Main issue I'm seeing is there seems to be no real weakness to these two weapons at the moment. If you are skilled with them, not even lights want to mess with you majority of the time. And with the new maps being sniper friendly the brawlers are lucky if they are able to charge them without losing something on the way.
Example, few days ago had a match on frozen city, almost the whole team was either Gauss or ER PPC aside from a few lights with their team. Any time someone wanted to trade at 1200M across the valley they lost something. Resulted in my whole team refusing to want to move anywhere not able to do anything. I was running my LB 2-X x2 on my CN9-D, and was one of maybe 4-6 that could actually trade but not for long. Usually can pull 800-1000 on that mech on maps like that, but the power of poke out shoot and duck is just better. Left that match with only 400-ish, 0-12.
All that being said, I'm curious as to what everyone one ells thinks. Should they have higher drop off like LRM's and close range? Should they have it to give weapons like AC/Ultra/LB 2's a place to shine?