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Bring Back The Mobility Edge The Fs9 Firestorm Had Over The Other Fs9 Variants.

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#1 The Shazbot


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Posted 19 May 2021 - 01:03 PM

The other heroes that where touched on this patch (5/18/21) that had differing mobility values to the standard variants (Boar's Head, Yen Lo Wang, Spirit Bear, Death Wish) either got to keep their mobility edge vs the standard variants or where given an edge, while the Firestorm was essentially downgraded to equal mobility as the other FS9 variants.

Before the patch when you picked a FS9 hero you went for Ember if you wanted structure quirks or Firestorm if you wanted better mobility. Now the Firestorm just feels like a worse Ember. Nothing stands out about the variant vs the other FS9s except it's ballistic hardpoints, which the Ember shares. If you wanna use lasers and MGs the Ember is now clearly the better choice.

It's not like the Firestorm was or is over performing. It just feels like it had all of it's "flavor" stripped from it, and I don't understand why. As a Solaris Pack preorder owner it makes me a little sad, especially if the rescale is coming later this year.

If anyone has a solid reason for this I am all ears, but I am a bit disappointed atm. I thought we where adding "flavor" to 'Mechs, not removing it.

Edited by The Shazbot, 19 May 2021 - 01:04 PM.

#2 justcallme A S H


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Posted 19 May 2021 - 06:43 PM


There are a few parts to everything from Cauldron point of view.
  • Weapons
  • Mobilty
  • Quirks
  • On-going revisit
The quirk pass isn't at a proposal stage yet and that is where a lot of flavour will come into it. Of course not to say Cauldron isn't going to review mobilty. Without the Quirk proposal ready (hopefully soon-ish) there is a good piece of the puzzle still missing here that people tend to forget as it isn't at the forefront of their minds.

Edited by justcallme A S H, 19 May 2021 - 06:49 PM.

#3 The Shazbot


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Posted 19 May 2021 - 07:39 PM

Looking forward to seeing the quirk ideas! Try not to forget about the Firestorm, it was my fav Firestarter to play pre-patch because it had above average mobility, even though it was pretty bad because of it's size. I just don't want it to be left to gather dust in my mechbay. It having higher mobility seemed like a good trade off for the Ember's structure quirks.

Thanks for your time!

#4 dario03


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Posted 19 May 2021 - 08:08 PM

The plan right now is for it to go back to having a bit of a mobility advantage in a future patch. This is of course subject to change but if it does then quirks will be done to differentiate it from the Ember more.

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