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Solved: Run 5 Secs And Close. (Missing Attributes.xml)

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#1 Odin Gunterson


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Posted 10 June 2021 - 02:35 PM


MWO Techs solved it! Yay!

"Default" folder has to be created inside "C:\Users\<USER>\Saved Games\MechWarrior Online\Profiles"

"Attributes.xml" file has to be created inside "C:\Users\<USER>\Saved Games\MechWarrior Online\Profiles\Default"

Text for Attributes.xml

<Attributes Version="10">
<Attr name="Email" value=""/>
<Attr name="FirstTimeTutorialComplete" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.DisableToolTips" value="0"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.MSAAMode" value="0"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.ResolutionIdx" value="4"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_joystick_deadzone" value="0.150000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_joystick_sensitivityX" value="0.250000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_joystick_sensitivityY" value="0.250000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.cl_sensitivity" value="0.500000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.gp_mech_damage_glow" value="0"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.gp_mech_tp_startintp" value="0"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.gp_option_arm_lock" value="0"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.gp_option_throttle_decay" value="0"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.i_mouse_accel" value="0.000000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.i_mouse_smooth" value="0.000000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.r_Brightness" value="0.500000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.r_Contrast" value="0.500000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.r_Height" value="768"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.r_Width" value="1024"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.s_DialogVolume" value="1.000000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.s_MusicVolume" value="0.600000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.s_SFXVolume" value="1.000000"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec_Environment" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec_GameEffects" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec_ObjectDetail" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec_Particles" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec_PostProcessing" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec_Shading" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec_Shadows" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.sys_spec_Texture" value="1"/>
<Attr name="RememberEmail" value="1"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.gp_option_enable_all_chat" value="1"/>

That's it!

(Original post:)

Hi, I assembled a new Desktop rig. Fresh install of Win10. Every game works smoothly (even MW5). But MWO starts as a black window, and after 3-5 secs it flickers (as wanting to make itself bigger) and the black window closes. No prompts, nothing. Could not play even once (so no pilot profile or attributes.xml)

OS: Win 10-Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 19043)
CPU: Intel i7-11700K (11th Gen. with integrated GPU)
RAM: 16Gb
VGA: MSI NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 (what I am using)

Reinstalled the game, rescanned files with Steam, changed from C:\Program files (x86)\MWO to D:\.
Reinstalled again at C: with MWO Portal, rescanned with MWO Repair Tool, same problem.
Gave both versions of MWO all User Permissions. Nothing.
Changed Audio from Nvidia High Definition to Realtek Digital Output. Nothing.

Added the famous Fortnite fix for 10th Gen. Processors, (OPENSSL_ia32cap), installed DX9, DXDiag Diagnostics showed me this:


And this is my Omicron file


Dunno what to do, it seems MWO tries to fire the Intel i7 GPU (?). We have another pc, i5 without GPU and GTX 1660 Super, where the game works perfectly.

Any help? Thanks!

Edited by Odin Gunterson, 26 June 2021 - 08:33 AM.

#2 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 11 June 2021 - 01:22 AM

Is this a desktop or a laptop of some kind? Current display mode is 1360x768x32, (Unknown graphics card) Ignore the unknown graphic card, that shows up in my Omicron logs

As for ensuring the Nvidia is being utilized - Nvidia Control Panel, Manage 3D Settings, Power Management Mode, set to Max Performance.

1st. Delete the attributes.xml file

Where you had located the Omicron logs, back up a few subfolders and locate Profiles then your pilot name. Edit the Attribute.xml file with Notepad then locate the following settings and change the numbers.

<Attr name="OptionCfg.ViewMode" value="0"/> 0 is Windowed Mode, 1 is Full Window Mode, 2 is Fullscreen
The above is set at Fullscreen by default, change the 2 to 0. If the above is not in the file, add it

<Attr name="OptionCfg.r_Height" value="768"/>
<Attr name="OptionCfg.r_Width" value="1360"/>

Also disable Steam overlay and any other program overlays (discord, teamspeak, etc)

#3 Odin Gunterson


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Posted 11 June 2021 - 06:22 AM

* Desktop rig, sorry for not saying that before. Thanks for the Nvidia panel tip! I'll try it.

* This is the sad part. I could not play MWO on this rig, so there is no Profiles neither my pilot name or attributes.xml (I even searched the whole C: hdd)

* I'll try to pinpoint every overlay program involved with my MSI 1660, no discord or teamspeak yet, just only Steam, Armoury Crate (ASUS mobo), MSI Afterburner and Riva Tuner.

Thanks again, I will keep all of you informed...

Edit: I reinstalled it with MWO Portal, run MWO Repair Tool, and same results (Starting black screen 3-5 secs, flickering and closing).

