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"infinite" Game Mode

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Poll: "Infinite" Game Mode (14 member(s) have cast votes)

"Infinite Battle" Mode

  1. Voted Yes, we should add this. (13 votes [92.86%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 92.86%

  2. No, we should not add this. (1 votes [7.14%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.14%

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#1 Syffer


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Posted 20 August 2021 - 06:28 PM

MWO “Infinite” Game Mode

(This may be edited over time.)

This is my battle plan to add a spawn mode. It’s been thought out for a bit, however I am no math major. Thoughts, opinions, feedback are welcome. Please keep it constructive. “It sucks because it sucks.” Or, “It sucks because I don’t like it.” doesn’t help anything really.

At the end of the day, I love the game and it’s universe. I want to see this game grow, and stick around for a while. Though, if we are to grow it, it will require us to be open minded. To go where we have never been, we must do what we have never done.

Edit: Added poll.

To bring more time in combat to players, including solo-queue, vs time spent waiting. Furthermore, to encourage different play styles that break up the monotony of the “murderball” or the endless wait behind cover.
  • Reduce “non-combat” time : combat time ratio
  • Increase Variety of gameplay
  • Offer relevance to different types of builds without a massive buff/nerf cycle
  • Potentially reduce queue times
Size: 8v8 players
  • In the current list of maps, 16 players that can consistently respawn is a good starting point, I think. 24 players may be a bit too hectic. Suggestion: Offer two game modes of this, both being the same with a different name: [8v8 Name] & [12v12 Name]
  • You pick 1 mech for the game, with infinite respawns. New mech requires going back to mech-lab and re-selecting. Simple as that.
Drop in/drop out matchmaking.
  • If this game mode is going to be infinite, the game flow cannot be disrupted when people leave. So those waiting in queue can be dropped into already existing matches. Those leaving receive no penalty for doing so. They will receive rewards proportionate to their performance/participation similar to how they are distributed in the current game.
  • Capture-able zones that provide Ammo Replenishment at 1% per second. (This is just a base idea, the actual best rate may be different.) Without this, using any build that consumes ammo would need to sacrifice themselves to respawn and replenish, which disrupts the battle-flow. Creating capture-able points that give ammo gives incentive to move the map dynamic, preventing stagnation on the field. A guass or LRM user who would otherwise stay safely in their desired range, has incentive to venture into the hotter spots in the map for more ammo. The 1%/sec ammo is the incentive. Health points was a thought, but in most scenarios it seems to create the kind of game mode we don’t want. Camping points to be “tanky” when the idea is that dying is okay here…
  • This provides a means (other than suicide) to replenish ammo, and prevents laser-focused builds from being “overpowered” in winning by attrition.
  • This is also an incentive to continue playing well, as even if you are using ammo you will ultimately not lose to attrition against energy builds.
Respawns: Probably the single most important part of this.
  • This is a key part of this. Respawns must be distributed around the map to break up monotony, while also to spawning people near the action. We want the maps to feel active, and keep the anticipation of never knowing what's around the corner. So respawns will be spaced out well enough in the maps that someone doesn’t drop in and die before they can move, but also have it that they aren’t walking the entirety of the map to rejoin the fight.
  • Spawns must be erratic. If a team is always spawning together, this supports the “murderball” and encourages the possibility of snowballing to one team or another. We don’t want this in an endless match. We want spontaneity to keep things fluid in the chaos. To keep the fight moving over the long term. Ideally, we want it to feel like we never run out of people to engage. The map never feels empty, balancing this that it also doesn’t feel too crowded.
  • Spawn Timer: approximately ~10 seconds. (If spawn & die is too much an issue, maybe give a 1-2 second window of invulnerability so a pilot has time to adjust.)
  • Earnings will be based on performance during your time in the match, however long or short you choose to stay. Of course, longer durations would equate to more rewards just as playing more matches gives… well, more.
  • Rewards will be somewhere between a loss and a win’s (based on current modes) amount. We don’t want it to be a winning amount as it then becomes the single fastest way to get EXP/C-bills which makes players feel forced to grind. We don’t want it to be a loss amount because then players by contrast feel punished for playing a mode they may enjoy.
Current Averages Idle/Game time:
  • Idle Factors:
    • Searching for match: 30 - 90sec
    • Voting: 23 sec
    • Loading Map/waiting for players to ready up (This is “time till play”): 31 - 84sec
    • Ingame: Walking to engagement area/waiting time to engage: 82-115sec
    • Total: 166 - 312 seconds, or 2.8 - 5.2 minutes outside engagement per match.
  • Gameplay Duration:
    • 300-720 seconds or 5-12 minutes (4500-10800)
  • Result:
    • Using averages, In 15 matches (75 - 180 minutes gametime) players spend:
      • Players spend approximately 2490 - 4680 seconds, or 42 - 78 minutes idle. 43-55% idle
      • Players spend approximately 2010- 6120seconds, or 33 - 102 minutes in PvP combat. 44-56% pvp
    • Imagine telling someone who really wants to play this game that they will spend literally half (or more) of their time waiting to actually play the game. Consider that if we follow these patterns, you could spend 4 hours on MWO, and only about 2 playing. For those of us with busy lifestyles and few hours to play, this is a hard pill to swallow. As the “idle” time feels kind of wasted.
    • Many enjoy the hardcore approach of 1 life games, so we keep those game modes and make this one a voteable one just like any other, so everyone can win.

