I had 7 on Polar, 3 on Polar and 4 on Hibernal. That was just the ones I noticed and remembered. But it seems to be getting worse as the patches go on. I first noticed the uptick probably about 4 patches ago or so.

Patch Update - - 29-June-2021
Started by InnerSphereNews, Jun 29 2021 09:48 AM
22 replies to this topic
Posted 30 June 2021 - 12:44 PM
Posted 30 June 2021 - 12:52 PM
If you are getting Crashes or you spot "input errors" please send a ticket to support@mwomercs.com
Support does a great job of helping trouble shoot crashes or will pass information along to the QA team and they confirm and enter bugs that then get assigned to Dev's to fix!
Support does a great job of helping trouble shoot crashes or will pass information along to the QA team and they confirm and enter bugs that then get assigned to Dev's to fix!
Posted 30 June 2021 - 02:41 PM
RIP Spincrow

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