of its existence, RJF for many has become not just a game team, but rather even a second family. We invite you to become a part of this family.
‘RJF Sibko’
Sibko RJF conducts a set of active and ambitious players who have chosen the path of a warrior of the Jade Falcon Clan.
The training program for siblings includes:
- Basic information about the game's and the Jade Falcon Clan lore.
- All about the characteristics, features and proper use of weapons, equipment and game mechanics of MWO
- Basic Dueling skills
- Basic team interaction and radio communication skills
By moving up to the cadet level, you will be able to take part in competitive games, participate in the development of the Сlan, and also get the opportunity to pass your first Trial of Position - one of the main events in the life of a clanner.
Why should you choose RJF?
- Organization and structure according to the lore of Battletech
- The opportunity to learn from scratch
- Experienced instructors
- A competitive team that regularly participates in leagues and tournaments
- Internal trainings and high average skill of players
- The strongest loyalist unit in the MWO
After joining, you will be expected to:
- Complete the training program (training, Trial of Position). We do not have a minimum skill level threshold, but in our ranks we want to see people willing to develop their skills. Our instructors will help you with this.
- Study the history and laws of the Clan, lore of the BattleTech universe; follow the subordination structure and laws of the Clan (the degree of participation in the role-playing part of the life of the Clan depends on your desire, but the necessary minimum is required from everyone).
You can apply for membership on our forum:
You can come to chat and to play in a group at our TeamSpeak:

On Twitch, you can watch the streams of our warriors, as well as ask questions in the chat, subscribe to the following channels:
Star Colonel Volkodav (
Star Captain SlaveLabor (
Star Commander Pelmeshek (
Star Commander WhiteEyas (
Mechwarrior Stone_Island (
- What’s your prime-time?
- Usually we gather after 21:00 Moscow time. Timezones
- Why don't you use the Discord? Do I have to download the TS?
- We are not satisfied with the quality and reliability of communication in Discord. Yes, voice communication takes place in TeamSpeak.
- Can I play without a microphone?
- The effectiveness in training and in combat in the absence of a microphone tends to zero, so we recommend getting a headset before joining.
- Can I join the clan if I'm just a beginner?
- Yes, we accept players with any level of game skills, but only if you have a desire to improve them.
- What does the training look like, how long does it last?
- For training, you are given a total of no more than a year: half a year as a sibling and another half as a cadet, but most often the training period is no more than six months of active play. The speed of learning depends only on your desire and existing skills. The first half of the year you learn the basics of the game, memorize weaponry performance characteristics, learn the mechanics. You will be taught to shoot, move so as not to die at the first contact with the enemy. Get and remember basic information about the lore (history and laws) of the BattleTech universe and the Jade Falcon clan. Duels are an integral part of training at any stage, and all beginners are taught basic dueling skills. After moving to the cadet level, for the next six months you will undergo advanced dueling training for Trial of Position, additionally, if desired, work on the development of the clan and / or participate in competitive leagues and tournaments as part of the RJF team. You can read more about training and ToP after joining the Clan in a special topic.
- What if I am not sure that I can play constantly, for example, I can be sent on a business trip?
- We treat this with understanding, real life is more important. There is an option to go inactive: you notify your mentor about the absence and leave a message in a special topic on the forum. From this point on, all your tasks are suspended until you return from the inactive state. However, long-term inactivity has a destructive effect on your skills, so before joining, we recommend making sure that you have enough time to learn.
- How strict is the lore in the Clan?
- We try to match the BT universe in terms of unit structure, hierarchy, laws, testing, Trial of Position, mech’ paint job, and the like. There are no sensory restrictions in oral and written speech, if it is not an official event, for example, a Trial. There is no writing the story of your character and playing it, you are you; if desired, any warrior can create a codex with a list of their achievements, significant events of yours, such as winning a Trial, it can be decorated with a lore-story of your composition - you're all welcome. Any conflict situations are resolved in accordance with the lore. You can ask any Clan warrior for more details.
- Can I play the IS mechs?
- In your spare time, you can play on any mech.
- Do I have to repaint all the mechs?
- Yes, all the ones you play on.
Other units
- Can I keep in touch with friends from other units?
- Of course. Feel free to invite them to play with us.
- Can I wear a non-RJF tag, such as my own unit, and be a member of a clan?
- That's out of the question
- Can I play for the IS in Faction Play?
- Yes, if there is no Clan side in the conflict. In addition, there is possibility to farm the reputation of the IS factions in order to get free mech bays.
Edited by SlaveLabor, 02 April 2021 - 02:57 AM.