Edited by Syffer, 21 August 2021 - 09:50 AM.

#2 D V Devnull


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Posted 21 August 2021 - 05:01 AM

Heck, Syffer, you could split this off into its' own entire part of the game. All it would take at that point is to put another green button on the Home MechLab Screen along with the four that are already there, and give it a unique name to make it stand out. Also, something like this could be made to operate at sizes larger than 12v12 too, even though they could also have 12v12 and 8v8 battle areas for those bent on having a smaller number of people involved. From within that area, a User Interface could then be added that...
  • enables selecting which of the infinitely-active battlezones to go to (as in, what kind of map environment area they wish to play in)
  • what limit on people that they wish to play against (which would be where they pick unlimited, 12v12, or 8v8 options, and would decide which of the sessions that they end up in)
  • being able to select which Team to enter the fight with (obviously with the limitation that you have to drop onto the opposing Team if one side is already up a player)
  • seeing how many people are on each side already (so they understand why things are going the way they are, and can set their mental frame in terms of entering the fight in a way that doesn't get them squashed instantly)
  • getting a thumbnail/screenshot of the map area to understand the space they're dropping into (kind of like the normal Quick Play type of Pre-Drop screen)
  • if there are multiple sessions with empty slots open, then also a listing of which ones they can drop into (perhaps partially limiting what is displayed at this stage by the player's PSR status, since we don't want to just throw someone into a situation where they have no chance at all)
...and would comfortably enable a player to get running quickly, but without the awful feeling like they're just being fed to some kind of unwarranted wrongful metal grinder. At least with this much User Interface to use and access the game with, it would give any player considered compatible with a listed Match some kind of chance to be able to play well. :D

As you can imagine, after all that I have typed here for posting, you most certainly have my...


...on adding something like this to MWO for people to play with and enjoy! Hey... Why didn't you add a Poll for people to Vote on this with? B)

~D. V. "Some 'Infinite Battlezone' play? Count me in!" Devnull

[Small Extra Edit by the Post Author for simultaneous formatting and wording issues.]

Edited by D V Devnull, 21 August 2021 - 05:05 AM.

#3 Syffer


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Posted 21 August 2021 - 08:23 AM

"on adding something like this to MWO for people to play with and enjoy! Hey... Why didn't you add a Poll for people to Vote on this with?Posted Image"
By: D V Devnull

Actually I would love to add a poll... just don't know how. Posted Image

Also, thanks for the feedback! Glad I'm not alone in thinking so!

Edited by Syffer, 21 August 2021 - 08:38 AM.

#4 D V Devnull


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Posted 22 August 2021 - 04:44 AM

View PostSyffer, on 21 August 2021 - 08:23 AM, said:

"on adding something like this to MWO for people to play with and enjoy! Hey... Why didn't you add a Poll for people to Vote on this with?Posted Image"
By: D V Devnull

Actually I would love to add a poll... just don't know how. Posted Image

Also, thanks for the feedback! Glad I'm not alone in thinking so!