Edited by Odin Gunterson, 12 June 2021 - 10:21 AM.

#4 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 11 June 2021 - 05:17 PM

Okay, desktop rig.. Is that the native resolution of your monitor? Steam by default has the overlay enabled by default.

Just to be clear, it is crashing right after you enter your email addy/pw and hit the log in button then?

#5 D V Devnull


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Posted 12 June 2021 - 03:38 AM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 11 June 2021 - 05:17 PM, said:

Just to be clear, it is crashing right after you enter your email addy/pw and hit the log in button then?

Hi there, Tarl... I just read through the thread, and it appears to be crashing for 'Odin Gunterson' before they can ever have a chance to reach the Login Screen of MWO on their computer. :wacko:

From reading through things, I also suspect that they need to be pointed to the dialog in Win10's Settings where they can instruct every program to go over and use the NVidia card. I know there is one there, but being as I use Win7 myself and have only seen Win10's dialog in passing, it happens that I can not help them with that. :mellow:

Also, I am not sure if they intended it, but it appears that MWO is trying to go over to NVidia's card for the Audio Output location, instead of using whatever actual device is available. At least, unless they are intentionally trying to pump the audio through there, provided that MWO would accept it at all. And it possibly appears that the potentially correct RealTek "Speakers" audio module does not appear to be detectable by MWO or something, at least looking at what is logged in Odin's own copy of the Omicron log file data which they provided. I may be crazy and not understand something in this regard about the Audio Devices on their system, however. :unsure:

To deck it off... Unless I am completely nuts, it may be very possible that Odin is having a permissions-related issue which is making MWO completely choke. To fix that one, they'll need to create a "Games" folder on any drive of their choice, but with the permissions simply set to "Everyone: Full Control" in order to get MWO to behave. To which end, they would install MWO to there and basically bypass virtually any issues that could ever crop up about permissions. If it happens that any lesser permissions are set on the MWO Game Client folder area after installation, they would then need to select the "MechWarrior Online" Game Client folder itself and alter the permissions, forcing propagation to all the sub-folders in the process of completing such a repair. :huh:

Of course, being that I also noticed they are trying to load & launch MWO through Steam instead, the whole thing about permissions may actually be of no use, depending on how Steam fires up MWO and in what way that it would react to those types of changes. I think I'm gonna put a zip on my mind's lips at this point, before I get into ranting about anger-causing software development that leaves a user unnecessarily chasing their tail. -_-

~D. V. "something is really wacky with 'Odin Gunterson's config there... hope this helps with targeting & fixing it" Devnull

#6 Odin Gunterson


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Posted 12 June 2021 - 10:30 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 12 June 2021 - 03:38 AM, said:


~D. V. "something is really wacky with 'Odin Gunterson's config there... hope this helps with targeting & fixing it" Devnull

Wow, Devnull, thanks! I posted the problem in Reddit too, here:

*Reinstalled with MWO Portal at C:, checked files with MWO Repair Tool, same results.

Gonna try the thing for the Realtek Audio instead the Nvidia High Def Audio. And User Permissions, and Firewall...
We will see!

Edit: Changing to Realtek Audio do not solve it (at Omicron is showed as preferred or main). Gave "Full" User Permissions (all permissions) to my user and others. Nothing, same problem.

Edited by Odin Gunterson, 12 June 2021 - 10:45 AM.

#7 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 12 June 2021 - 03:13 PM

There is the loading sequence, playing all of the different things, Nvidia, etc and thought that with sound disabled possibly a workaround, as it was for another player, but his issue was occurring during a drops. But I tried it and it does not take effect until afterwards logging into the game.


Never received an answer, that if this is a desktop but running it at a very low resolution of 1360x768x32. Is this the native resolution of the monitor, or this it a LCD TV?

When uninstalling it does not clear away all MWO files... those in the Saved Game Location.

On the standalone, before hitting Play on the patcher, click on the 3 Lines in the upper left and select MWO Repair Tool. Select Options and select all except 2nd to last the Try to fetch files from other MWO installs on computer.

And just to confirm, Profile folder is empty, with no Player name folders showing up, correct?

AND.. try unplug any joysticks, headphones, mics and other peripheries.


Just getting to the log in screen, either standalone/steam it does several checks. Yours stop at the command VOIPClient, whereas mine continues with some additional lines. I will also saw that before the Start up sequence with PGI/Nvidia plays, that window goes non-responsive (says so Posted Image ) for less than a second.


