Homer The Thief, on 10 May 2021 - 10:18 AM, said:
Is the skillgap less in comp, even at the lowest levels?
Compared to soupque?
I think that may have something to do with nascar bean popular.
we can learn a lot from nature.
There's massive skill gap in comp matches at every division, but people still don't try to spin to win. At lower divs, teams do death ball up and try to just walk over the enemy mechs one at a time, but they somehow manage to do that without picking the nearest large object and running in circles around it. At the high divs, death balls all but disappear. There are extra rules to comp matches involving mech classes, drop weights, and the number of people on a team, but all of the other mechanics are the same. It's even a game mode everyone is familiar with. But no nascar.