Looks like you found where to add the Poll there. Nicely done. I've added a "Yes" Vote to it. :)

As an extra suggestion for the Poll above, it might be worth also having a "Maybe/Other (Please Post and Discuss?)" Option for those who are not absolutely sure in either direction at this time. It's not mandatory, but I sometimes notice that it helps. :D

Also (I'm not trying to jab or jump on you here... Merely trying to be helpful!!!), if you wish to properly Quote somebody, please use the displayed "MultiQuote" & "Quote" Buttons below a person's post. That little button for "MultiQuote" will also allow you to rack up several people's posts to Quote before you make yours, and pull them all into your post at the same time. You can always trim down the content that is being referenced (Full Post Quotes are never a requirement around these parts!) before posting, but it will enable pointing to the other person's post, such as I have done above with yours. B)

Which brings me to my last couple of thoughts here for now... I noticed that these posts are the only recent ones that you have, so I must say Welcome Back to the MWO Forums after all this time. Let us hope that your idea can succeed, as the last rumors which I heard around here suggested that Live Entry for gameplay was not possible in MWO under the systems which PGI has implemented at this time. ^_^

~D. V. "giving you Extra Forum Tips while they hope your 'Infinite Mode' will ultimately become part of MWO" Devnull

[One Minor Edit by the Post's Author for a useful thought they missed posting... oops!]

Edited by D V Devnull, 22 August 2021 - 04:47 AM.

#5 Syffer


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Posted 22 August 2021 - 05:02 PM

Thanks D V Devnull! Appreciate all the help! Posted Image

Duly noted on quoting! And I hope it works out too haha. Definitely hoping for something like that. That, and AI opponents. Perhaps an entire other topic. Something that could mirror Forza's Drivatar system. So we get AI with human characteristics to both keep the game active in low activity states and also provide more gameplay scenarios. You know. Break up the whole "Nascar or bust" playstyle.

#6 Araevin Teshurr


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Posted 23 August 2021 - 06:47 PM

Let's name this new mode button.....FARMING. or SPEED CBILLS..

Edited by Araevin Teshurr, 23 August 2021 - 06:48 PM.

#7 D V Devnull


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Posted 24 August 2021 - 05:26 AM

View PostAraevin Teshurr, on 23 August 2021 - 06:47 PM, said:

Let's name this new mode button.....FARMING. or SPEED CBILLS..

Those names would not fit this type of mode for everyone. Could you imagine a newbie trying it, and getting repeatedly smashed? And how long after changing Mechs would one be required to wait before they could use that previous Mech again in any battle? :(

Something like the name "Onslaught" would be far more appropriate for this quote-unquote "infinite" battle, provided that PGI doesn't create a Mode similar to "Unreal Tournament 2004"s version of something by that name. Of course, knowing PGI's people, something like the UT2K4 Onslaught would probably end up with a name like "Takeover" instead, which would leave the name "Onslaught" free for use with the idea which Syffer is proposing here. ;)

~D. V. "trying to give perspective on good mode names, including for Syffer's 'infinite' battle idea" Devnull

#8 Ghoja


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Posted 05 October 2021 - 03:17 AM

Why not just make a Unreal Tournament style capture the flag mode.... Results would be about the same. Actually, I would prefer it to this. There is an end, but could end up infinite. The biggest issue with something like this would be the resources to keep a large enough amount of these going... and preventing somehow a 12-man from just dominating the ones running. Also could cause issues where people just quit playing because they get stuck in wait queues forever and there aren't enough people dropping to get matches elsewhere. Not to mention suicide missile launcher mech build teams.

Edited by Ghoja, 05 October 2021 - 03:23 AM.

#9 Kriegson


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Posted 16 January 2022 - 04:53 AM

I like the concept of drop in matches AND the devs do too, their original vision for the game had missions where mercenaries could be dropped into existing battlegrounds and current fights.

The problem though is how it FEELS to be dropped into a losing fight. Fortunately in mechwarrior most people are good sports and I've only had a few who complain when the team almost immediately has someone die or AFK about the match being lost.
So imagine spawning in, looking at the score and losing hope immediately. Not a very fun experience.

I think this mode would be good to tie into the existing base defense idea, but with different maps that have something of a larger design and open layout with sub-bases for each side that take some time to destroy or capture and once captured, remain so. Each capture/destruction will provide a C-bill bonus.
This ensures matches aren't tug of wars that drag on for too long, but also give the losing side the ability to claim SOME victories even if the match ends in defeat.

Spawning can be done via dropship. Players will load in before the dropship appears and so be able to review the map and situation. Enemies wthin 800m with a clear line of sight and no ECM will be locked by the ship and that data transmitted to the team. The dropship will also have functional turrets to discourage spawncamping on top of this while it's still possible to set up an ambush using ECM or stealth armor.

Edited by Kriegson, 16 January 2022 - 04:58 AM.

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