Lockheed_, on 31 May 2021 - 07:44 PM, said:
I see this often from players who were impatient, faced the enemy alone, lost all their trades, are cherry red now and want to continue shooting and now urge their team mates to be their meat shield and when they die they complain about their team mates being stupid.
yeah, there's that.
there's also people who have been shooting AND killing the enemy for 4+ minutes now; and they just don't like the fact that 10+ red mechs aim at them, while 10+ blues are still at 100% and are not shooting anything.
yes, there ARE impatient people in this game that yolo every.single.match.
then again, those of us who play aggressive and try to "lead by example" would like to see the rest of the team participate.
I'm sure you can sympathise
it's just WRONG that I end a match with 1100+ damage, when my alpha is 39, and plenty of 'still alive' assault mechS end the same match with less than 100/200.
shooting reds kills reds, thus wins games. not shooting them... well. and yes, QP is THAT simple
Edited by Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie, 01 June 2021 - 06:53 AM.