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Got Stuck On The New Hpg Manifold Map

Bug Stuck New HPG

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#1 Zekido


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Posted 25 August 2021 - 06:25 AM

Not sure where i should put this bug report otherwise, but i got stuck on the lower entrance to the center of the map with my Marauder II. Couldn't move forward, backwards or even turn, while the mech was constantly in a state of 14-16kph even without my input. Guess i trapped a foot in a small crevice or something. Fortunately the enemies walked in front of me so i could depose of them, but it could've been a much much worse match for me :D

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#2 D V Devnull


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Posted 02 September 2021 - 05:49 AM

Hello there, Zekido... I found and confirmed what you're talking about. It can even get a Light Mech stuck if they're not moving very fast and lack JumpJets being equipped on it. And like another person which I just replied to earlier, I see you're also missing some useful Coordinates. If you're wondering how to get them, all you have to do is press "F9" on your keyboard whenever you have one of your Mechs out on a map, and it will show up in the top left corner. (Also happens to be how you can check your Ping & Framerate quickly when you don't have time to stare at the ScoreBoard due to something going on around you!!!) For your particular spot, I got as close as I could without getting stuck in there, and the approximate Coordinates are...

2384 — 2080 — 148.6 (and Looking West)

...as displayed in MWO's game client itself. Hopefully, this will enable the Developers who work on this (particularly Francois themself, as they are the primary known designer of the new HPG Manifold map) to rapidly fix the issue. Which reminds me... I did a Freecam in the Testing Grounds of your particular spot, and you can literally look down out of the map from there to where a bright box resides far in the distance. It was a totally goofy moment that might make someone feel a tad existential, but I'm guessing that's only because I have watched 10 full seasons of an animated show whose name I'm not saying here. (If the mistake of saying that name was made here, it might hijack your thread, and I do not want that!) Anyway, let us hope this one gets thoroughly filled in, flattened out, and the view fixed! :blink:

~D. V. "I got you covered on the missing 'E5/D5' Coordinates for this HPG Manifold glitch!" Devnull

#3 Muz0079


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Posted 05 September 2021 - 08:47 AM

Dont have exact coordinates but just got completely stuck at base of D5/E5 ramp from basement (just outside basement entrance on left hand side looking up ramp). Speed stuck at 31kph (cyclops-S) but no movement. zero throttle and torso centre buttons didn't work either.

#4 zetagundam12


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Posted 18 September 2021 - 05:11 PM

Just had my friend get stuck in exactly the same spot, disappointing to see it's been an issue for a month

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