When Canyon was reworked with more ramps and bridges, one wall stood out as having no ramps at all. While there are 2 bridges to it, players seem to avoid these I figure to not take weapons fire.
This results in an entire wall the team spawning near F4 being able to use this wall as a defensive barrier forcing an opposing team to either go the long way around the 2 map edges or use the mentioned bridges that are avoided.
This may also be why so many teams I see that spawn at or near F4 always tend to go to this area in any mode that is not Domination and may also create this 'E5 sniping problem' mentioned at link.
Skirmish and Assault, F4 team goes to the defense wall and either uses it to force the opposing team to come to them or to rush the opposing base in Assault.
Conquest, F4 team always rushes Eps as a 12 man no matter which side I have been on using wall as cover. Tried once to ask team to do another approach, no one listens, that is the power of the Wall.
Pictures to prove this, first 2 shots of the No Ramp Fortress Wall.

For comparison 2 shots of Hibernal same wall but it has 2 ramps that make a difference, opposing team can put Mechs in the canyon then use the ramps to climb and attack since the orange outlined ramps have partial cover while climbing that the bridges on Canyon lack.

Map of Canyon showing problem area.
Wall marked in purple.
Exposed bridges marked in green.
Canyon marked in yellow, this canyon can use the ramps on Hibernal to safely attack the purple wall but no ramps on Canyon map either make them useless, force them to climb the opposing side and use bridges that are too exposed thus avoided or finally force opposing team to run around map edges creating a 'fort' behind purple wall not available on Hibernal.