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Erll's Have Too Much Range.


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#21 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 02 October 2024 - 06:00 AM

honestly the bigger problem is Clan ER LLs. the IS ones are ok and even good but the increased range of most Clan weapons makes them a bigger problem especially combined with their lower tonnages and slot requirements. that said there are other weapons with massive range that are far more problematic like HAGs. still i think the ER LLs are in an ok spot and don't really need m any changes as of right now. hell even on HPG i rarely have much trouble with ER LL snipers as that map has plenty of cover even if you completely avoid the basement. Gauss, ER PPC, and HAGs are much more troublesome and to be honest AC/2s are just more annoying than anything else unless you are spamming a tone of them.

Edit- on a side tangent i think the greater prevalence of snipers is also to do with the fact that LRM have been nerfed so badly. they used to be my go to counter for snipers (i have hand tremors so counter sniping has about the same effectiveness for me if not less). yeah if fired near max range the likelihood of them hitting is lower but you can really punish a sniper that doesn't have really good cover or better yet the assault snipers that can't get to cover quick enough. trouble is the nerfs to velocity (recent) and range (IS LRM was once 1k meters long ago) have made this use for them worthless as hell most lights can just about outrun your missiles in many cases.

Edited by VeeOt Dragon, 02 October 2024 - 06:06 AM.

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