justcallme A S H, on 03 October 2021 - 02:31 AM, said:
If you make IS XL the same as cXL you invalidate LFE.
With the current setup, true to a point. Since making that change is likely more than modifying XML, then there would need additional adjustments so that the engines would have different dissipation/agility/movement penalties.
And the tonnage difference is enough to where it would barely make up the difference of using Endo.
IS weapons, for the most part take up more space, shorter range and lesser damage. Weight saving features, Endo/Ferro, takes up 14 slots compared to Clan's 7 slots.
As for STD, it is the same for both sides with the Clans benefiting from non-engine components but they both die if the CT is destroyed. Could or should PGI "enhance" STD engines? Several IS mechs that do run with STD engines due it for a reason, ie lack of slots remaining, to free up those ST slots and/or due to having a low engine cap... Why see a heat/agility penalty when a ST is removed?
- 350 engine rating LFE 29.5t vs XL 22t for a 7.5t difference
- 325 engine rating LFE 25t vs XL 19t for a 6t difference
- 300 engine rating LFE 20.5t vs XL 15.5t for a 5t difference
Tarl Cabot, on 16 November 2020 - 06:59 PM, said:
This +1.
PGI is utilizing only a portion of the engine crit rules and heatscale. Add that for any players running an IS trial mech or purchasing trial/champion/etc IS mechs w/isXL, even with the heat bar sitting at 0% isXL is instant death w/loss of a ST, whereas for cXL and the couple of mechs w/LFE it isn't. And it would make IS Omnimechs viable instead of players targeting a ST instead of CT/cockpit or both ST/legs to kill said mech. (CT/cockpit/both legs still needed for STD too ).
- isXL 40-45% Engine loss heat capacity / x% loss heat dissipation / 25% movement
- cXL 25-30% Engine loss heat capacity/ x% loss heat dissipation / 20% movement
- LFE 15-20% Engine loss heat capacity/ x% loss heat dissipation / 15% movement
And torso twisting helps, to a point, since a majority of IS mechs are in humanoid form, but for chicken walkers and those whose arms have been removed, a destroyed ST is the same as a destroyed CT for an isXL mech but it is for a cXL or LFE or STD mech. And isn't one of the reasons that a majority of mechs in MWOWC have been Clan mechs when the rules did not restrict it to IS mechs only?
And change to the isXL behavior though would help open the door for IS OMNIs introduction (I know.. wet dream

), as well as give potential boost to newcomers living a tad longer when using Trial mechs or after purchasing their first set of IS mechs w/isXL engines.
As for veterans, isXL would not benefit HGR equipped mechs, nor those whose ST is near maxed out and do not have free 3 slots a ST. And if the change were made with something like I had proposed then Clan XL would also benefit where their heatspike is much less than it is now, and considering their weapons overall produce more damage, that also comes with more heat.