<16:58:09> [Error] VOIPClient: Error setting AGC max gain: preprocessor disabled (2304)
<16:58:16> TrackIRManager: DLL Location key not present
<16:58:16> TrackIRManager: Error initializing NPClient interface!! (Err: 4)
<16:58:16> TrackIRManager: Error registering window handle!!
<16:58:16> TrackIRManager: Error querying NaturalPoint software version!!
<16:58:16> TrackIRManager: Error stopping cursor
<16:58:16> TrackIRManager: Error starting data transmission
<16:58:17> Patch Complete Received
<16:58:17> [Warning] Unknown command: steam
<16:58:17> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<16:58:22> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<16:58:27> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<16:58:32> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<16:58:37> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<16:58:42> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<16:58:47> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion

<17:02:57> [Error] VOIPClient: Error setting AGC max gain: preprocessor disabled (2304)
<17:03:04> TrackIRManager: DLL Location key not present
<17:03:04> TrackIRManager: Error initializing NPClient interface!! (Err: 4)
<17:03:04> TrackIRManager: Error registering window handle!!
<17:03:04> TrackIRManager: Error querying NaturalPoint software version!!
<17:03:04> TrackIRManager: Error stopping cursor
<17:03:04> TrackIRManager: Error starting data transmission
<17:03:04> Patch Complete Received
<17:03:04> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<17:03:09> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<17:03:14> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<17:03:19> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<17:03:24> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion
<17:03:29> Failed to get invasion status RetrieveFactionQueueData - EFactionPlayType_Invasion


Just noting that MWO will run on the integrated GPU, just with low FPS. Do you have more than one monitor connected? If so, disconnect all but one and switch it to the integrated GPU on the motherboard, update that Intel driver and try running MWO on it, for troubleshooting purposes. That was the one of the nice things I liked when CPU came with their integrated GPU, it provided a troubleshooting path without needing to dig through containers of old equipment :)

Edit - at this point - email technical@mwomercs.com

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 12 June 2021 - 03:20 PM.

#8 Odin Gunterson


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Posted 13 June 2021 - 08:56 AM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 12 June 2021 - 03:13 PM, said:

Never received an answer, that if this is a desktop but running it at a very low resolution of 1360x768x32. Is this the native resolution of the monitor, or this it a LCD TV?

When uninstalling it does not clear away all MWO files... those in the Saved Game Location.

On the standalone, before hitting Play on the patcher, click on the 3 Lines in the upper left and select MWO Repair Tool. Select Options and select all except 2nd to last the Try to fetch files from other MWO installs on computer.

And just to confirm, Profile folder is empty, with no Player name folders showing up, correct?

AND.. try unplug any joysticks, headphones, mics and other peripheries.


Just getting to the log in screen, either standalone/steam it does several checks. Yours stop at the command VOIPClient, whereas mine continues with some additional lines. I will also saw that before the Start up sequence with PGI/Nvidia plays, that window goes non-responsive (says so Posted Image ) for less than a second.

Just noting that MWO will run on the integrated GPU, just with low FPS. Do you have more than one monitor connected? If so, disconnect all but one and switch it to the integrated GPU on the motherboard, update that Intel driver and try running MWO on it, for troubleshooting purposes. That was the one of the nice things I liked when CPU came with their integrated GPU, it provided a troubleshooting path without needing to dig through containers of old equipment Posted Image

Edit - at this point - email technical@mwomercs.com

For me, LCD TV 19", native resolution, but I can change it to more or less if I want... (the late PC had that resolution with a GT 760 and no problems playing MWO).

Yup, Profile Folder is inexistent.

No joystick plugged, or headphones, or other peripheries.

At Reddit one mate suggested to go to W10 "Graphic Settings", and:
"select MWO as an app and then assign a dedicated GPU to it. So its not using the integrated GPU by default. Its a relatively new feature by Windows meant to deal with laptops being confused as to what GPU to use for a specific app and lets the user decide instead."
But nothing, didn't work.

Gonna try to use Intel's GPU instead and tell all of you!

Thanks, keep you informed.

Edit: Oh, I emailed support. Let's see...

Edit 2: Solved! Here:

Edited by Odin Gunterson, 26 June 2021 - 08:29 AM.

#9 Tthrasher


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Posted 15 February 2022 - 08:40 PM

Im having the same issues on a 12th gen i7. None of these fixes seems to work. It appears im getting voip client errors also. Here is my omicron log:
BackupNameAttachment=" Build(0) 15 Feb 22 (22 37 03)" -- used by backup system
Log Started at 02/15/22 22:37:03
Running 64 bit version
Executable: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MechWarrior Online\bin64\MWOClient.exe
BuildInfo: Stage-250:363646
Using STLport C++ Standard Library implementation
Added MOD directory <engine> to CryPak
Executable Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MechWarrior Online\bin64\MWOClient.exe" +steam -flowthru

Total number of logical processors: 20
Number of available logical processors: 20
Total number of system cores: 12
Number of cores available to process: 12

