I'm making this topic because i have a real hard time having impact in the game these days.
I kind of stopped playing for a long period, used to be a tier 2 constantly averaging 450 to 500 damages with my meds (sometimes a bit bellow, regularly slightly above, sometimes getting 700 to 900 damages) in Tier 2.
Came back a few weeks ago, got put into tier 3 (Saw the changes about tiers & stuff). And I struggle, A LOT in tier 3.
I play mostly mid range dps builds (mrm/acs/lbx/some med lasers) with medium mechs (bushwacker mostly), i don't like laser vomit builds, and i have a real hard time finding openings : I can't poke because it looks like there's so many people rocking gauss+ppcs and people are taking out my side torsos in 2 alpha strikes, and fight are kind of stale at long range till one side loose suddenly 6 members, then i can't do anything because the ennemy team rushes to clean the second half of the team, not letting me time to dps.
If i try flanking, there's always a bunch of lights or even some heavies who will rush as 2 on me and overwhelm me, if i stick with the team, the scenario above happens.
I don't want to zerg, but if i don't, i'm ending up alone and always a bunch of 2 to 4 mechs take this opportunity to overwhelm me, so i'm forced to stick with the group.
Also dunno how & why, but i'm on a really big lose streak. No matter my impact, my team keeps getting wrecked (like game is stale and suddenly there's 6 guys dying in a 30 seconds span). In the 30 last games i won like 3 to 4 games.
TLDR : I have a hard time finding mid range engagements, high alpha long range builds are two shotting my side torsos (and 2 to 3 shotting my core) so i can't poke, and when short range fight happens, it's when the victory has already been decided by a team. Also on a pretty big loss streak, with something around 25 loss for 5 wins.
-Is it the meta that isn't fitting for mrm/dps stuff ?
-What's your tips with medium mechs ?
-Am I just rusty and can't position myself correctly anymore ? (goes along previous question) + discovering changed maps/new maps.
-Did they kind of nerf MrMs ? (feels like dps is lower, but it my just be me)
-Anything to add about the current state ?
Thank you if you take your time reading it at least, and even more if you take time to answer it.
Edited by Veolfen, 25 June 2021 - 04:15 AM.