Processor 0:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 1:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 2:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 3:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 4:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 5:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 6:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 7:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 8:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 9:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 10:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 11:
CPU: Intel 12th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-12700KF
Family: 6, Model: 7, Stepping: 2
FPU: On-Chip
CPU Speed (estimated): 10.0 MHz
MMX: not present
SSE: present
3DNow!: not present
Serial number not present or disabled

<22:37:06> Windows 64 bit (build 10.0.19044)
<22:37:06> System language: English
<22:37:06> Windows Directory: "C:\Windows"
<22:37:06> Prerequisites...
<22:37:06> * Installation of KB940105 hotfix required: no! (either not needed or already installed)
<22:37:06> Local time is 22:37:06 02/15/22, system running for 22 minutes
<22:37:06> 32582MB physical memory installed, 25901MB available, 134217727MB virtual memory installed, 20 percent of memory in use
<22:37:06> PageFile usage: 50MB, Working Set: 63MB, Peak PageFile usage: 50MB,
<22:37:06> Current display mode is 2560x1440x32, (Unknown graphics card)
<22:37:06> IBM enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard and 32+ button mouse installed
<22:37:06> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<22:37:06> Stream Engine Initialization
<22:37:06> GameName: MechWarrior Online (64 bit)
<22:37:06> BuildTime: Jan 14 2022 16:45:49
<22:37:06> Logging video adapters:
<22:37:06> - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti (vendor = 0x10de, device = 0x2489)
<22:37:06> - Adapter index: 0
<22:37:06> - Dedicated video memory: 8050 MB
<22:37:06> - Feature level: DX11 (SM 5.0)
<22:37:06> - Displays connected: yes
<22:37:06> - Suitable rendering device: yes
<22:37:06> - Microsoft Basic Render Driver (vendor = 0x1414, device = 0x008c)
<22:37:06> - Adapter index: 1
<22:37:06> - Dedicated video memory: 0 MB
<22:37:06> - Feature level: DX11 (SM 5.0)
<22:37:06> - Displays connected: no
<22:37:06> - Suitable rendering device: no
<22:37:06> Windows Error Reporting is enabled setting exception handler
<22:37:06> Font initialization
<22:37:06> Physics initialization
<22:37:06> Sound initialization
<22:37:06> <Sound> Initializing AudioDevice now!
<22:37:06> <Sound> Initialize FMOD with dynamic memory callbacks
<22:37:06> <Sound> Starting to initialize Windows Audio Session API output!
<22:37:06> <Sound> Playback drivers found: 2
<22:37:06> <Sound> Available playback drivers:
1. Speakers (Realtek® Audio)
2. Realtek Digital Output (Realtek® Audio)
<22:37:06> <Sound> FmodEx-AudioDevice: Now running on driver: Speakers (Realtek® Audio)
<22:37:06> <Sound> No record drivers found!
<22:37:06> <Sound> Record config is set to autodetect using record driver 0
<22:37:06> <Sound> Using speaker mode: FMOD_SPEAKERMODE_7POINT1
<22:37:06> <Sound> Initializing FMOD-EX now!
<22:37:06> <Sound> Initialized FMOD-EX
<22:37:06> <Sound> Using FMOD version: 00044211 and internal 00044211!
<22:37:06> <Sound> Initializing SoundSystem now!
<22:37:06> Renderer initialization
<22:37:06> [Error] Failed to create stereo device
<22:37:07> used GeomInstancingThreshold is 8
<22:37:07> Localized language content(english) not available or modified from the original installation.
<22:37:07> Localized language content(english) not available or modified from the original installation.
<22:37:07> Network initialization
<22:37:07> [net] using iocp socket io management
<22:37:07> [Network Version]: RELEASE PURE CLIENT
<22:37:07> MovieSystem initialization
<22:37:07> Console initialization
<22:37:07> Time initialization
<22:37:07> Input initialization
<22:37:07> AI initialization
<22:37:07> Initializing Animation System
<22:37:07> Initializing 3D Engine
<22:37:07> Initializing default materials...
<22:37:07> Script System Initialization
<22:37:07> Entity system initialization
<22:37:07> Initializing AI System
<22:37:08> [Error] VOIPClient: Error opening capture device: device not registered/known (2321)
<22:37:08> [Error] VOIPClient: Error setting AGC max gain: preprocessor disabled (2304)

#10 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 15 February 2022 - 10:14 PM

View PostTthrasher, on 15 February 2022 - 08:40 PM, said:


did you apply the fix provided in the OP and or here: https://mwomercs.com...l-cpus-and-mwo/ ?

#11 Tthrasher


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Posted 16 February 2022 - 04:43 AM

Ok that worked! Thanks for your help

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